Top things students should change in new year

However you plan to kick off 2024, you may have a few ideas in mind on how you'd like reinvent yourself in the coming months. Perhaps it's a commitment to being less stressed with your job or deciding to incorporate a new fitness routine into your life.

In fact, there are about as many New Year's Resolutions as you want there to be, including a resolution to not make any new resolutions, and that's perfectly fine.

After all, grandiose plans like a new diet or exercise plan can sometimes be hard to maintain especially once Blue Monday rolls around in January. Which is why setting attainable goals is especially important when considering New Year's Resolutions.

“Pick something that resonates with you and aligns with your values so that you can stay motivated,” Nathan Brandon, Psy.D, tells “Research shows that having a plan and setting achievable goals can increase the likelihood of success."

If you've had trouble sticking to resolutions in the past, you're far from alone.

“Even though many set resolutions, some research has suggested that under 10% of those setting resolutions feel they are successful by year’s end,” Dr. Ray W. Christner, Psy.D., licensed psychologist, CEO of Cognitive Health Solutions, LLC and co-host of the “Psyched to Practice Podcast," tells

To help set yourself up for success, Christner says you should opt for "simple goals that can be done easily and that will have quick results."

Need some motivation? If so, we've got plenty of ideas including expert suggestions from registered dietitians, licensed psychologists and personal trainers to help you create a manageable list of New Year's resolution ideas.

Whether you’re seeking to manage your finances better, change your outlook on life or simply feel better in the new year, we've got the inspiration you need to get started.

Start a photo journal

Keeping a regular journal is one way to manage stress, channel feelings and keep track of life's most memorable moments. However, setting aside time to write or jot down thoughts can be time-consuming and, depending on your commitments, overwhelming.

A much easier way to remember your day is to snap one or more pictures when the mood strikes you or something catches your eye. Add the photos to a designated folder on your phone or device so that at the end of the year, you can reflect on all the moments you captured.

Do one thing each day you don't want to

Everyone procrastinates. Whatever the reason, there's something (or a host of things) that we put off because either they stress us out or, quite simply, we don't want to do them.

Rather than making a pledge to conquer all the have-to's in your life, which, frankly, is almost impossible to maintain, commit instead to doing one small act each day. Whether it's spending 30 seconds responding to emails before moving on to another task or finding time to read even a single page in the book sitting on your nightstand, it's considered progress. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were your goals.

Pause on purpose daily

Each and every day, take a moment to reflect and breathe. “Taking time to engage in small pauses throughout the day can benefit our mental health and wellness, and it can actually help us be productive," Christner says. "Many of us are in the bad habit of working intensely for long periods of time, yet in actuality we will likely perform best and be more relaxed by interspersing periods of intense work with intermittent periods to pause on purpose."

Christner recommends setting aside two or three minutes every couple of hours. “This might involve taking a few deep breaths, standing up and stretching, reading over a favorite quote, or stepping outside,” he says, adding that each person may figure out their own way to reset and recharge.

Focus on why you're eating

This resolution can be helpful for those that are trying to step out of a diet culture mentality, according to Melissa Macher, RD. “We can get caught up in the ‘what’ in nutrition and completely forget about the ‘why’ behind it. For example, why do I feel the need to snack in the middle of the night? Why do I feel out of control with ___ food? Where is this feeling coming from?” she asks.

Choose a “word of the year”

Embrace a word that resonates with you and make it your guiding mantra for the year ahead.

Lynn R. Zakeri, LCSW, tells that she implemented this after her sister-in-law died on New Year’s Day. “That day held more meaning and it struck me that I wanted to commit to something, for my own good, for a theme of the upcoming year. I have continued to do so,” she says.

When coming up with her word, Zakeri asks herself the following questions: "What is in my way and what do I need to continue to do? What do you want to do better for your own best interest?”

Focus on your financial health

“Financial well-being is a key component of overall health and can have a profound effect on our experiences, goals, and relationships,” Brandon tells “Taking the time to focus on developing good money habits such as creating and sticking to budgets, setting savings goals, or paying off debt can help us achieve greater peace of mind when it comes to our finances."

Maybe 2024 is the year you finally seek the advice of a financial planner. Or perhaps, you build up an emergency fund for extra reassurance.

