Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

Making your Singapore PR application stand out can prove to be a challenge for most applicants. Attempting to do so is even tougher when you are a first-time applicant who is making the submission alone. Consolidating, organising and submitting the relevant documents for approval will not only take up a lot of time, but it is a tedious process that can easily lead to the failure of your application if done wrongly. Not to worry, though. Read on to learn how you can make your case stand out and maximise your chances.

Making Your Singapore PR Application Stand Out

Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

To make your Singapore PR application stand out, be sure to include additional documents that highlight your strengths in your submission. Including them won’t just give you an edge over other applicants, but it will also provide a stronger reason for the approval of your application. Here are three that you should consider including:

1. Letter of Recommendation

A letter of recommendation from your previous boss or a close acquaintance who is in a high position of power might turn the tide and increase your chances of becoming a Singapore PR. Not only will this provide a third-person perspective of your abilities, but it will also be a testament to your professional background, skills and talents. Make sure that the person writing your document includes a form of contact for verification purposes.

2. Resume

Your resume will give the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers who review your profile a clearer insight into your qualifications, educational and career background, helping them understand your value as a candidate for a Singapore PR. Be sure to highlight any professional experience you have in an untapped niche industry, such as sectors in research and development, or other areas that are in high demand. Including your professional experience in these areas could potentially provide you with a leg up on the competition.

3. Cover Letter

A cover letter essentially provides a summary of your qualifications, career and educational background as well as a glimpse of your abilities and potential contributions to society to make your application stand out. It also introduces yourself in a way that is memorable and personal, building rapport with the prospective person reviewing and assessing your profile. Although it’s not a necessary component of your application, including one will go a long way in highlighting your strengths, skills and talents. When paired with your resume, it will give the assessor a better time navigating and comprehending your resume. Moreover, a well-crafted letter will expand on the information in your resume and guide the reader on milestone achievements in your career and your life. Be sure to provide key details of these achievements to make your application less dubious and more credible to the person reviewing it.

7 Tips on Writing a Cover Letter for Your Singapore PR Application

Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

In addition to conveying to the authorities that you are a candidate worthy of becoming a permanent resident of the little red dot, a cover letter should give them a clear idea of who you are and how your contributions can add value to the country. As with any other cover letters that you have written when applying for jobs, it is imperative to provide information that will substantiate your claim that you are a suitable candidate. However, you must know how to deliver them in a way that paints you in the best possible light. Here are seven tips for you to begin with:

1. Skills and Qualifications

Elaborating on your unique skill set and how it can contribute to the growth of the economy and the society/local community will go a long way in showcasing your keen interest in doing your part to build the country. Apart from that, you can also include your qualifications to reflect your intellectual prowess in your fields of study.

2. Choose The Right Tone and Voice

Choose an appropriate tone and voice in your writing. Be sure that your document sounds professional and your message is expressed in a concise and clear manner by aiming to get to the point as succinctly as possible. The letter should make it easier for the ICA officers to process your case, rather than complicate matters for them.

3. Telling Your Story

Everyone likes a problem-solver, hence dictating a short story on overcoming a challenge or finding a solution for a problem will reflect your personality in more detail. Use this technique to provide details of your milestone achievements, which will give assessors insight into your personality and good work ethic. The bottom line is to showcase why you should be granted a Permanent Resident status in the country.

4. Customise Your Cover Letter

No one wants to read a template. Officers review several profiles throughout the day, and it won’t be hard for them to spot a template from miles away. Although it is easier to follow a pre-existing format, your chances will be better if you could include personal anecdotes and word variations. While doing so, steer clear of words that are vague or don’t have any real meaning such as “innovative”, “creative” and “detail-oriented”.

5. Include a Call-to-Action

Wrap up with a call-to-action. Include a short paragraph that ends with a reason for why you should attain a PR. Ideally, the closing paragraph should end strongly, leaving a good impression on your overall profile.

6. Avoid Using “Funky” Fonts

This might be a no-brainer, but utilise fonts that look professional. A cover letter for your PR approval shouldn’t be typed out in Comic Sans. Stay on the safer side of things by choosing New Times Roman or Arial to present your information in a tasteful manner.

7. Don’t Forget to Proofread Your Cover Letter

It is essential that you take the time to proofread your document. To ensure that there are no errors, consider reading it twice — one for potential misspellings and the other for tone as well as the overall structure of the cover letter.

3 Tips on Writing a Resume for Your Singapore PR Application

Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

1. Use Active Language

When writing a resume, it is always better to use an active voice rather than a passive voice to describe your previous job roles and academic qualifications. Lead your sentences with verbs, or action words, and use power words such as “earned”, “accomplished”, and “achieved”.

2. Highlight Crucial Achievements

Rather than list all your job duties, it would be best to choose the top three or four achievements in your career and draw attention to those. Since figures speak volumes, be sure to include numbers that give the readers a clearer measurement of your success for past goals, painting your accomplishments in a more credible and persuasive light. Additionally, consider including extra and separate sections for achievements and skills to present the information in a more organised and reader-friendly manner.

