Bài tập về các từ hạn định toeic năm 2024

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

  1. his b. a c. the d. any

Exercise 3

1. They did not find_______

  1. nothing of value b. a valuable thing c. any value d. anything valuable

2. They stagger home loaded with_______ necessities as they can carry.

  1. as many of the b. as many c. so many d. the most

3. The _______ is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble.

  1. deepest cave known in the world b. cave deepest known in the world
  1. world's cave known deepest. d. deepest cave in the world's knowledge

4. The bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have

to pay.

  1. The higher you will have b. the more you will have
  1. ore you will have d. you will have higher.

5. Modern dances proved to be _______ the dish could bear.

  1. too much for b. as much as c. so much that d. so much for

6. The public are often far more interested_______ political events.

  1. in people's stories than b. in stories about people than
  1. with stores about people then d. by people's stories than by

7. We are_______ dependent on specialized labour as we used to be.

  1. increasingly less b. becoming not so c. not nearly as d. becoming less

8. _______ spend hours of their leisure time.

  1. men of each age b. men of every age
  1. all ages of men d. whatever a man's age, they

9. Whatever it is, a fused light, _______ furniture, a clogged pipe, a broken down vacuum

cleaner, wives expect their husbands to put things right.

  1. shaked b. shaken c. a shaky d. shaky

10. Drilling a hole under the sea has proved more difficult than_______

  1. drilling one on lad b. under the land
  1. to drill a hole on land d. a hole on the land

11. The bottle hasa_______

  1. green delicately shaded tint b. delicately shaded green tint
  1. green tinted delicate shade d. delicate shade of green tint.

12. _______ belongings people accumulate.

  1. as they get older more b. In getting older there are more
  1. only when they get older, do more d. the older they get the more

13. I like him very much, he is_______

  1. quite an intelligent boy b. quite intelligent boy
  1. a quite intelligent boy d. a boy quite intelligent

14. Nowadays_______ women get university degrees.

  1. either b. every c. both d. many

15. Nam's parents are_______ with his success.

  1. please b. pleasant c. pleasing d. pleased

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