Bài tập trắc nghiệm về thành ngữ tiếng anh năm 2024

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Ảnh minh họa: Foodiggty

Câu 1: The first time I met my boyfriend's parents, I ___ because I knew their political views were very different from mine.

Một sản phẩm của công ty TNHH Giáo dục Edmicro

CÔNG TY TNHH GIÁO DỤC EDMICRO MST: 0108115077 Địa chỉ: Tầng 5 Tòa nhà Tây Hà, số 19 Đường Tố Hữu, Phường Trung Văn, Quận Nam Từ Liêm, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam

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  1. cakeB. break C. breadD. bead



The political candidate knew the issue was a hot, so he deferred to his chief of staff, who directedthe questions to the committee chairperson.A. tomatoB. potatoC. potD. dog


Don't let my mother watch any of those sappy movies—she cries at the drop of a ……...A. hatB. bagC. catD. rag


When yourprogramme first started I thought it was the best thing since sliced ……..


Denisehas been burning the midnight …… trying to finish this report, so she must be exhausted.

lampB. candleC. oilD. gas


Iwas excited to start taking night classes after work, but now, without enough time to devote either to school or to my job, I feel like I'm falling between ….. stools.



oneB. twoC. threeD. four


You’d better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam.

Break a leg!

A.good luckB. Good nightC. Good byeD. Good job


You’d better …… the books if you want to pass your exam on Friday.A. hitB. beatC. stabD. bite


I think he’ll pay you back your money –




birdsB. catsC. cocksD. pigs


I don't mind driving this time-she's scratched my..........plenty of times.A.headB. backC. stomachD. heart


Duncan Smith hit the nail on thewhen he said that the Prime Minister promised so much and yet changed so little. A.


  1. back C. legD. foot


At school, people always used to take the ……out of him for having red hair.

  1. catB. dogC. mickeyD. rat12.They ……. their car at our disposal for our entire stay.A. hadB. took C. putD. got13.I'm sorry, I can't. I have a..............headache.A. splittingB. bitingC. sleepingD. chipping14.This food is...............the house, you don’t have to pay for it. A. atB. onC. inD. at15.My parents are going to

hit the roof

if they find out we had a party here. A. become angryB. become sadC. become worriedD. become nervous16.When I hear stories of cruelty to animals, it makes my…… boil. A. stomachB. oilC. bloodD. head17.She is a rising star as a standup comedian, always able to bring down the …. during each performance


  1. houseB. rainC. roofD. kennel18.We paid through the......to get the car fixed. A. headB. noseC. lipsD. mouth19.Stop about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.


hidingC. beating

moving20.I usually buy my clothes.....................It’s cheaper than going to a dress- maker.A. off the peg

on the house

in public

on the shelf


I caught the last bus by the skin of my .A.mouth


neck D. teeth


It was a joke! I was pulling your .A.thumb


toeD. leg


I always get in my stomach before visiting the dentist.A.wormsB. butterflies




Those smart phones are selling like . If you want one, you’d better buy one now before they’re all gone.A.shooting stars

fresh breadC. hot cakes

wild oats


I haven’t had an accident yet but I’ve had a number of shaves.A.narrow

near C. close



My father refused to eat meat that had been fired. He hadin his bonnet about causing cancer A.bug B. a bee

a bull

an ant


I dropped a..........when talking with my best friend, and now he doesn't want to talk to me. A. rockB. stoneC. brickD. sand


What the president said is not to be printed. It's …… the record.A.onB. ofC. offD. without


I can’t stand Mr. Brian. He’s always blowing his own - telling everyone how good he is at everything.

  1. balloon


mindD. trumpet


He could always find with something, either in my writing or in my personality.A.errorB. faultC. mistakesD. wrong


The two groups of bullies fought tooth and before the police came last night. A. clawB. nailC. feetD. both A and B


The complaints he received were like water off a duck’s .A.back B. wingsC. featherD. body33.I couldn't think of a way to present my view so that no one would take it …….A. missB. amissC. easyD. relax34.Where were you? I have been looking for you

high and low

.A. here and thereB. everywhereC. nowhereD. both A and B35.My little house is

spick and span

.A. neatB. cleanC. well looked after D. all are correct 36. Working irregular hours is all

part and parcel

of being a journalist.A. integralB. crucialC. essentialD. all are correct


The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a of a doubt

shadeB. shadow





didn’t b at an eye

when he realized he failed the exam again.A.didn’t want to seeB. didn’t show surprise

wasn’t happy

didn’t care39.They are getting married. They have just ….. the news to their friends.A. toldB. informedC. brokenD. had40.In the future, the robot will not cost an ….. and a leg.A. armB. handC. footD. nail41.

I could see the finish line and thought I was

home and dry








unsuccessfulD. successful


Don't let all this praise go to your ……...43.He was arrested on the ……… on the way to the airport.

  1. spot
  1. sportC. slotD. top44.It never rains but it…………….A. cloudsB. poursC. stormsD. dries45.She always turned her term paper in at the eleventh ……...A. minuteB. secondC. hourD. time46.Boss: So, Rita, you left work early yesterday? Worker: Yeah, and did I ever get in hot water for that!(A) be in trouble.(


) take a warm bath. (C) get so tired(D) be sorry47.A: What did you think of Chuck?B: Oh, we hit it off right away.


) argued as soon as they met.. (B) quickly became friends(C) didn’t like each other. (D) stopped talking soon. 48.We don't go there often - just off..........on.

or B. and C. butD. then 49.I'm worried she may be

getting cold..............

about our trip to Patagonia.

blood B. headC. heartD. feet 50.We................

good time

and were at the hotel by lunchtime. A. haveB. madeC. spentD. took

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