asian girl là gì - Nghĩa của từ asian girl

asian girl có nghĩa là

The best looking women on Earth. Make great wives, great sex, usually not as slutty as white girls, can cook good food, and make white girls undesirable in comparison.


White Girl: John, ever since you got back from your vacation to Japan, I noticed you've been avoiding me. Why?

John: Because I realized how slutty and ugly you are compared to asian girls, GTFO

asian girl có nghĩa là

Women from east Asia who are very beautiful,elegant, reserved, and intelligent. Contrary to popular belief, some of them DO have boobs AND a butt (not all of them, but a fair amount of them do). They have straight, soft, and silky black hair.


Asian girl are very popular nowadays

asian girl có nghĩa là

A female human as viewed by Americans to be of descent from an Asian country. (For instance, Japan or China.) Typically considered to be hotter than the average Caucasian girl, as viewed mostly by horny men...


Mors277 should learn how to spell before posting a definition that looks like a 4-year-old asian girl wrote it.

asian girl có nghĩa là

The Best girls on the planet. Hot, sexy, loyal, sexy, I'm actually getting a boner typing this.


Asian Girls are hot.

asian girl có nghĩa là

Hottest! i.e. Hori Lee, Ayoomi Lee, BOA (who everyone knows for the song "Eat You Up") they are prized possessions if you ever get the chance to date them and deserve to be treated with respect and be loyal to them because they have no tolerance for cheaters or scum, only respectable men they are very fashionable, usually shy or quiet but there are also outgoing and sociable asian girls the most common relationships are indeed asian women and white men, especially in America and sometimes in Asian countries also they are very loving and caring and know how to treat men with respect as long as they receive respect equally they are in no way nasty or promiscuous except the occasional wayward girl who has lost her way but generally they are quite refined and high class and elegant and beautiful they usually have sleek, soft black/dark brown hair and very cute faces not all of them are "flat" as some of the more disrespectful people on here wanted to emphasize on but the best thing about them is that they age veryy slowly so while your white/black/hispanic girl who is 35 is starting to get wrinkles and sagging behinds and chests your asian girls who are 35 will still look like they are 25 or younger they can cook and they are amazing women to be with, I hope to meet an adorable (not hard to do since most of them are adorable) asian girl one day and marry her


Asian girls are so cool I love all of their cultures!

asian girl có nghĩa là

The best type of girl there is. Considered more attractive than the average Caucasian girl. Your average Asian girl has strait, black, silky hair; beautiful, almond shaped eyes; a warm skin tone; and a perfect, lean figure. A lot of Asian girls lack cartilage (rubbery tissue simaler to bone) in their noses, which causes it to look flat, or, "squished" (I think it looks cute ;). They're stereotyped to have no breasts, but you can rest assured that this is false. Just like any other race, there are, sadly, girls who just never developed a chest. Anyway, most Asian girls are very patient, and hard to piss off. If you get the chance to date one, for God sakes don't push your luck. If you make one cry, you'll never forgive yourself. I PROMISE YOU THAT. Well anyway, I personally love Asian girls and think they should be treated with respect. Their the best women you could ever ask for.


An Asian is someone who is of Asian decent. When someone refers to an Asian person, they usually mean someone with ancestry from eastern Asia: China, Japan, Korea, etc. Asian girls just rock!

asian girl có nghĩa là

A woman of Asian descent usually:

1) Stereotyped to be a nymphomaniac by the general populace

2) Seen with a white man as opposed to an Asian man - it is the most common interracial relationship

3) Shorter in stature than the average white or black woman especially in America

4) Possessing yellowish to light brown skin that many pale white women or dark black girls envy

5) Possessing impeccably straight hair that once again is envied by both white and black women

6) Stereotyped as hard-working, soft spoken and loyal - true only to a certain extent


Cindy is such a hot Asian girl; just look at her luscious light brown skin and straight black hair!

Mai is your typical Asian girl; she's petite, takes up medicine and is dating a white guy

asian girl có nghĩa là

Hottest! i.e. HYori Lee, Ayoomi Lee, BOA (who everyone knows for the song "Eat You Up") they are prized possessions if you ever get the chance to date them and deserve to be treated with respect and be loyal to them because they have no tolerance for cheaters or scum, only respectable men


Asian girls are so cool I love all of their cultures!

asian girl có nghĩa là

(1) a young woman from Asia

(2) A figment of the collective non-Asian imagination; people who appear to have heritage from a country within the continent of Asia, and as a result are subject to a slew of stereotypes from people around the world including (but not limited to) being exotic, innocent, submissive, brainy, hyper sexual, short, good at math, skinny, or foreign

(3) An identity created by people who appear to be of Asian descent, because no matter where they go outside of Asia they are perceived to be of an exotic homogeneous race; a term often used by Asian Americans to unify for political, social or economic purposes

(4) one of the most commonly searched terms adjacent to "porn"


(1) A: Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?
B: Yes, I met an Asian girl who just arrived from the Philippines.

(2) A: (walking up to a girl with straight black hair and almond-shaped eyes) I love Asian girls.
B: I'm Colombian.


A: (walking up to a girl with straight black hair and almond-shaped eyes) I love Asian girls.
B: You mean you love all the women from the dozens of countries in Asia who all have different cultures, languages, governments and economies? That's nice. I'm from the U.S.


A: I didn't study for the math test!
B: Just cheat off the Asian girl, Chung Lee. She has to be smart.


Puff Daddy: "My aim is winnin got Asian women that’ll change my linen after I done blazed and hit'em."

(3) I like to be around other Asian girls so I'm going to join an Asian sorority.


The Asian American Journalists Association created a scholarship for Asian girls who have bright futures in the media.


The Organization of Chinese Americans condemns hate crimes against Asian girls.

(4) One of the most popular search terms in 2007 was "porn Asian girl hardcore."

asian girl có nghĩa là

just making a few corrections for one of the defintions its spelled Hyori Lee with a Y and for non asian people who dont know this Ahyoomee Lee should not be confused with Ayumi Lee, one is Korean and the other one is Japanese


asian girl s have many different names but some of them can sound similar