Tools that may assist a person to expand self-awareness include which of the following

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What Are They?

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional, Learning (CASEL), social-emotional learning (SEL) is “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.”

Self-awareness and self-management are two of the five components that make up CASEL’s model of SEL.

Self-Awareness is simply the ability to be aware of one’s inner life–one’s emotions, thoughts, behaviors, values, preferences, goals, strengths, challenges, attitudes, mindsets, and so forth– and how these elements impact behavior and choices across contexts.

A student who is self-aware may notice her fearful emotional response as she is about to take a test. She may feel her heart beat faster and her stomach clench, making her thoughts race as she worries about failing the test. To get out of the test, she considers telling her teacher that she feels sick, but in the end, she recognizes that this behavior is a result of her emotions and thoughts running amok, and she accepts that these reactions can occur when she experiences anxiety.

Skills that develop self-awareness include:

  • Identifying and analyzing one’s emotions, and how they affect others
  • Understanding the relationship between one’s emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviors
  • Integrating personal and social identities
  • Identifying personal, cultural, and linguistic assets
  • Demonstrating honesty and integrity
  • Examining prejudices and biases
  • Experiencing self-efficacy
  • Having a growth mindset
  • Developing interests and a sense of purpose

Self-management is the ability to navigate and shift in a healthy way one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to make decisions and reach goals that benefit oneself and others.

A new sixth grader who is anxious about starting middle school remembers learning from her fifth grade teacher that when she is feeling scared, she can change how she feels by thinking differently about the situation. So, instead of dreading her new school, this student decides to view it as an adventure—one that might bring her new friends, wonderful teachers, and exciting opportunities.

Self-management skills include:

  • Regulating and expressing one’s emotions thoughtfully
  • Demonstrating perseverance and resilience to overcome obstacles
  • Sustaining healthy boundaries
  • Identifying and using stress management strategies
  • Setting personal and collective goals
  • Using planning and organizational skills
  • Showing the courage to take initiative
  • Demonstrating personal and collective agency
  • Maintaining attention
  • Using feedback constructively
  • Practicing self-compassion

Ultimately, self-awareness and self-management are closely linked. For example, being able to stop and calm down when one is upset (self-management), requires skills like recognizing and labeling the emotions and considering how they might be affecting one’s behavior choices (self-awareness).

For a deeper dive into the science and practical school-based examples of this science in action, click on the following topics:

SEL for Students: The Basics of Emotions
SEL for Students: Emotion Regulation
SEL for Students: Emotions and Learning
SEL for Students: Emotions and Culture

Why Are They Important?

Overall, research reveals that students with social and emotional skills perform better academically, have stronger relationships with peers and teachers, experience greater well-being, and engage in less risky behavior. In addition, SEL skills positively impact education, employment, and mental health outcomes into adulthood.

More specifically, several components of self-awareness and self-management show the following outcomes:

“Emotion knowledge” is key to student success.

  • Young children who can accurately read facial expressions of emotions and assign an appropriate emotion to a situation perform better academically, have fewer behavior problems, and demonstrate greater prosocial (kind, helpful) behavior.
  • These skills continue to help them as the years go on: first graders who showed little knowledge of emotions were more likely to report feelings of loneliness, sadness, and anxiety in fifth grade.
  • Teens who score high in emotional intelligence have greater academic success, fewer mental health issues, and better attitudes towards teachers and schools. (Note that beliefs about emotions vary by culture. Click here for more information.)

Managing emotions in a healthy way gives students a head start.

  • Students of all ages who can regulate their emotions—or monitor, evaluate, and change their emotional responses—perform better academically, have stronger relationships with teachers and peers, experience greater mental well-being, and engage in less risky behavior. (Note that emotion regulation strategies and outcomes vary by culture. Click here for more information.)

Using self-control to keep studying instead of checking Instagram really matters.

  • Students who exhibit self-control—or the ability to regulate thoughts, feelings, and actions when temptation strikes—have better grades (at every level), are more likely to graduate from high school and college, and have higher test scores.
  • Self-control also leads to better interpersonal skills, higher self-esteem, and lower risky behavior.

A “growth mindset” benefits students’ academic and social lives.

  • Research shows that students with growth mindsets related to intelligence tend to perform better academically.
  • New research suggests that developing students’ social and emotional mindsets may increase well-being and happiness, boost social competence, reduce biases, and promote prosocial (kind and helpful) behavior. For more information, click here.

Goals bolster student achievement.

  • Studies have found that “hope”—or the ability to achieve goals—is linked to greater academic achievement, creativity, and problem-solving skills, as well as less depression and anxiety.
  • Students high in “hope” know how to create a roadmap to reaching a goal, including alternate routes when obstacles arise, and also have the belief, motivation, and confidence to achieve their goals.

Practice Collections


3-2-1 Bridge

Develop students’ intellectual humility through concept mapping

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

A Gratitude Poem to the World

Students write a letter or poem to express their gratitude to something in the natural world.

PreK/Lower Elementary

Multiple Sessions

A Moment for Me: A Self-Compassion Break for Teens

Students learn how to comfort themselves during stressful times.

Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

A Song of Gratitude

Students identify the many ways that exist to express gratitude.

