Utopian character

  • In service to King Henry VIII of England, he travels to Antwerp where he meets Peter Giles and Raphael Hythloday. More is a fictional character sharing the same name as Utopia's author, Sir Thomas More. However, More the fictional character should not be assumed to be a transparent mouthpiece of the opinions of the author. For the purpose of this review, in the Summary and specific sections' analyses, the name More will be used only in reference to the fictional character, while Thomas More will identify Utopia's author.

  • Friend of More and acquaintance of Raphael Hythloday. Once again, Peter Giles is an actual historical figure, a friend and intellectual companion of Sir Thomas More. Peter Giles, in fact, helped More to get Utopia published. The fictional Giles shares nearly all of his biographical history with the real Peter Giles, but like the fictional More, should be understood to be a fictional character.

  • A philosopher and world traveler, he lived for five years on the island of Utopia before returning to Europe to spread the word about the Utopian's ideal society. Hythloday's last name, in Greek, means "talker of nonsense," a clue from Sir Thomas More to his reader that the island of Utopia is a fiction.

  • Actual Chancellor to Henry VIII. Hythloday once spent a fictional evening discussing the societal problems of England with Morton and an unnamed lawyer. The real Morton was instrumental in furthering Sir Thomas More's education at Oxford.

  • An unnamed man who once spent an evening with Hythloday and Cardinal Morton. He is defensive of England and unwilling to find fault with anything in English society.

  • Ancient warrior and founder of Utopia. He conquered the savages who once lived on the isthmus Utopia now occupies, and then set his army and new subjects to work cutting the land away to make Utopia an island. In his wisdom, Utopus set up the Utopian society that Hythloday finds so immensely attractive.

When Sheldon Sampson was a young man, he lost everything he had in the stock market crash and it was shortly after this event in his life, that he first began having visions of the "Island." So profound were these visions that talked his best friends and his brother, Walter into abandoning their lives and joining him on the journey to find the "Island."

Finally, Sheldon was able to locate the "Island," off the coast of Africa, and chartered a ship to go there. At first the ship's captain didn't want to, because he knew those waters well and there was no island in that area. However, Sheldon eventually persuaded him to take him and his six friends to that location.

A short time later, as the ship approached the "Island," the entire crew was amazed as they witnessed an island appear where none had ever been before. When they landed, Sheldon led them all, friends and crew, up the side of the mountain to the entrance to the doorway to the place where they would receive and learn about their powers. This doorway as it happens, lead to another dimension where aliens were waiting for them to arrive.

Sometime later after they departed the "Island," Sheldon, Grace Kennedy, George, Richie, Fitz and Walter formed the Union of Justice. Whatever happened to the members of the crew have yet to be revealed.

Sheldon was killed by his own son, Brandon and brother Walter.

Utopian character
  • Curated Character Gallery: Sheldon Sampson (Jupiter's Legacy)
  • Quotations by or about Sheldon Sampson (Jupiter's Legacy)