What was the Great Migration caused by what were the effects of the Great Migration?

Between the years of 1915 and 1930, more than 1 million black southerners set out on one of America's most important mass movements. These people migrated from the South's countryside to the cities in the North in hopes of finding better jobs, a new sense of citizenship, and a new respect for themselves, their families, and their people in the North.

In 1910, the North and South were so dissimilar that they could have passed for two different countries. The southern states were isolated, economically backward, had fewer schools, and higher rates of illiteracy. The South was suffering from floods and the boll weevil, both of which injured the faltering southern economy. The Industrial Revolution resulted in increased mechanization of farms, displacing many Negroes, and the economic picture was bleak because there were no jobs on farms.

Their northern counterparts, however, boasted cultural attractions and booming industries that produced a huge demand for labor. In order to increase factory output to meet orders, northern industrial bosses dispatched labor agents to the South to recruit Negroes, promising them employment and free railroad transportation. Despondent blacks seized the opportunity for a new life and began to leave in large numbers.

With black labor leaving the South in large numbers, southern planters tried to prevent the outflow, but were ultimately unsuccessful. The more progressive southern employers tried to promise better pay and improved treatment. Others tried to intimidate blacks, even going so far as to board northbound trains and attack black men and women, to try to force them into returning to the South.

The Great Migration created the first large, urban black communities in the North. The North saw its black population rise about 20 percent between 1910 and 1930. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Cleveland saw some of the biggest increases.

Migrants soon discovered that their past rural residence had not prepared them for urban life. The challenges of living in an urban environment were daunting to many. As in the South, segregation in housing and hiring were the norm, and northern racism sometimes took on a brutality that equaled anything in Mississippi or Alabama. Most often new arrivals could only land the poor paying jobs that did not require any intelligence. They found themselves surrounded by prejudice, discrimination and segregation and were forced to reside in run-down areas of the city.

But despite the challenges, most of those who went to North never returned to the South. African Americans created businesses, neighborhoods, and political organizations. Harlem, New York, became a center for African American culture, and spawned the Harlem Renaissance.

The steam of migrants continued until the Great Depression and World War II caused northern demand for workers to slacken.

Related Links

  • Yale: Great Migration
  • History Channel:  Great Migration

The Great Migration (African American)

Southern family arriving in Chicago during World War I

by James Gregory

Over the course of the 20th century, more than seven million African Americans left homes in the South to resettle in northern and western states. Historians have long described this exodus as the Great Migration, great not just because of the numbers of people who moved but also because of the social and political consequences. Once a people of the South, Black Americans became increasingly part of the big cities of all regions and in those urban settings steadily gained political and cultural influence. The Great Migration was thus key to the struggles and accomplishments of the long civil rights movement.

This page introduces resources for exploring the Great Migration, including several sets of interactive maps and tables showing where people settled and where they came from decade by decade.

How Many?

Migration out of the South was not new to the 20th Century, but volumes escalated through the first three decades of the new century, reaching a peak during World War I and the 1920s. Jobs in the North were part of the lure, especially as labor shortages encouraged companies to relax customary whites-only hiring restrictions. But other factors were also involved, notably the chance to exchange Jim Crow subordination for the greater freedom of cities outside the South.

Migration slowed dramatically in the 1930s, then soared during World War II and the two decades following, a period sometimes called the Second Great Migration. After the 1960s, rates of migration began to decline noticeably and by the 1980s former southerners were among those looking for opportunities in the new economy of the South, now renamed the Sunbelt.

The chart at right shows estimates of the volume of migration out of the South during each decade. It is based on calculations using the census survival method reported in James Gregory, The Southern Diaspora: How the Great Migrations of Black and White Southerners Transformed America. Since the publication of that book, Leah Platt Bouston (Competition in the Promised Land: Black Migrants in Northern Cities and Labor Markets) refined the method and clarified data problems that complicate estimates for the 1960s and 1970s. Accordingly, the chart reports only loose estimates for those decades.

Click the image at right for six interactive maps and charts that show the numbers of African American migrants leaving the South, the states and cities where they settled, and their states of origin for each decade 1900 to 2000. Use these maps and charts to investigate volumes and directions. The first map reveals decade-by-decade the number of southerners living in northern and western states. Select a state of origin and see where people went. Another map shows similar data for each metropolitan area where Black southerners settled. A third allows us to highlight a northern or western state and see which southern states contributed the most migrants. Or start with a southern state and see where its people went. Finally an interactive table provides the data behind these visualizations.

The Great Migration out of the South lasted three-quarters of a century, slowing in the 1970s. Since then, Black Americans have been moving to the South in large numbers, in some sense reversing the Great Migration. But the story is more complicated than the slogan. The Great Migration was largely from the rural South while the new migration has little to do with rural areas, or with states like Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana which saw so many leave during the exodus. The big cities of Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Texas, and North Carolina have attracted most of those participating in the Move South and typically this has not been a return migration. Some elders have returned home, but a strong majority are newcomers to the South, including many children or grandchildren of the exodus generation. Others are immigrants from the Caribbean and Africa. And the migration is transforming the South. Many of the migrants have come with advanced skills and education: some with resources to start new enterprises, others with the capacity to affect the culture and politics of southern places. Here are interactive graphics and maps that allow us to track the migration south.

The relocations of African Americans have been among the most consequential migrations in American history. Historians refer to one sequence as the Great Migration, referring to the exodus of more than seven million people from the South to states in the North and West in the decades between 1910 and 1970. But Black mobility began in the 19th century and continues into the 21st. Here are interactive graphics and maps that allow us to track the changing population of each state decade-by-decade since 1850. Select a state and see where people were born, both other countries and other states.


  • The Second Great Migration: An Historical Overview
  • Black Metropolis
  • The Great Migration and Civil Rights Movement

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 The is part of the Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium | University of Washington 
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What was the Great Migration What were its effects?

During the Great Migration, Blacks began to build a new place for themselves in public life, actively confronting racial prejudice as well as economic, political and social challenges to create a Black urban culture that would exert enormous influence in the decades to come.

What was the great migration and what caused it quizlet?

The Great Migration refers to the movement in large numbers of African Americans during and after World War I from the rural South to industrial cities of the Northeast and Midwest. One million people left the fields and small towns of the South for the urban North during this period (1916-1930).

What were the effects of the Great Migration quizlet?

Great Migration - What was the impacts of the great migration? Racism in the North; Blacks were not allowed to join or create labor unions; neighborhoods became segregated; Red Summer (1919) Riots, mob violence and murder.

What were the effects of WWI that contributed to the Great Migration?

Arguably the most profound effect of World War I on African Americans was the acceleration of the multi-decade mass movement of black, southern rural farm laborers northward and westward to cities in search of higher wages in industrial jobs and better social and political opportunities.

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