This isn't just about the money, though. “Studies have shown that having a strong financial foundation can lead to improved mental health, better stress management and increased overall satisfaction," he adds.

Top things students should change in new year
New year, new money habits? It's up to you. Alexandr Dubynin / Getty Images stock

Find one thing you like about yourself

For many people, it's hard to not to focus on our perceived personal flaws. Though surmounting self doubt entirely isn't easy, finding something you like about yourself is. Take time to identify the things you feel good about, whether they are part of your physical appearance, like your hair or smile, or your own special skills or talents, remind yourself daily of those positives. Like an affirmation, focusing on the good can go a long way in improving your overall mood and mental health.

Eat mindfully

Yes, your food should be savored and not slurped up in a few seconds. “Mindfulness can be applied to eating and is associated with positive health benefits. When we appreciate our food, eat with enjoyment and tune into our appetites, we tend to feel better, and we often lose weight as a result,” Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, and author of "Finally Full, Finally Slim," tells

She points to a study by researchers from McGill University, which "found that mindfulness-based interventions helped with weight loss while also limiting emotional eating, binge-eating, and anxiety."

If this is a new practice for you, Young says it's important to make sure you always sit down to eat. "Fill up a plate thoughtfully, sit down to eat, and savor each bite so you can be present and enjoy the experience.”

Forgive yourself

Throughout the year, you extend forgiveness to loved ones and strangers — but what about yourself?

“Nothing good comes from holding onto your regrets. Recognize and accept your past behaviors so that you can move toward a place of healing,” Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, MD, psychiatrist and founder of Within Health, a virtual eating disorder treatment provider, tells

Take meaningful risks

Are you risk-averse? That’s totally OK. Though one reason you may be hesitant to take bold moves is because you’re not honing in what would truly make a difference in the quality of your life.

"Taking risks can lead to personal growth and development; it may also open up new opportunities or possibilities that you hadn’t considered before,” Jeanette Lorandini, LCSW, the owner and director of Suffolk DBT, tells “As daunting as it may be, taking manageable risks can be beneficial in many ways.”

Some examples: Signing up for a leisure sports club that you may be nervous about joining; putting yourself back out there by joining an online dating site or attending an open house for a grad school program.

Rekindle a long-lost hobby

If you once loved collecting stamps, hiking, painting or other hobby, but life somehow managed to get in the way and you stopped, consider taking it up once again. Even if it's just thinking about what it would mean to return to your long-lost activity, that's a solid start.

Make a plan to incorporate your hobby back into your life but with no expectations or repercussions if you don't follow through. Perhaps without any pressure, you'll find it easier to pick it back up.

Let go of the toxic people in your life

If you someone is causing more harm than good, then it's time to cut ties. “Allowing toxic people and their behaviors to remain in your life can prevent you from reaching your full potential, so it is important to let those relationships go in order to create space for healthier ones," Lorandini says.

Plan your meals each week

“Spending 30 minutes planning your meals each week pays dividends toward better health,” Kim Yawitz, RD, a registered dietitian and gym owner in St. Louis, Missouri, tells

The proof is in the numbers: A 2017 study found that adults who planned their meals had better diet quality and a lower risk of obesity than those who improvised.

“You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every week. I always tell my clients to rotate between two to three options at breakfast and lunch and to repeat dinner menus every few weeks,” she adds.

Sign up for workout classes on Sunday

Instead of simply squeezing in workouts when you find some time, make them a part of your weekly schedule. Whitney Berger, owner WhitFit NYC and a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer, likes plotting out her week of workouts on Sunday nights while sipping on a "nice cup of tea."

"Monday is a great day to start something and you’ll already have your schedule in place to motivate you to get going," she says.

Recognize what you can and cannot control

You’ve heard it before but this is a powerful statement to guide your way into the new year. “Let go of things beyond your control and focus on what you can, such as how you react to stressors, negative emotions or relapses,” Oliver-Pyatt says.

Talking to a trusted friend, therapist, or family member may help you decipher what's what.

Create a self-care 'menu'

“When we are in times of stress, we can’t always come up with these ideas, and choosing from a ‘menu’ can help with that,” Macher says.

