What is the probability that a five-card poker hand contains a royal flush

The game of poker has many variants. Common to all is the fact that players get - one way or another - hands of five cards each. The hands are compared according to a predetermined ranking system. Below, we shall evaluate probabilities of several hand combinations.

Poker uses the standard deck of 52 cards. There are C(52, 5) possible combinations of 5 cards selected from a deck of 52: 52 cards to choose the first of the five from, 51 cards to choose the second one, ..., 48 to choose the fifth card. The product 52×51×50×49×48 must be divided by 5! because the order in which the five cards are added to the hand is of no importance, e.g., 7♣8♣9♣10♣J♣ is the same hand as 9♣7♣10♣J♣8♣. Thus there are C(52, 5) = 2598960 different hands. The poker sample space consists of 2598960 equally probable elementary events.

The probability of whichever hand is naturally 1/2598960. [Mazur, pp. 81-82] shows another elegant way of arriving at the same probability. Imagine having a urn with 52 balls, of which 5 are black and the remaining white. You are to draw 5 balls out of the urn. What is the probability that all 5 balls drawn are black?

The probability that the first ball is black is 5/52. Assuming that the first ball was black, the probability that the second is also black is 4/51. Assuming that the first two balls are black, the probability that the third is black is 3/50, ... The fifth ball is black with the probability of 1/48, provided the first 4 balls were all black. The probability of drawing 5 black balls is the product:

The highest ranking poker hand is a Royal Flush - a sequence of cards of the same suit starting with 10, e.g., 10♣J♣Q♣K♣A♣. There are 4 of them, one for each of the four suits. Thus the probability of getting a royal flush is 4/2598960 = 1/649740. The probability of getting a royal flush of, say, spades ♠, is of course 1/2598960.

Any sequence of 5 cards of the same suit is a straight flush ranked by the highest card in the sequence. A straight flush may start with any of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cards and some times with an Ace where it is thought to have the rank of 1. So there are 9 (or 10) possibilities of getting a straight flush of a given suit and 36 (or 40) possibilities of getting any straight flush.

Five cards of the same suit - not necessarily in sequence - is a flush. There are 13 cards in a suit and C(13, 5) = 1287 combinations of 5 cards out of 13. All in all, there are 4 times as many flush combinations: 5148.

Four of a kind is a hand, like 5♣5♠5♦5♥K♠, with four cards of the same rank and one extra, unmatched card. There are 13 combinations of 4 equally ranked cards each of which can complete a hand with any of the remaining 48 cards. Giving the total of 13×48 = 624 possible "four of a kind" combinations.

A hand with 3 cards of one rank and 2 cards of a different rank is known as Full House. For a given rank, there are C(4, 3) = 4 ways to choose 3 cards of that rank; there 13 ranks to consider. There are C(4, 2) = 6 combinations of 2 cards of equal rank, but now only 12 ranks to choose from. There are then 4×13×6×12 = 3744 full houses.

A straight hand is a straight flush without "flush", so to speak. The card must be in sequence but not necessarily of the same suit. If the ace is allowed to start a hand, there are 40 ways to choose the first card and then, we need to account that the remaining 4 cards could be of any of the 4 suits, giving the total of 40×4×4×4×4 = 10240 hands. Discarding 40 straight flushes leaves 10200 "regular" flushes.

Three of a kind is a hand, like 5♣5♠5♦7♥K♠, where three cards have the same rank while the remaining 2 differ in rank between themselves and the first three. There are 13×C(4, 3) = 52 combinations of three cards of the same rank. The next card could be any of 48 and the fifth any of 44 and the pair could come in any order so the products needs to be halved: 52×48×44 / 2 = 54912.

If you watch any movie that involves poker, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before a royal flush makes an appearance. This is a poker hand that has a very specific composition: the ten, jack, queen, king and ace, all of the same suit. Typically the hero of the movie is dealt this hand and it is revealed in a dramatic fashion. A royal flush is the highest ranked hand in the card game of poker. Due to the specifications for this hand, it is very difficult to be dealt a royal flush. 

Basic Assumptions and Probability

There is a multitude of different ways that poker can be played. For our purposes, we will assume that a player is dealt five cards from a standard 52 card deck. No cards are wild, and the player keeps all of the cards that are dealt to him or her.

To calculate the probability of being dealt a royal flush, we need to know two numbers:

  • The total number of possible poker hands
  • The total number of ways that a royal flush can be dealt.

Once we know these two numbers, the probability of being dealt a royal flush is a simple calculation. All that we have to do is to divide the second number by the first number.

Number of Poker Hands

Some of the techniques of combinatorics, or the study of counting, can be applied to calculate the total number of poker hands. It is important to note that the order in which the cards are dealt to us does not matter. Since the order does not matter, this means that each hand is a combination of five cards from a total of 52. We use the formula for combinations and see that there are a total number of C( 52, 5 ) = 2,598,960 possible distinct hands.

Royal Flush

A royal flush is a flush. This means that all of the cards must be of the same suit. There are a number of different kinds of flushes. Unlike most flushes, in a royal flush, the value of all five cards are completely specified. The cards in one's hand must be a ten, jack, queen, king and ace all of the same suit.

For any given suit there is only one combination of cards with these cards. Since there are four suits of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades, there are only four possible royal flushes that can be dealt.

The Probability of a Royal Flush

We can already tell from the numbers above that a royal flush is unlikely to be dealt. Of the nearly 2.6 million poker hands, only four of them are royal flushes. These nearly 2.6 hands are uniformly distributed. Due to the shuffling of the cards, every one of these hands is equally likely to be dealt to a player.

The probability of being dealt a royal flush is the number of royal flushes divided by the total number of poker hands. We now carry out the division and see that a royal flush is rare indeed. There is only a probability of 4/2,598,960 = 1/649,740 = 0.00015% of being dealt this hand.

Much like very large numbers, a probability that is this small is hard to wrap your head around. One way to put this number in perspective is to ask how long it would take to go through 649,740 poker hands. If you were dealt 20 hands of poker every night of the year, then this would only amount to 7300 hands per year. in 89 years you should only expect to see one royal flush. So this hand is not as common as what the movies might make us believe.

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Taylor, Courtney. "The Probability of Being Dealt a Royal Flush in Poker." ThoughtCo. //www.thoughtco.com/probability-of-being-dealt-a-royal-flush-3126173 (accessed January 4, 2023).

What is the probability that a 5 card poker hand is dealt as a straight flush 5 cards of a sequence express your solution as a decimal accurate to six places?

1 Answer. Probability of getting a hand that has 5 cards of the same suit (flush, straight flush, royal flush) =51482598960≅. 00198 .

How many 5 card hands can be formed that include a flush?

A hand that is a flush must consist of all five cards being of the same suit. Each of the four suits has 13C5 = 1287 possible five-card hands that are all of the same suit.

What is the probability of dealing 5 spades in a row?

Basic Probability In boolean language, if the events are related by a logical OR, then the probabilities add. The probability of 5 hearts OR 5 clubs OR 5 diamonds OR 5 spades is approximately . 002 or 1 out of 500, four times the probability of drawing 5 hearts.

What is the probability that your hand is a flush?

The probability of being dealt a straight flush is 0.00001539077169. On average, a straight flush is dealt one time in every 64,974 deals.

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