Assigned tasks là gì

I. Assign là ngoại động từ

1. Mang nghĩa "phân công ai làm công việc gì"

=to give someone a job to do be assigned to something


  • với nghĩa này, thường chia bị động (được chỉ định)
  • assign something to someone
  • be assigned something
  • assign tasks/responsibilities/objectives, etc. (to sb)
  • assign sb to do sth

  • Two senior officers were assigned to the investigation. 
  • It’s his job to assign tasks to the various members of the team. 
  • Mountbatten was assigned responsibility for retaking the territory.
  • UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital. 
  • the teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: thầy giáo đã phân cho mỗi chúngtôi bài làm trong kỳ nghỉ)
  • The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.
  • We assigned Alberto the task of watching the children.
  • The document outlines how the organization will be run and how research tasks will be assigned. 
  • They assigned him to analyse computer records to look for signs of fraud.

2. Mang nghĩa "chỉ định cho ai một nhiệm vụ làm việc ở đâu đó"

=to send someone to a particular place, especially in order for them to work there


  • be assigned to something
  • assigned abroad

  • He was assigned to the company’s branch in Cairo.
  • She was assigned to the newspaper's Berlin office.
  • Judith was assigned to the office in Washington, D.C.
  • Over the past decade, the organization has doubled its number of managers assigned abroad.

3. Mang nghĩa "phân công / chỉ định ai vào 1 nhóm nào đó"

=to put someone in a particular group be assigned to something


  • Tina has been assigned to the intermediate learners’ group.
  • Each individual was assigned to a team representing a major stakeholder. be assigned to sth I've been assigned to the finance department on a temporary basis.

4. Mang nghĩa "phân cho ai cái gì phục vụ mục đích công việc"

=to give someone money or equipment so that they can use it for a particular purpose


  • be assigned something
  • assign sth to sb

  • I was assigned a car for my personal use.
  • Each employee will be assigned an individual work area, with a desk and shelving.

5. Mang nghĩa "chỉ định tên cho ai đó / cái gì"

=to decide that something has a particular name, use, or value


  • The operation was assigned the code name ‘Rita’.

6. Mang nghĩa "phân bổ thời gian / tiền ra để làm gì"

=to decide that something should take a particular amount of time or money / If you assign a time or moneyfor a job or activity, you decide it will be done during that time


  • I have assigned four hours for recording the data.
  • Have you assigned a day for the interviews yet?
  • shall we assign Thursdays for our weekly meeting ? (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: chúng ta sẽ ấn định các cuộc họp hàng tuần vào các ngày thứ năm chứ?)
  • They assigned a large sum of money to research and development. 
  • Locals are frustrated that of the $110bn assigned by Congress in relief aid, only $53bn has actually been spent.

7. Mang nghĩa "quy cho, gán cái gì là nguyên nhân gây ra sự việc gì"

=to decide a reason for something

  • Detectives have been unable to assign a motive for the murder. 
  • The report assigned the blame for the accident to inadequate safety regulations.

8. Mang nghĩa "chuyển nhượng (tài sản, quyền lợi...) cho ai"

=to give property, money, or rights using a legal process

  • to assign one's property to somebody (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: nhượng lại tài sản cho ai)
  • Her property was assigned to her grandchildren.

9. Mang nghĩa "phân phát cái gì cho ai đó một cách ngăn nắp, gọn gàng"

=If you assign things to people, you give them out in an organized way

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • We’re assigning seats on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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