At the start of the year, create a "menu" with different self-care activities for any (and every) stressful situation. For each activity, list out two options so you can tailor it to your mood that day. "Sleep is a good self-care option, but you don’t always have the ability to commit to an afternoon nap. So, your two options could be 1) turn off overhead lights, set a timer and do some deep breathing, and 2) take a 30-minute nap."

Cook more at home

Not only is eating at home a great way to save money, but Young points out that it can "save you lots of calories, sodium, and added sugar."

“Eating at home enables you to use ingredients you want like whole grains or brown rice instead of white rice and white pasta," she adds. Along the way, you'll also "learn about portion sizes" and how much food you can realistically eat in one sitting.

If you are a novice in the kitchen, Young suggests starting with something simple like grilled fish, your favorite vegetable, and a healthy starch like sweet potatoes or quinoa. Aim to cook two or three dinners a week, then go from there.

Respond to hunger and fullness cues

Let your body guide you instead of your plate.

Macher suggests using a hunger fullness scale when you eat: 1 means you're starving, 5 means you're feeling neutral and 10 means you're uncomfortable, unbutton-your-pants full.

“Take note of your rating before and after eating. Focus first on the hunger side of things — don’t let yourself get below a 3 on the scale,” Macher says. “After you feel you are responding to your hunger cues consistently, then move on to focusing on not going beyond a 7."

It works in reverse: "Learning to stop eating when you are comfortably full is 10x easier when you’ve learned how to respond to hunger first."

Top things students should change in new year
Be more mindful about what you put into your body this year — and when.Westend61 / Getty Images stock

Write in a daily gratitude journal

Head to Target and buy a gratitude journal, folks. Or use your phone, if you must.

“Rather than trying to accomplish these big resolutions, doing something as simple as ending our days by focusing on the positive can have a great impact on us," Christner says.

Zoom in on three things you are most grateful for at the end of each day. “The goal is not looking at the ‘big events’ but rather to focus on the little things that we sometimes easily miss."

Apologize less (or more)

Some people find themselves chronically apologizing for anything and everything. If you're among them, try to reserve your sorrys for when they are truly warranted. Hard stop. When you catch yourself about to apologize to someone, pause and reflect on whether or not your act of contrition is genuinely necessary in the moment.

On the other hand, if you're a person who struggles to say they're sorry to others, think about doing so more in the new year. Sometimes a simple, "I'm sorry" goes a long way in repairing fractured relationships and creating goodwill among friends, family, coworkers and others.

Do one daily act of kindness

Paying it forward does more than just make someone else happy — it also helps reduce our stress and improve our overall well-being.

"Some of the best acts are those that are simple, such as complimenting someone, holding the door for a stranger, letting someone in line ahead of you, paying for someone’s cup of coffee, smiling, giving a nice greeting, or even just being patient," Christner says.

Commit to the three basics: sleep, nutrition and exercise

Yep, the big three matter. “It is cliché, but truly ... it all comes back to that. Have you ever met someone you didn’t care for who had all three of these in their daily practice," Zakeri asks. Aim for eight hours of sleep, healthy food choices and regular exercise every single day.

"This keeps us focused on what we can control, it is something for ourselves, it gives us confidence in our health and longevity," Zakeri says.

Find a healthy work-life balance

Working from home has made it even more difficult to take a break from the "office." Still, it’s worth committing to as a New Year’s resolution (or any time of year, for that matter): “Balancing our professional and personal life can be difficult, but it’s essential to maintaining our physical, mental and emotional well-being," Brandon says.

In addition to creating boundaries between work and home, Brandon recommends "taking regular breaks throughout the day" to rest and recharge. It'll pay off in the long-run: Brandon adds that studies have shown that a healthy work-life balance can lead to improved job satisfaction, increased productivity and enhanced quality of life.

Cut yourself some slack

Extend the kindness that you show others to yourself in 2024. “Simply put, speak nicely to yourself, treat yourself with respect and don’t be too hard on yourself. Remind yourself every day: ‘I’m a fallible human. I might make mistakes, but if I do, I’ll figure it out and it’ll be OK,’” Christner says.

