What happens if you leave a face mask on all night?

A face mask, or facial mask, consists of clay, gel, enzymes, charcoal, or a mix of other ingredients. You apply the mask to your face using your fingertips or a brush.

Sheet face masks are a variation on the traditional facial mask. These are made of a fabric soaked in a nutrient- or vitamin-rich serum or essence.

Depending on your skin concern, you want to choose a face mask that has specific ingredients for targeting dryness, dullness, or acne, for example.

Some masks are specifically designed as overnight masks (also called sleeping packs), and they’re generally safe to wear while sleeping.

Other masks may be too drying to leave on all night, but they could help as a spot treatment if you have a pimple.

Some gentle masks, either homemade or store-bought, can be safe to use overnight, though they may get your pillowcase dirty or cause dryness.

Sleeping with a face mask applied, especially one intended to be used overnight, has benefits for your skin.

Overnight face masks are essentially the same as thick nighttime moisturizers, but they have many active ingredients all working together at once.

Active ingredients like salicylic, glycolic, and hyaluronic acids target skin concerns, while other ingredients like water make up the mask’s formula or aid the active ingredients’ function.

The benefits of sleeping in a mask include the following:

  • They can be especially hydrating. The ingredients have longer to absorb into the skin, which can be especially helpful for older people because skin loses moisture with age.
  • Studies show that cells replicate and renew overnight , and a face mask helps these cells do this effectively.
  • Some overnight masks have a sealant ingredient that locks in moisture and also helps keep dirt and other pollutants from getting into pores.
  • Many nighttime masks contain soothing minerals, vitamins, and other skin-boosting ingredients.

If a mask isn’t specifically designed for overnight use, it’s still generally considered safe to sleep in one. There are certain things you should be aware of, however:

  • If you’re using other skin care products that contain retinol or acids, don’t sleep in a mask that has these same ingredients. Doing so could be irritating to your skin.
  • Certain ingredients like clay or activated charcoal may be too drying to use overnight. Avoid sleeping in masks containing such ingredients unless you have very oily skin.
  • DIY masks or masks that don’t harden may be too runny to sleep in, possibly ruining your pillowcase and sheets.
  • Avoid products with alcohol, which can be drying and damaging to your skin.

Most store-bought masks will have directions for use. Before you use one, test a little on your skin first to make sure it doesn’t cause an allergic reaction.

Generally, you apply a mask to clean, dry skin. Wait for it to harden or set before going to sleep to avoid ruining your bed linens.

If the mask is runny and won’t harden, consider putting a towel over your pillow.

Wash off the mask thoroughly in the morning, unless it has fully absorbed into your skin (as some hydrating masks do).

You can buy an overnight mask in most drugstores, online, or in specialized makeup stores.

An overnight face mask is made of a blend of beneficial ingredients. You can easily purchase one or try make your own.

Some masks, called sleeping masks or packs, are specifically designed for overnight use. These are generally safe, though you should always test them on your skin first to avoid possible allergic reactions.

Avoid masks that contain drying ingredients like alcohol, and if the mask isn’t designed for overnight use, make sure the ingredients are gentle.

  • Face masks can be an important part of your skincare routine, but you might be using them incorrectly.
  • You should not leave them on your face long enough for them to dry.
  • It’s important to follow instructions when using face masks so that you can feel more secure in the fact that you’re not doing harm to your skin.

There are lots of different reasons to incorporate face masks into your skincare routine

A face mask to help clear up (or prevent) acne breakouts might clear your skin a bit, hydrating masks should moisturize, some masks contain ingredients designed to exfoliate and slough off dead skin cells or brighten your complexion. Face masks come in all different forms from clay masks to peel-off, sheet masks, DIY recipes, and more. Just as there are many different kinds of masks for many different purposes, there are many different ways that you should use your mask. The technique and process for putting on a face mask isn’t one size fits all.

"Read the directions as all face masks are unique," as Dr. Alex Roher, a board-certified anesthesiologist and founder of SD Botox, told INSIDER. "I tell my patients to set a time on their phone."

But despite what many think, you shouldn’t simply slap on a face mask and then wait until it’s completely dry to remove it.

Oftentimes, waiting until it’s completely dry means leaving it on your face far longer than you're supposed to. 

"For masks that have drying ingredients such as clay — while it is true that the ‘harder’ a mask dries, the more dead skin cells it may remove as the mask is peeled off, for some complexions this can be over-drying," Dr. David Lortscher, a board-certified dermatologist and the founder of Curology, said. "When the mask reaches the flaking stage, this may result in feelings of dryness, tightness or even itchiness. This may be a sign that your natural skin barrier is becoming compromised — and you may want to remove the mask before it reaches that stage."

Acne masks often contain these types of drying ingredients, but not all masks do and many are designed to do exactly the opposite.

Some masks are designed to "purify," Lortscher said, and the danger with leaving those kinds of masks on for too long is that "... you risk drying out your skin, stripping it of your natural protective skin oils and making your skin more prone to acne and environmental damage." That’s definitely not what you want. You might think that leaving a mask on longer than the directions say is perfectly harmless or even beneficial, but that’s clearly not exactly true.


According to Lortscher, hydrating masks are often more forgiving. You don’t have to worry quite as much about getting those off your face right away, but Roher said that masks that are intended to add moisture to your skin can sometimes end up drying them out if you leave them on for too long.

Lortscher recommended observing how your skin reacts to hydrating masks and adjusting your timing accordingly. Does your skin feel irritated after leaving the mask on according to directions or longer? Then shorten the time that you leave it on your face, rinsing before you’re supposed to if needed.

Peel-off masks, too, can pose problems if you leave them on for too long.

You might think that you absolutely have to leave them on until they’re all the way dry so that you can more easily remove them, but that’s not always the best idea.

"Gel-like and stickier masks can dry like glue," Dr. Tsippora Shainhouse, a board-certified dermatologist and clinical instructor at the University of Southern California, said. "The fine hairs on your face can get stuck in this hardened, gluey end-product, and get ripped out when you try to remove the mask. This can cause skin irritation and potentially lead to folliculitis."

When in doubt, the best thing you can do for your skin while using face masks is to follow the directions as closely as possible. That’s especially important if it’s a mask you’ve never used before because you aren’t yet exactly sure how your skin will react to it.

DIY masks made with avocado or oatmeal might be a bit more forgiving, but you still don’t want to accidentally wreak havoc on your skin. Remember, your face mask is supposed to help your skin, not hurt it.

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Is it OK to leave mask on overnight?

Yes, you can leave a face mask on overnight — however, not all face masks are suitable for overnight use. Using a face mask overnight helps to accelerate the restorative process your skin undergoes while you sleep.

What happens if you sleep with a face mask on overnight?

When you leave it on overnight, the effects of the mask is enhanced so it not only draws out impurities, but strips off the natural oils of the skin that act as protection – this action makes the skin prone to acne and environmental damage.

What happens if you leave a face mask on for 30 minutes?

"Letting a sheet mask dry on your face, or even just leaving the mask on longer than recommended, can allow even seemingly innocuous ingredients to dry and irritate the skin, which is the exact opposite of its intended purpose," she tells Allure.