Have a high opinion of là gì

Dưới đây là một số câu ví dụ có thể có liên quan đến "to have a high opinion of somebody":

Have a high opinion of somebody

Đánh giá cao người nào

Have a high opinion of

Đánh giá cao

Have a bad opinion of somebody

Đánh giá thấp

To have a low opinion of somebody

Không trọng ai

Have a low opinion of somebody

Đánh giá thấp

Have no opinion of somebody

Không đánh giá ai cao

You have a high opinion of him.

Chị đã đánh giá cao ông ấy.

To have no opinion of somebody

Không đánh giá cao ai

He doesn't have a high opinion of women.

Anh ta không đánh giá cao phụ nữ.

To have high expectations of somebody

Đặt nhiều kỳ vọng ở ai

Have somebody a high old time

Tiếp đãi ai một cách cởi mở

You certainly don't have a very high opinion of girls, do you?

Ông chắc chắn là không đánh giá cao các cô gái lắm, đúng vậy không?

This first girl seemed to have a very high opinion of herself.

Cô gái đầu tiên này có vẻ tự tin.

People who have a high opinion of themselves are unlikely to have that view shared by their co-workers.

Những người hay đánh giá cao mình thường không có cùng qua điểm với đồng nghiệp.

The boss has a very high opinion of her.

Ông chủ đánh giá cô ấy rất cao.

Mary has a very high opinion of herself.

Mary đánh giá rất cao bản thân mình.

Have a low opinion of something

Đánh giá thấp

We have a marked difference of opinion.

Chúng tôi có ý kiến khác nhau thấy rõ.

Have a bad opinion of something

Đánh giá thấp

I have a bad opinion of new plan.

Tôi đánh giá thấp ông kế hoạch mới.

Dưới đây là một số câu ví dụ có thể có liên quan đến "to have a high opinion of":

Have a high opinion of

Đánh giá cao

You have a high opinion of him.

Chị đã đánh giá cao ông ấy.

Have a high opinion of somebody

Đánh giá cao người nào

He doesn't have a high opinion of women.

Anh ta không đánh giá cao phụ nữ.

People who have a high opinion of themselves are unlikely to have that view shared by their co-workers.

Những người hay đánh giá cao mình thường không có cùng qua điểm với đồng nghiệp.

You certainly don't have a very high opinion of girls, do you?

Ông chắc chắn là không đánh giá cao các cô gái lắm, đúng vậy không?

This first girl seemed to have a very high opinion of herself.

Cô gái đầu tiên này có vẻ tự tin.

The boss has a very high opinion of her.

Ông chủ đánh giá cô ấy rất cao.

Mary has a very high opinion of herself.

Mary đánh giá rất cao bản thân mình.

Have a low opinion of something

Đánh giá thấp

Have a bad opinion of somebody

Đánh giá thấp

To have a low opinion of somebody

Không trọng ai

Have a low opinion of somebody

Đánh giá thấp

We have a marked difference of opinion.

Chúng tôi có ý kiến khác nhau thấy rõ.

Have a bad opinion of something

Đánh giá thấp

I have a bad opinion of new plan.

Tôi đánh giá thấp ông kế hoạch mới.

Peter seems to have a low opinion of women.

Hình như Peter có hơi đánh giá thấp phụ nữ.

I have a low opinion of new plan.

Tôi đánh giá thấp ông kế hoạch mới.

I have a bad opinion of new director.

Tôi đánh giá thấp ông giám đốc mới.

I have a low opinion of new director.

Tôi đánh giá thấp ông giám đốc mới.

Các ví dụ của opinion


We are of the opinion that this is just the main thermodynamic difference between the "cold" ablation and the organic material ablation.

To let respondents spontaneously express their opinions, an open-ended question requested of them to list conditions in their companies which they found attractive and unattractive.

Besides the standard section, in every wave some questions are added to poll the opinions surrounding hot topics.

This conflicting opinion, together with complex cultural and socioeconomic issues surrounding wetlands, has given rise to a plethora of views on how to develop wetlands.

The latter had formulated their opinions after a maximum of six months' teaching experience, the former after many years in the classroom.

There is, in teaching music (as in all other subjects), substantial room for legitimate differences in professional opinion.

I don't think they took into account our opinions.

The case for separability as a requirement of consequentialism is straightforward in my opinion.

If central powers tended to do the same for opposite reasons, their attitude towards non-bureaucratic opinion alternated between indifference and hostility.

In other words, this analysis does not negate previous findings that opinion change and attitude stability vary by political sophistication.

Unlike legislative bodies, courts are not directly accountable to voters, and at least in theory, they are not influenced by public opinion.

The issue had to be transformed into a "visible" subject, and private views into debatable opinions.

This confirms our thesis that by varying the content of the plasma probabilistic ensemble one may advance diver se opinions regarding some physical phenomena.

However, such polarisation is not useful, in my opinion.

This suggestion also appears useful in my opinion.

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Các cụm từ với opinion

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với opinion.

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climate of opinion

If no longer supplying a "whole climate of opinion," its effect on the psychological weather thus endures.

concurring opinion

In the end, he decided against issuing his separate one-and-a-half page concurring opinion.

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