Christner recommends starting your day with that very reminder — a positive affirmation, if you will. “Using this self-talk as a mantra of sorts is a good way to keep it at the forefront of our thoughts.” If you do mess up, take a deep breath and repeat the quote a few more times," he adds.

Understand the urgency of things

Remember: It's probably not that important.

"Everything is right now, stress is high, and urgency is applied to emails, calls, and texts, and patience is gone," Zakeri says. To combat this sense of urgency, ask yourself, "Is this critical?" If not, "take a breath and pause," and know "it’s OK if it's done tomorrow.”

Set boundaries

Consider this the corollary of the resolution above. “It’s important to set boundaries for yourself and for others to ensure that your emotional needs are being met,” Lorandini says. Doing so will help prevent relationships in your life from becoming too intense, potentially veering into toxic territory.

“This may include setting limitations on how much you’re willing to give of your time and energy to others, as well as saying ‘no’ when needed," Lorandini says. "Setting boundaries will allow you to be more intentional about how you’re spending your time and energy.”

Create a list of coping statements

This practical piece of advice from Oliver-Pyatt will serve you well in the new year whenever you face a tough experience. “Compile a list of coping statements for radical acceptance that you can turn to whenever you are struggling,” Oliver-Pyatt says. “Having these on hand can help you react to painful situations in a mindful way.”

Eat more plant proteins

It's "Veganuary,” after all.

Even if you don’t go fully plant-based, include more plant-based proteins in your everyday diet. “Replacing meat with plant proteins is a good way to improve health. Research found that eating more plants is associated with a reduced rate of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers," Young says.

It's easier than it sounds: Substitute red meat for chickpeas, lentils, nuts, and seeds a few times a week.

Ease into it and try to eat three plant-based meals each week. Set yourself up for success by stocking your pantry with cans of chickpeas or black beans. Then implement quick fixes like Young's go-to: "Sprinkle nuts and seeds on your salad instead of adding meat or cheese."

Focus more on one-on-one relationships

Make 2024 the year you cultivate deep, trusted friendships. “Sure, a group of friends is fun for memories and events and good times and shared experiences, but on a daily basis, it is the individual relationships that matter more,” Zakeri says.

Be intentional with your time and energy, making sure you invest in people who are also willing — and happy — to invest in you.

Clean up your social media

Now's a good time to evaluate your relationship with social media and how it impacts your mental health — and make changes as needed.

“Stop following people who you don’t know, don’t add anything to your growth and make you feel badly about yourself,” Zakeri says. “And on that note, decide how many minutes per day is too many to be scrolling." Set time limits on your phone to keep you accountable.

Find clothes that fit your current body

While many buy new clothes in a smaller size in an effort to incentivize weight loss, Macher urges people to steer clear of this practice. “Your body now is just as worthy of comfortable clothes as your ‘ideal’ body. Having clothes and even underwear that don’t fit properly can be sabotaging," she says.

Keep learning

Rather than trying to change a bad habit, you can use New Year’s resolutions as a way to feed your need for growth.

“We have many mediums to learn new things from reading a book to subscribing to a learning platform like MasterClass," Christner says. “Learning new skills can motivate us, prevent boredom, boost confidence, keep our minds flexible, and improve our happiness.”

Top things students should change in new year
Make room for growth this year. LaylaBird / Getty Images stock

Have a year of ‘action not reaction’

It's easy to get caught up in reacting to things that happen throughout the day rather than focusing on how you can make a change. “Working to focus on how we act versus react can help us stay focused and keep calm in stressful situations," Christner says.

Trade negative self-talk for action-oriented questions. Christner recommends asking yourself the following questions to be proactive, not reactive:

  • Is this something that I really need to do something about?
  • Does this require my action?
  • Is there anything I could say or do that would make the situation better?
  • If I wait, will this even still be an issue later?

Eat five or six prunes

Looking for a low-effort healthy eating resolution for 2024? Try this tip from Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, an inclusive plant-based dietitian in Stamford, CT and owner of Plant Based with Amy. “This is one of the easiest ways to benefit your bone health. Research shows that eating this number of prunes daily may help prevent bone loss."

Prunes, which are slightly sweeter than a plum, are incredibly versatile. "You can eat prunes as a snack, blend them into a smoothie, or add them to a salad.”

