A person is o+. select all the donor blood types this person could receive blood from:

Blood types NCLEX quiz for nursing students on the ABO blood typing system.

As a nurse you will be transfusing blood products, especially packed red blood cells. Therefore, you must be familiar with the various blood types and if they are compatible with one another.

Don’t forget to watch the lecture on blood types before taking the quiz.

Blood Types NCLEX quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge on the ABO blood types in preparation for the NCLEX exam.

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1.       What blood type is known as the “universal donor”?

A.      Type A

B.      Type B

C.      Type AB

D.      Type O

The answer is D. Type O is known as the universal donor.

2.       What blood type is known as the “universal recipient”?

A.      Type A

B.      Type B

C.      Type AB

D.      Type O

The answer is C. Type AB is known as the universal recipient.

3.       A patient needs 2 units of packed red blood cells. The patient is typed and crossmatched. The patient has A+ blood. As the nurse you know the patient can receive what type of blood? Select all that apply:

A.      A-

B.      O-

C.      O+

D.      A+

E.       AB-

F.       AB+

G.     B+

The answers are A, B, C, and D. The patient must receive blood from either a donor that has O or A blood. Since the patient is A+ (RH factor is positive), they can receive both negative or positive blood.

4.       A donor has AB- blood. Which patient or patients below can receive this type of blood safely?

A.      A patient with O- blood.

B.      A patient with A- blood

C.      A patient with B- blood

D.      A patient with AB- blood.

The answer is D. Donors with AB type blood can only donate to others who have AB type blood, in this case AB- blood. However, they are the universal recipients in that they can receive blood for every blood type but can only donate to the same exact blood type.

5.       You’re educating a group of outpatients about ABO blood typing and compatibility. Which statement is INCORRECT?

A. A person with B- blood can donate to people with either B- or AB- blood.

B. A person with B- blood can receive blood from donors with O- and B- blood.

C. A person with O- blood can donate to every blood type regardless of the RH factor.

D. A person with AB+ blood can only donate to other people with either AB+ or AB- blood.

The answer is D. This answer is incorrect. A person with AB+ can only donate to another person with AB+ blood. Patients who are AB- can NOT receive AB+ blood because of the Rh factor.

6.       A person is O+. Select all the donor blood types this person could receive blood from:

A.      AB+

B.      AB-

C.      O+

D.      O-

E.       A-

F.       A+

G.     B-

H.      B+

The answer is C and D. The patient is Rh factor positive so they can receive both Rh negative or positive blood. However, O blood types can only receive blood from other O types.

7. True or False: Agglutination can occur when Type A blood is given to a person with Type O blood.

The answer is TRUE. A person with Type A blood can NOT donate to a person with Type O blood. This would cause a blood transfusion reaction….hence agglutination. Agglutination occurs when the same antigens found on the RBCs from the donor come into contact with its corresponding antibody (found in the recipient’s plasma surrounding the RBCs). In this scenario, the donor has Type A blood which has A antigens on the RBC surface while the recipient has Type O blood type that contains both A and B antibodies in the plasma. If the A antigens from the donor come into contact with the A antibodies in the recipient’s blood it will cause an IMMUNE RESPONSE….agglutination.

8. A 26 year old female is 27 weeks pregnant with her second child. The woman is A-. As the nurse you know that:

A. If the patient was A+ she would need to receive RhoGAM.

B. The patient will need to receive RhoGAM during this visit to prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn.

C. The baby will need to receive RhoGAM after it’s born.

D. Since the mother is A- the baby can be Rh positive, which could lead to an immune attack on the mother’s body.

The answer is B. This is the only correct answer. Since the woman A- she will need to receive the RhoGAM shot during 26 to 28 weeks.

9. True or False: Patients who are Rh positive can only receive Rh positive blood, while patients who are Rh negative can only receive blood from donors who are Rh negative.

The answer is FALSE. Rh positive patients can receive BOTH negative and positive blood….while Rh negative patients can receive ONLY negative blood.

10. Your patient is scheduled for surgery and is ordered to be typed and crossmatched. The lab result shows your patient has B- blood. What type of blood can the patient receive during surgery, if needed?

A. B-

B. B+

C. A-

D. A+

E. O+

F. O-

G. AB+

H. AB-

The answers are A and F. The patient can only receive blood from donors who are B- or O-. Remember since the patient is Rh negative they can only receive negative factor blood.

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What type of blood can O receive?

Those with O positive blood can only receive transfusions from O positive or O negative blood types.

Who can O donate to?

Donors with blood type O... can donate to recipients with blood types A, B, AB and O (O is the universal donor: donors with O blood are compatible with any other blood type)

Who can receive a transfusion from a person with Type O blood?

40% of the population, or 1 in 2.5 people, has type O-positive blood. Type O-positive blood can be transfused to any positive blood type: A-positive, B-positive, AB-positive, and of course other O-positives. Patients with O-positive blood can receive blood transfusions from other O-positives or O-negative donors.

Which blood type can accept any blood type from donors?

AB positive blood type is known as the “universal recipient” because AB positive patients can receive red blood cells from all blood types.

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