3. Check Your Information

Similar to the abovementioned point, it is equally crucial that you read through your resume to make sure that there are no spelling or grammar errors. Consider asking an external party to read your resume to gain a fresh perspective on your resume. Additionally, you can also utilise online proofreading tools and programs to further fine-tune your resume.

Will Letters from MPs Help with Singapore PR Applications?

Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

There is a consensus that letters from Members of Parliament (MP) will provide you with a better chance of becoming a PR of the little red dot. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case if the MP does not know who you are. The MP will then write a general letter of recommendation that highlights neither your strengths nor skills, unlike a well-crafted resume or cover letter.

Nevertheless, a letter from your MP can help with your application if they are personalised. However, only through hours of community involvement can you receive such a letter. Members of the residence committee or regular participants of community events are more likely to be recipients of these letters. If you have received one, you may include it in your application.

There have also been cases whereby candidates who are involved in government projects or other key national projects have received personal endorsements from officials in key positions. These people typically stand a better chance of getting their PR approved.

5 Additional Tips to Strengthen Your Singapore PR Application

Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

Apart from including the above documents, here are seven additional pointers that you should keep in mind when submitting your application:

1. Include Relevant and Factual Information

Make sure all the information that you include in your submission is relevant and factual. It would be extremely unwise to skip out on fact-checking your information before making a submission. Hence, save yourself from potential heartache and make sure that all your information is up to date.

2. Ensure That All Your Documents Are With You

Keep all the necessary documents with you for easy and fast verification purposes. By consolidating all your documents in an organised manner, you will save you a lot of time and trouble when it comes time for the e-PR submission and interview appointment.

3. Follow The ICA Checklist

One way you can be sure that you didn’t miss any steps would be to follow the checklist provided by ICA. Double-check that you have submitted all the required forms to ICA for review and assessment. If it works for you, print out a copy of the checklist and cross items off the list as you compile all your supporting documents. Don’t forget to supplement your case with your resume and cover letter. These two documents will provide the ICA officers with a map of the rest of your supporting documents, casting your profile in a favourable light.

4. Avoid Missing Appointments

If an ICA officer has requested an interview with you, take note that a no-show or being late for your appointment will not only waste their time, but it will also leave a bad impression of you. It is best to avoid being late or missing your appointment completely since it may take months before you can reschedule another appointment. Moreover, cancelling your appointment might compromise your profile and have a negative effect on your submission.

5. Honesty Counts

It might seem like a good idea to embellish your application by providing false information about your professional or educational background to give yourself a better chance of attaining Singapore permanent residency. However, this will work against you. Avoid lying about anything in your profile or personal information as ICA takes these matters very seriously. Resorting to such dishonest tactics is illegal, and you could be penalised if found guilty — no matter the degree.

Engage the Services of a PR Application Agency

Sample details of achievements and innovations which you have made in your profession/occupation

It might seem as though the application process, albeit tedious, can be done by the applicant alone. However, the average individual lacks the expertise and knowledge that an immigration consultant is equipped with. With the help of an immigration consultant, your case will have a better chance of getting approved.

Do note that the Singapore PR application process takes roughly six hours to complete. In addition to being time-consuming, there is a risk of the system timing out. When this happens, you will be forced to re-submit the documents all over again. Apart from this, consolidating, preparing your supporting documents, updating and double-checking your application can be somewhat overwhelming. By engaging the services of a reputable PR agent in Singapore, a professional immigration consultant will guide you through the process from start to finish.

The Takeaway

If you, like many others, aren’t sure where to begin with your application, it would be a good idea to book a consultation to evaluate your chances of becoming a PR of the Lion City. At Paul Immigrations, our consultants will provide you with the expertise and counsel you need to increase your chances of attaining PR status.

In addition to providing you with sound advice, our consultants will walk you through the entire process — from putting together your cover letter, resume and other supporting documents to submitting your application forms. Although ICA makes the final decision on whether your application gets approved, rest assured that we will do our best to put your best case forward.

How do you write details of achievements and innovations?

List of Professional Achievements for Resume.
Revenue or sales you increased for the company..
Money you saved for the company..
Time you saved for the company..
Problems you identified and solved..
Ideas or innovations you introduced..
Procedures or systems you developed, implemented, or optimized..
Special projects you worked on..

What is your greatest professional achievement sample answer?

Example Answer for Your Greatest Achievement or Accomplishment (Entry-Level): My greatest professional achievement was completing my Bachelor's degree in 4 years with a 3.8 GPA. I had no financial support from my family and had to work a full-time job while pursuing my Economics degree.

What are some examples of achievements?

What is an accomplishment?.
Honor Roll inclusion for high grades..
Awards won for specific activities or subjects (i.e., Most Valuable Player (MVP), Fine Art Award).
Inclusion in student-related achievement publications (i.e., Who's Who in American High Schools).
Perfect attendance awards..

How do you write an achievement at work?

Three quick tips:.
List your previous jobs, from the most recent to the first job you had..
Use this section to give ample space to write down your list of accomplishments..
List all your contributions to these companies regardless of how small or big they are..
Quantify your outcomes when possible..