Fix lỗi the system cannot find the file specified vmware năm 2024

for your reply. (Strangely a couple of attempts to post some relevent extract of the requested vmware.logs have been deleted).

Anyway the file

28 is not available in Windows Defender quarantine.

Using your dummy

28 63KB file caused repeated restarts and endless KMODE Exception Not Handles or Unexpected Kernet Mode Trap errors.

So I managed to restore an old

28 backup (Windows 10 LTSB 2016 x86 Crystal-s028.vmdk) dated April 2022; it is about 433Mb. I was given the chance to restore using a restore point dated May 27th. Unfortunately it did no work and caused only subsequent endless Page Fault in Nonpaged Area (win32kfull.sys) errors at the next reboots. Subsequent repeated reboots, automatic restores did not help and the error is the same. All these experiments were done using a backup of the original Crystal VM, as suggested. So the first 27 files are still untouched for further attempts, eventually.

- Other ideas, please, or I have no other chances than to restore fully that VM old full April backup?

If you’ve ever run into this, it’s a real bummer. I encountered it after using rsync to clone a vm.

At the outset, I want to say either using vm -> manage -> clone or file -> export to OVF are both easier options, but if you’ve already copied a vm by hand, you can try this out:

After I rsynced my VM, I wanted to rename the files to differentiate it from the old VM.

For the example, let’s say my old VM’s name was Windows Ent EFI and I wanted to rename it to winInsiders

I use this one-liner just to rename the .vmdk files:

`for f in *.vmdk; do mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed s/"Windows Ent EFI"/winInsiders/)"; done`Code language: PHP (php)

and renamed the remaining files {$f.nvram, $f.vmds, $f.vmx, $f.vmxf} by hand (wanted to be careful)

At first, I had forgotten about references in the winInsiders.vmx to old filenames, so when I tried to re-add the hard drive, I ran into the “cannot find the file specified” error

I deleted any .lck directories first (not sure if this is necessary, but it seemed like a good idea)

Then I looked inside the .vmx file with a text editor, and found a few keys that needed new values, because they referenced the old names.

They were:

`vm -> manage -> clone`0

There could always be more, that’s why instead of editing it by hand, run vm -> manage -> clone`1 on the .vmx` file, as it is faster and far less error-prone (just like the renaming command above, but with the `vm -> manage -> clone`3 flag, meaning inside the file):

`vm -> manage -> clone`4

Then do the same for the vm -> manage -> clone`5 and first .vmdk` file (the first .vmdk in a split virtual disk is just a file descriptor, plain text):

`vm -> manage -> clone`8

It should work now (at least, it did for me).

Recovering zfs evangelist. Random tech tip disseminator. React/Next.JS site developer, but currently only in spare time. Previously resided: Oakland, SF, Tokyo. Now near Seattle, loving vote by mail. View all posts by averyfreeman

My VM refuses to start and pops up an error that vmware is Unable to open *.vmdk as the system cannot find the file specified. However i see the file it complains about on my disk. Also the contents of this file appear to be fine.

I am unable to revert to a previous snapshot either. The error message says:

"Error restoring snapshot:

The system cannot find the file specified."

I have attached the logs and the file list. Please help!

I am trying your suggestion. I'm getting a new error message that says there is another vm on my PC. After looking around I'm trying by disabling .lck folders and files. Still not working but will try starting again from fresh.

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  • Unable to open *.vmdk The system cannot find the f...

My vm1 was working just fine and I suspended it to open vm2. After suspending vm2, I came back to vm1 and I get the error cannot open the vmdk file because the system cannot find it. The file is there. I can browse to it and see it. My vmx file appears to be in good shape. I am using windows 10. If someone can help, I would appreciate it

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12 Replies

could you Please attach vmware.log for further investigation.



I have the same issue - I wonder if the original poster's file structure looks like this - I saw on linux how you recreate the vmdx file and that made sense, but i am on windows 10 using VMware Workstation 12 Pro - VMEM file meaning my VM is suspended and it's in Memory? any help or pointing to the right document would greatly appreciated

Welcome to the Community,

please run dir *.* /one >filelist.txt from the command line in the VM's folder, and attach the resulting filelist.txt to a reply post.


Welcome to the Community lastardcstar​,

this might not be the same issue. According to the screenshot, the VM is missing its virtual disk (.vmdk) file (unless it's stored in another folder).


I think you are right Andre he can see his file at least,, I can't find mine at all,, I thought there was a way to recreate the .


One of the required .vmdk files "Windows 10 x64 (2)-s009.vmdk" is missing. Please check whether this file is still available (e.g. in Lost&Found, or from a recent backup).

If not, the only option - after backing up the existing files - is to create another (temporary) virtual machine with a virtual disk in the exact same size, and replace the missing file with one of the temporary VM's .vmdk files (best option is to copy and rename its ..-s009.vmdk file).

This will of course result in file system corruption, and data loss, but it should allow you to access/backup other important data.


Let me start by saying that after years of using vmware, this is the first time this has ever happened. Under any circumstances I find it bizarre that a file would just go missing. I am the only person who uses this machine and I know I didn't delete it.

I did try exactly what you suggested

  • copied the vm dir to another location
  • copied the vmdk 010 to another location, renamed it to vmdk009
  • copied the the renamed vmdk009 back into the vm dir
  • started up the vm
  • got a blue screen stating that there was corruption with pc
  • restarted again and get windows splash screen saying windows is diagnosing errors and preparing to repair restarted but did not work
  • repeat above step 2 more times....same result

So with the copied machine not working, I am given some windows repair options, which I have not tired.

I still have the original vm in its dir

What is the lost and found dir that you mentioned? Is it the same as the recycle bin, or is it another location within the vm program files?

Again, I had just restarted the VM (VM!and and it seemed to be working fine. I wanted to check on another vm so I paused VM1 and started VM2. A few hours later I paused VM2 and tried starting VM1. That is where I am now.

Any suggestions?

I'm not sure if this is exactly the same issue, but I was experiencing the same outcome, re: "The system cannot find the file specified" error

At the outset, I want to say either using vm -> manage -> clone or file -> export to OVF are both easier options, but if you've already copied a vm by hand, you can try this out:

I rsynced a VM to clone it, and wanted to rename the files to differentiate it from the old VM.

For the example, let's say my old VM's name was 'Windows Ent EFI' and I wanted to rename it to 'winInsiders'

I use this one-liner just to rename the .vmdk files:

`for f in *.vmdk; do mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed s/"Windows Ent EFI"/winInsiders/)"; d`one

and renamed the remaining files {$f.nvram, $f.vmds, $f.vmx, $f.vmxf} by hand (wanted to be careful)

I forgot references in the winInsiders.vmx might reference old filenames

I deleted any .lck directories first (not sure if this is necessary)

Then I looked inside the .vmx file with a text editor, and found a few keys that needed new values, because they referenced the old names.

They were:




There could always be more old references, that's why instead of editing the rest of it by hand, I ran sed on the .vmx file (faster, less error-prone):

`file -> export to OVF`1

Then do the same for the `file -> export to OVF`2 and first `file -> export to OVF`3 file (the first `file -> export to OVF`3 in a split virtual disk is just a file descriptor, so plain text):

`file -> export to OVF`5

`file -> export to OVF`6

It should work now (at least, it did for me).


This is my problem too. Let me your idea about it:

The file (Windows 8 x64 (1).vmdk) is already exists in correct path, but apparently the machine cannot use it. What is the problem? What do I do?

The message is:

Unable to open file "C:\Users\...\Windows 8 x64 (1).vmdk". The system cannot find the file specified.

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