Opencart lỗi oops something went wrong không load bản đồ năm 2024

I'm looking for an experienced and skilled photographer or graphic designer to edit and enhance various photos intended for food packaging margins. We have taken photos for 6 x food packaging designs and need all 6 done. We need to have the photos edited for inserting onto food packaging design. I've attached an example of the changes, with left being the photo that was taken and the middle being a very quick example (not to detail) of what we are after. Key tasks: - Carry out color correction on each photo. - Remove backgrounds where necessary. - Retouch each image to ensure there are no blemishes or imperfections. Once editing processes have been completed, the...

Ensure your config.php and admin/config.php files are properly configured. Also ensure not to use site redirections / forwarders from your cPanel or htaccess files that affects your root domain.

Dedication and passion goes to those who are able to push and merge a project.

Regards, Straightlight Programmer / Opencart Tester


Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:38 pm

Location - Canada, ON

by straightlight » Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:25 pm

This error message is caused by an installed module. Uninstall the module from the admin-end and see if that rectifies the issue with the watermark module.

It works fine till the last page where it asks for permission etc, but on the final step it shows connecting etc and then this error comes up.

I also have the same problem, everything looks fine. Then the connection is made and then "An error occured while generating system user access token: (

10) Application does not have permission for this action"

What can we do?

I am experiencing the same issue. Is there any solution ?

Nobody can help with this? What can we do?

Have installed extension to my opencart Everytime I try to connect FBE I get message - Oops, something went wrong. This may be because of a technical error that we're working to get fixed. Try reloading this page. Strore's link - Please kindly help

Can you maybe change the topic to [BUG] Oops, something went wrong?

Sam problem here. When install the newest module, it cannot sync it gives Oops, something went wrong. We rolled back to Plugin Version: 2.1.3, works fine for now, but most of the time the access token is lost, and we need to reconnect it. That's a bit annoying.

Hope a fix is released soon.

Hi all,

Please download the latest version of the Facebook Business Extension plugin for OpenCart (version 4.0.1) from OpenCart Marketplace. We have revamped the entire plugin, improved the plugin and resolved most of the bugs and issues that users are having with the previous versions.

To uninstall the existing FBE plugin (version 3.1.2 and below), please follow the guide .

For installation of the latest FBE plugin (version 4.0.0 and above), please follow the guide here.

If you encounter any technical issues with the new FBE plugin, please feel free to reach out to us via our help desk.