Top site anime worlds we wish were real năm 2024

It's fun to imagine what life would be like in a fictional world, and a fan couldn't ask for a nicer place to live in than some of these anime lands.

Fiction is often a form of escapism that brings people to a place where the realities of life can't bother them for a while, including some absolutely cool anime worlds. In fact, when one thinks about it, life in a lot of anime series would be pretty awesome--but only in certain worlds.

These aren't, for the most part, places where someone is likely to be killed in a random monster attack, or somewhere that faces world-ending events too frequently. Instead, this list is for places where the average citizen actually has a pretty good life, even if it's not always so pleasant for the heroes.

5 Bleach

In Bleach's world, it's already guaranteed that there's an afterlife, and if one is quite lucky, they might even be able to see or commune with spirits after death. Life in the Soul Society isn't all that different from life on Earth, from how it's shown, but it is known that souls in the Soul Society can't die of starvation or other things like that. Yes, there are some pretty scary monsters in the form of Hollows, but most Hollows don't seem to be a real problem, as the Soul Reapers tend to handle them quickly and effectively.

There's also the flip side of Bleach in Burn the Witch, a series set in the same universe where a magic world exists on the reverse side of London. On that end, Hollows have been tamed into magical creatures, essentially, removing even the threat that they pose. Whether it's Western or Easter fantasy a fan is looking for, Bleach can offer that life.

Fullmetal Alchemist (either version) presents a world that's an alternate take on the 1910s, its technology enhanced by the fact that alchemy is real. Alchemy in Fullmetal Alchemist isn't like most types of magic, in that it's perfectly possible for anyone to learn how to manipulate it--alchemy is just a science, after all. Amestris has many of the problems that real-world nations do, like war, but life for the average citizen seems to be at least as good as real life, if not better.

One also can't overlook the existence of automail, a life-changing type of prosthetic technology that still hasn't been mastered in the real world. If it's possible to live in Fullmetal Alchemist's world after the story ends, there aren't too many worlds that can measure up.

3 Naruto

Want all the perks of modern-day technology, but also to be able to practice ninja magic? Naruto's world is the place to be, especially by the time that Boruto takes place, when the age of warfare between nations and Hidden Villages is essentially over. In Naruto's day, they definitely had computers and other pieces of modern technology, which means that anyone choosing to live in this world won't really be giving too much of the comfort of modern life. Boruto's world is even more advanced, with major movie series, a ninja internet, and all manner of other technologies.

Of course, technology is not the real selling point of this world. Naruto adds on top of that all manner of illusions, elemental attacks, and other ninja tricks that would serve to make special effects easier and media way cooler, at the very least. And besides, who wouldn't want a Shadow Clone or two to help them out with everyday tasks?

2 Sailor Moon

The Moon Kingdom of Sailor Moon is probably one of the most utopian societies in all of fiction. Ruled over by the benevolent Neo-Queen Serenity, the Moon Kingdom is a place where problems like crime are essentially a thing of the past. The Moon Kingdom has a beautiful, fairytale-like aesthetic that masks the advanced technology needed to live on the Moon to start with.

Everyone there also has an incredibly long lifespan, although it's not clear if that's a trait of living there, or of being descended from the Moon people. Aside from technology, the Moon Kingdom also has some pretty crazy magic at its disposal, including the Silver Crystal, which can bring the dead back to life and is powerful enough to render its owner effectively a god.

1 Pokémon

The Pokémon world is almost unanimously agreed to be one of the most pleasant places to live in any anime or video game. The world is populated by intelligent creatures that really just want to be friends, and have the love and loyalty of a dog. Their power is immense, but just about everyone is responsible enough to be trusted with it. Even the villains in the Pokémon world are willing to respect the rules of battling, and almost always surrender after their Pokémon lose. As a result, violence and crime are nearly nonexistent, and it's safe enough that 10-year-olds can be put on the road with a single Pokémon and turn out fine.

The widespread availability of free Pokémon centers not only makes caring for these creatures a breeze, but also offers a place for weary travelers to stay, seemingly for free. In fact, money is almost never seen in the anime's version of the Pokémon world, suggesting that it may very well be a utopian post-scarcity society where everyone has access to all the food, water, and shelter they could possibly need. When it comes to fictional societies, post-scarcity is still one of the toughest bars to clear, so Pokémon stands out with ease.

While there are many anime worlds that would be awesome to live in, these five make up some of the safest and most pleasant for the average Joe. Fans may dream of a life as a hero, but heroes often have it rough; the idea of living in these anime worlds, even as an ordinary person, is definitely a fun escapist fantasy.

Which anime world would be best to live in?

The world of Dragon Ball Z is probably the safest fantasy world you can live in. Why? Because even though the Earth is constantly under alien attack, death isn't actually a thing.null15 Anime Universes You Would Most Want to Live In - › list › best-anime-world-to-live-in › anna-lindwassernull

What anime has the biggest fan base?

10 Anime With The Most Loyal Fanbases, Ranked.

1 Pokémon..

2 Dragon Ball Z. ... .

3 Berserk. ... .

4 Hunter X Hunter. ... .

5 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. ... .

6 Gundam. ... .

7 Neon Genesis Evangelion. ... .

8 One Piece. ... .

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