Stop monitoring your workouts

This might sound like a counterintuitive piece of advice, but it's a necessary one for those who have become a little too obsessed with their fitness trackers.

“In some cases people can become obsessed with counting calories, steps or calories burned,” Berger says. “So many times I see people in my classes checking their Apple Watches or other wrist devices during class. Leave it home and stay present.”

Of course, if you find that your fitness tracker motivates you in a healthy way, then this resolution isn't for you.

Hit the weight room at least twice each week

If you want to feel stronger and healthier in the year ahead, Yawitz emphasizes the many benefits of spending more time in the “weight room,” whether it's at an actual gym or your living room.

“Lifting weights can help strengthen your bones, decrease your risk of injuries, lower your risk of diabetes, and improve your mood. Strength training also increases metabolism, so it’s a great addition to your routine if you hope to shed a few pounds,” she says.

New to weightlifting? “A few sessions with a personal trainer can help you make the most of your time in the gym and ensure you’re moving with proper form. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups and lunges are great alternatives if you prefer to work out at home.”

Power down at least an hour before bedtime

A good night's rest is key. “If you often struggle with falling or staying asleep, powering down your devices in the evening is a great place to start,” Yawitz says.

Phones, tablets, TVs and other devices emit blue light, which suppresses the production of melatonin and makes it more difficult to fall asleep. That’s why Yawitz suggests setting a timer to turn off devices and dim your lights at least one hour before bedtime. “You can read during that time, do a craft, stretch, take a bath or visit with family — as long as you keep the lights low.”

Have a plank competition with yourself

Looking for a New Year’s resolution you can do in a few minutes a day? “Every day or each week, add on 10 to 30 more seconds to holding your plank. This is so good for physical strength but also mental strength," Berger says.

To add some more structure to this goal, consider doing a plank in the morning when you wake up and right before bed. "Even if it’s just for a minute, this is a great routine to get into,” Berger says. “Planks are a full-body exercise, great for building core strength but they’re also amazing for focusing and centering.”

Slow it down with a restorative yoga class

Ready to say “om”? Take a restorative yoga class every week. “While we think of fitness as going hard, or challenging workouts, it’s also about maximizing our workouts and focusing on overall goals,” Berger says. “We forget to slow it down and allow our bodies to recover, which is important for muscle building.”

Make balance a priority

We’re saving this succinct New Year’s resolution for last: “Balance. Do what you need to do, then do what you want to do, and then, and only then, do what you should do,” Zakeri says. Easier said than done, but a valuable principle to hold close as we enter 2024.

Top things students should change in new year

Perri Ormont Blumberg

Perri is a New York City-born-and-based writer. She holds a B.A. in psychology from Columbia University and is also a culinary school graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute. She's probably seen Dave Matthews Band in your hometown, and she'll never turn down a bloody mary. Follow her on Twitter @66PerriStreet or learn more at

Top things students should change in new year

Sarah Lemire

Sarah is a lifestyle and entertainment reporter for TODAY who covers holidays, celebrities and everything in between.

What are the top 3 New Year's resolutions?

Check out America's top five New Year's resolutions:.

Save money and budget better: 40%.

Eat healthier and improve diet: 38%.

Lose weight and get fit: 30%.

Improve mental health and reduce stress: 30%.

Strengthen relationships with family and friends: 25%.

What are 5 New Year's resolutions?

Top 10 Most Common New Year's Resolutions (and How to Follow Through on Them).

Exercise more..

Lose weight..

Get organized..

Learn a new skill or hobby..

Live life to the fullest..

Save more money / spend less money..

Quit smoking..

Spend more time with family and friends..

What can be a New Year resolution for student?

🎆 New Year resolution ideas for studentsMaintain a consistent sleep schedule: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Set clear academic goals: Identify specific GPA or grade targets for each course by the start of the semester and review your progress bi-weekly.

What should be New Year goals?

Happy New Year 2024: 50 best resolution ideas.

Get active with a daily exercise routine..

Eat more fruits and veggies, and less processed food..

Learn a new skill or hobby this year..

Read a book every month..

Practice mindfulness through meditation..

Manage stress through regular breaks..

Save money and create a budget..