Drop down list excel not working

  • Installation probably got corrupted on his machine some how since it works for you.

    Go into Add/Remove Programs, find Office and click "Change", then select Repair after it loads and let it go. That will probably take care of it.

  • What kind of dropdowns are we talking about? If they're populated using a macro he may have a buried security setting that is preventing macros from running on all files by default with no prompt.

  • Attached some screen shots with the boxes dropped on my computer. Remember his wont do that. 



    attach_file Attachment Screenshot.docx 60.2 KB

  • Repairing Microsoft Office had no effect.



  • Running Excel as an administrator hasnt helped either.


  • Just thought I would let everyone know that I found the issue is actually with a Microsoft Update. I found this article here.


    I hope this helps someone else in the future.


    Drop down list excel not working
    Spice (1) flagReport

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  • Thanks for the heads up. We still have a few users with '10.

    Spice (1) flagReport

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Been using data validation with a drop down list on a column in a worksheet for months with no issue. Today I have noticed that there is no longer a drop down list on any of these cells, and instead all I can do is enter text manually.

I've check the data validation rule and it's still set to list, and have confirmed the source range is still correct. In-cell drop down option still ticked. No idea where else to look or why this has suddenly stopped working. Excel 2016 on Windows 10. Could anybody help please?

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  1. #1

    Hi, I have a drop down list which is auto updating from a table. It works fine when the source data and drop down list are on the same sheet, but its not updating when the source data and drop down list are on different sheets What am I missing? Thanks


  2. #2

    if you copied it over, when you look at the format control the input range has to change to reference the original sheet, otherwise it will simply reference the new sheet range.

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    Drop down list excel not working

    Sam Capricci

  3. #3

    Hi Sam, Thank you for looking, that does not appear to be the issue? its references the correct sheet i have just tried again in a new workbook and the same problem exists? Thanks


  4. #4

    Hi Excelski. Save the drop down list as a "Named Range" and the list will then be available to all sheets without having to reference the sheet name/number in any formulas or Data Validation (lists). Regards


  5. #5

    Hi Peterrc I have tried that too. I can create a drop down using a named range which updates as items are added to the list, but I can not do it with the data and the drop down on different sheets. I must be missing something simple? Thanks for looking


  6. #6

    is it just this particular workbook or is does it happen with other workbooks? Can you upload the workbook?

  7. #7

    its happening on all workbooks and on different excel versions, i must be doing something very basic wrong... repeatedly!!

    Drop down list excel not working
    Attached Files
    • Drop down list excel not working
      Drop down.xlsx‎ (30.7 KB, 32 views) Download

  8. #8

    Hi Excelski, You had the Table Name as Nameslist and the Named Range as Nameslist. I've changed this (see attached) and it is now working. Please note I have used "=Names" in the Data Validation. Regards


    Drop down list excel not working
    Attached Files
    • Drop down list excel not working
      Drop down PRC.xlsx‎ (9.4 KB, 55 views) Download

  9. #9

    Hi peterrc, I couldn't see the woods for the trees! Thank you Regards


  10. #10

    Hi Excelski, Happy to help! Regards
