Functionalist interpretative radical humanist and radical structuralist là gì

1. What is the phenomenon of interest and is it clearly stated for the reader? The phenomenon of interest was to examine resident’ and family member preference on care for pneumonia in a long-term care facility or a hospitalized setting. The phenomenon was clearly stated in the article.…

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  • Narcan Research Paper

    If I am successful in obtaining both, quantitative and qualitative, I will look at the use of mixed methods, combining the quantitative and qualitative research. Within the mixed methods I have looked at the three primary models, convergent parallel, explanatory and exploratory sequential. After looking at the pros and cons of each, I have decided to use the convergent parallel mixed method. This method allows me to collect quantitative and qualitative data at the same time, and combine them in order provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem.…
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  • Drug Trafficking Cartel Essay

    1. State your course research project’s specific research question. “What connection and similarities do the Drug Trafficking Cartels have with Transnational Terror Organizations?” 2. State whether your project would be more suitable for a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods approach.…
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  • Mixed Method Research

    Danielle When collecting data for a mixed method research it is important to decide which method to use and know how to analyze the data to answer the research question. For example, in the field of criminal justice if you want to determine what punishment best decreases certain behavioral acts among teens the quantitative data can be collected from school and arrest records or any official record, then coded into an ANOVA chart to show the differences in the success of certain punishments. For example, a rehabilitation model versus a retribution model. For the qualitative data collection and analysis, surveys can be distributed to school teachers and administrators, probation officers, or any other authoritative figure in the position to answer…
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  • Radical Mentalist Perspective

    Discuss the difference between the mentalist's and the radical behaviorist's perspectives regarding feelings, "states of mind," and unobservable "mental" events. Is there a special thing called "the mind"? In your response, describe the radical behaviorist's perspective regarding feelings, states of mind, and mental (covert or private) events. Then provide a recent example of a situation where you were exposed to or considered a mentalistic explanation for your own or someone else's behavior.…
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  • Mental Illness In Houston Case Study

    METHODOLOGY The methodology of research is the description of the pathway used to approach the study question. While weak methods may lead to sterile speculation and a lack of scientific base, excessive attachment to rules and models could generate stereotypical responses and insufficient interpretation or contextualization. A good methodology may combine coherent techniques and the researcher’s problem-solving skills, flexibility, knowledge, and ethics assessing the reality.…
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  • Ethical Issues In Diabetes Patients

    The nurse’s involvement in research and transformation of evidence-based practice into the clinical setting has been highly endorsed over the years. This is due to the fact that nurses work closely with patients and spend a lot of time with the patient than any other member of the health care team. Nurses are encouraged to raise their concern and come up with evidence-based practices that would support interventions and improve patient outcomes. The implementation of a diet and exercise educational program can significantly improve the plight of the patient, reduce hospital visits due to complications, decrease the amount of time missed from work, and so on. Although this intervention has many benefits, there are also ethical issues and barriers…
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  • Humanistic Psychology Chapter 10

    Chapter 10 Humanistic emerged in the 50s as a reaction to the analysis of ideas just behavior, defended by behaviorism and focus on the unconscious and its determinism advocated by psychoanalysis. The wide divergence with behaviorism is that humanism does not accept the idea of man as machine or animal, subject to conditioning processes. In relation to psychoanalysis, the reaction was the emphasis on the unconscious, biological issues and past events, the neuroses, psychoses and the division of their human magazines.…
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  • 'Guns, Gangs, And Gossip'

    Read the article: "Guns, gangs, and gossip"(Zimmerman et al., 2004). Using concepts from chapters 1-7 as the basis for your analysis, in a narrative format of 750 or more words, identify: The research problem, in this particular study the researchers are attempting to focus on youth violence, but unlike the traditional studies that have been made in the past this study will place an emphasis on youth violence from the prospective of the youth themselves (Zimmerman et al., 2004). Research design, the experimental method was the research design is this particular study; three hundred ninety one (391) essays were completed, accounting for sixteen percent (16%) of the population of the schools. This included one hundred thirty three (133) essays by males and two hundred fifty six (256) essays by females.…
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  • Change Management Model

    The firs type is quantitative and is commonly collected by distributing, to a specific sample of subordinates, in the form of surveys and questionnaires. Quantitative data collection and analysis uses statistical tools in the data analysis stage of the process. The second type of data collection is qualitative and is commonly collected by forming focus groups or through personal interviews or observation techniques. When conducting observations the leadership will have to define what is being observed and make observations at the right times in order to observe what needs to be observed. The way the leader collects data should relate to how the change process will be planned and managed.…
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  • Positivism And Interpretivism Essay

    In the choice of research methodology, the researchers first have to choose one of the research paradigms like positivism, interpretivism, and pragmatism. Every research approach must follow the way of investigation such as epistemology, ontology, and axiology (Maxwell, 2005) as the essence of research philosophy. Therefore, I would like to follow the viewpoint of pragmatism as my research approach that should overcome some disadvantageous position of positivism and interpretivism, discussed below- Positivism refers to the emphasis on scientific observation as the way to see and understands the reality (Antwi & Hamza, 2015; Mack, 2010; Gray, n.d.) including statistical measurement to gain the factual knowledge about nature and natural phenomena (Edirisingha, 2012). These characteristics of positivism make the researchers independent (Dudovskiy, 2016) with minimal interactions with participants (Wilson, 2010) and limit to the survey method of data collection in observing empirical phenomena (Antwi & Hamza, 2015) rather than introspection (Byrne, 2005). The essence of axiology in positivism, as the researchers' judgment about the phenomena that is to be observed (Saunders et al., 2012), involves inquirer's value–free assessment (Li, 2016).…
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  • Quantitative Vs Qualitative Research Essay

    There are two main types of research that can be utilized when conducting a study such as qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research involves the collection of numerical data, which is analyzed to prove a hypothesis. Qualitative research is used to gather insight and understanding of a problem and does not focus on numerical data. There are numerous differences between the two methods that can be explored.…
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  • Strengths And Weaknesses Of Qualitative And Quantitative Research

    When planning a research proposal, it is important for a researcher to choose an appropriate research method to investigate the questions they wish to answer. The method the researcher choses is dependent on the type of research they are undertaking and usually falls under either qualitative or quantitative research, although in complex cases, a more mixed method may be required (Liamputtong, 2010, p. 9). This essay will define qualitative and quantitative research; discuss the epistemologies and methodologies and strengths and weaknesses of these research approaches in addition to comparing how they are used within the psychological research field. Qualitative research is primarily used when researching the social factors of life that cannot…
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  • Trans-Shipment Container Management In The Port Of Piraeus Case Study

    Trans-Shipment Container Management in the Port of Piraeus Theodoros Koromilas ABSTRACT As a mainly trans-shipment container port, the container terminal of the port of Piraeus has as a primary goal to provide equipment and facilities to deliver efficient and professional service. The commercial port of Piraeus consists of three (3) container terminals, of which one (1), Terminal I, is being operated Piraeus Port Authority S.A. (P.P.A) and two (2), Terminal II and III by the Piraeus Container Terminal S.A. (P.C.T.), which is a subsidiary of COSCO Pacific. Head offices are located behind their terminals for each organization.…
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  • 6 Pages
  • Quantitative Research Analysis, Qualitative, And Mixed Methods

    Qualitative research is defined by Creswell (2014) as “a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem (p. 246). Qualitative data is usually collected in the natural setting of the perceived problem, but can include open-ended survey questions, personal interviews, or observations (Leedy & Ormond, 2010). Mixed method research combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the purpose of…

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