What are the four phases of database development?

Like everything else, databases have a finite lifespan. They are born in a flush of optimism and make their way through life achieving fame, fortune, and peaceful anonymity, or notoriety as the case may be, before fading out once more. Even the most successful database at some time is replaced by another, more flexible and up-to-date structure, and so begins life anew. Although exact definitions differ, there are generally six stages of the database lifecycle.


The analysis phase is where the stakeholders are interviewed and any existing system is examined to identify problems, possibilities and constraints. The objectives and scope of the new system are determined.


The design phase is where a conceptual design is created from the previously determined requirements, and a logical and physical design are created that will ready the database for implementation.


The implementation phase is where the database management system (DBMS) is installed, the databases are created, and the data are loaded or imported.


The testing phase is where the database is tested and fine-tuned, usually in conjunction with the associated applications.


The operation phase is where the database is working normally, producing information for its users.


The maintenance phase is where changes are made to the database in response to new requirements or changed operating conditions (such as heavier load).

Database development is not independent of systems development, often being one component of the greater systems development process. The stages of systems development basically mirror the stages of a database lifecycle but are a superset. Whereas database design deals with designing the system to store the data, systems design is also concerned with the processes that will impact on the data.


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This chapter of Database Design (including all images, except as otherwise noted) is a derivative copy of The Database Development Life Cycle  by the Open University licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

The database life cycle (DBLC) defines the stages involved for implementing a database, starting with requirements analysis and ending with monitoring and modification. Furthermore, the DBLC never ends because database monitoring, modification, and maintenance are part of the life cycle, and these activities continue long after a database has been implemented. Put simply, the DBLC encompasses the lifetime of the database. The five stages in the database life cycle are:

  1. Requirements analysis
  2. Logical design
  3. Physical design
  4. Implementation
  5. Monitoring, modification, and maintenance

1. Requirements analysis 2. Logical Design 3. Physical Design 4. Implementation 5. Monitoring and Modification
The first three stages (1. Requirements analysis 2. Logical Design 3. Physical Design) are database-design stages, which are listed below the diagram shown above.

I. Requirements analysis

Requirements Analysis is the first and most important stage in the Database Life Cycle.
It is the most labor-intensive for the database designer.
This stage involves assessing the informational needs of an organization so that a database can be designed to meet those needs.

II. Logical design

During the first part of Logical Design, a conceptual model is created based on the needs assessment performed in stage one. A conceptual model is typically an entity-relationship (ER) diagram that shows the tables, fields, and primary keys of the database, and how tables are related (linked) to one another.
The tables sketched in the ER diagram are then normalized. The normalization process resolves any problems associated with the database design, so that data can be accessed quickly and efficiently.

  1. conceptual model: A description of the structure of a database.
  2. entity-relationship (ER) diagram: A diagram used during the design phase of database development to illustrate the organization of and relationships between data during database design.
  3. normalization: The process of applying increasingly stringent rules to a relational database to correct any problems associated with poor design.

III. Physical Design

The Physical Design stage has only one purpose: to maximize database efficiency.
This means finding ways to speed up the performance of the RDBMS. Manipulating certain database design elements can speed up the two slowest operations in an RDBMS: retrieving data from and writing data to a database.

Developing Conceptual Model

In this course, you will complete the tasks associated with Requirements Analysis and the first part of Logical Design: developing a conceptual model. The next lesson provides an overview of the post-design stages of the DBLC.
Before moving on to the next lesson, click the link below to learn more about the stages in the DBLC.
DBLC Stages Description

Database Design for Mere Mortals

What are the phases of database development?

The database development life cycle includes eight steps that help guide us through the creation of a new database. The steps are planning, requirement gathering, conceptual design, logical design, physical design, construction, implementation and rollout, and finally ongoing support.

What are the four main phases of database design?

The methodology is depicted as a bit by bit guide to the three main phases of database design, namely: conceptual, logical, and physical design.

What are the 4 types of database?

A relational database management system is one of four common types of systems you can use to manage your business data..
hierarchical database systems..
network database systems..
object-oriented database systems..

What is the first phase of database development?

The first step is requirements gathering. During this step, the database designers have to interview the customers (database users) to understand the proposed system and obtain and document the data and functional requirements.