A Time I Felt Grateful

Students define gratitude and give an example of a time they felt grateful.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Acts of Kindness

Students draw and write about ways they have acted with kindness towards others.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Another Way of Saying Thanks

Students learn to say “thank you” in American Sign Language and brainstorm non-verbal ways to express gratitude.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Appreciating Our Bodies: A Body Scan with Gratitude

Students practice a mindful body scan and express gratitude for what their bodies allow them to do.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Barefoot Walk: A Mindful Movement Practice

Students feel the earth under their feet in this mindful movement practice.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Be Like Nature: Mindfulness for Young Children

Students go outside and experience mindfulness linked to elements of nature.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Beauty Everywhere

Students express gratitude through singing.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Best Possible Self

Students imagine their lives at 40. (Purpose Challenge Practice #5)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Body Scan for Sleep

Relax your body and calm your mind before you sleep.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Brain Games for "Focus Power": A Set of SEL Kernels Practices

Introduce students to “Focus Power,” or the ability to sustain attention and ignore distractions when needed.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Brain Games for "Remember Power": A Set of SEL Kernels Practices

Introduce students to “Remember Power,” or the ability to keep track of, update, and use information over short periods of time.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Brain Games for "Stop and Think Power": A Set of SEL Kernels Practices

Introduce students to “Stop and Think Power,” or the ability to control impulses and to “think before you act.”

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Brain Games: A Set of SEL Kernels Practices

Students practice and build executive function skills in whole-class games.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Breath-Counting Mindfulness Practice for Tweens and Teens

Students redirect their attention to their breath each time their minds wander.

Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Brief Body Scan

Take a few minutes to relax your body and calm your mind.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Building Perseverance Through Role-Play

Use drama as a way to motivate students to stick with boring or difficult tasks.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Caring Intentions: Being Kind to Others

Students consider the intentions of characters in a story who are kind to others.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Challenging Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports

Students will identify the stereotypes they hold and consider the impact those stereotypes have on the fair treatment of athletes.

Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Check for Understanding Circle

Use the Circle process to encourage students to safely and respectfully share their level of understanding on an academic topic.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Check-in Circle for Community Building

Use the Circle process to build a sense of connection among students and staff by sharing moods, feelings, and moments of joy and pain.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adult

≤ 30 minutes

Compass Points

Students develop courage by evaluating an idea or proposition and taking a stance on it.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Confronting the -isms

Students will identify their personal biases and consider how those biases influence their ability to treat others fairly.

High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Contemplative Reading

Students read a text slowly and reflect on its personal meaning for them.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Contemplative Writing

Students explore their thoughts, emotions, or ideas by freewriting on a topic of their choosing, an academic-related question, or an ethical dilemma.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fifth Grade

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for First Grade

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fourth Grade

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Kindergarten

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Second Grade

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Sixth Grade

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Third Grade

A routine for celebrating each student in your class

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Create a Purpose Tattoo

Students design a tattoo that symbolizes the things that matter most to them. (Purpose Challenge Practice #6)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Creating Art Through Contemplative Practice

Students grow their self-understanding through a contemplative art process that uses their own “scrapbook” of meaningful images.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Creating Space for Forgiveness by Letting Go of Anger

Students brainstorm ideas for coping with anger as a first step to forgiveness.

Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Crooked Circle: A Game for Building Trust

A game involving balance and teamwork that helps build trust.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Crumpled Reminder

Help students (or staff) understand that mistakes are important for learning and growing our intelligence.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fifth Grade

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for First Grade

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fourth Grade

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for Kindergarten

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for Second Grade

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for Sixth Grade

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Dear Abby: An SEL Kernels Practice for Third Grade

A discussion that uses scenarios to explore character and citizenship.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Developing a Growth Mindset About Bullies and Victims

Students shift their beliefs about people’s ability to change.

Developing a Growth Mindset About People’s Ability to Change

Reduce student anxiety by changing students’ beliefs about social challenges.

Dialogue Journals for Elementary Students

Teachers and students converse with each other through letter writing.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Dialogue Journals for High School Students

Teachers and students converse with each other through writing.

Dialogue Journals for Middle School Students

Teachers and students converse with each other through writing.

Discover Your Great Full Self

Students identify their strengths to increase self-understanding. (Gratitude for Tweens and Teens Lesson 1)

Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Discovering Your Strengths and Talents

Students reach out to trusted adults to ask what they think are students’ strengths and talents. (Purpose Challenge Practice #1)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 1 hour

Dot Card Number Talk

A short but powerful number sense activity that shows students the visual nature of math, creativity in math, and that there are many different ways people see math.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Drawing as a Way to Manage Emotions

Students experience drawing as a strategy that can help shift unpleasant emotions to calmer, more pleasant ones.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Earthrise: Bearing Witness to Our Planet

Students reflect on what it means to "bear witness" to something.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Earthrise: Cultivating Global Citizenship

Students reflect on how the Earthrise photograph offered humans a new way to see the Earth: without borders or boundaries.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Earthrise: Fostering Awe

Students reflect on how the Earthrise photograph instills a sense of awe and wonder towards our planet.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Eating a Raisin with Mindfulness

Practice slowing down and bringing your full awareness to a sensory experience.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Encouraging Moral Character Through Language

Teachers will foster students’ moral identity through selective use of language in the classroom.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

Encouraging Prosocial Actions in Students

Students engage in prosocial (kind, helpful) actions for ten days and reflect on the impact of their actions on themselves and others.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Exemplars Who Inspire Intellectual Humility

Inspire students to practice intellectual humility by introducing them to what intellectual humility is, what it looks like, and why it is valuable.

Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

Exploring Your Personal Values

Students explore and reflect on their values. (Purpose Challenge Practice #4)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 1 hour

Expressing Gratitude

Students reflect on why another person acted kindly towards them, and practice gratitude both verbally & in writing.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Expressive Writing

Students use writing as a tool to explore their emotions and challenges

Middle School, High School, College, Adult

Multiple Sessions

Feeling Connected for Students

Students think about a time when they felt close to someone in order to foster a sense of belonging and well-being.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fifth Grade

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for First Grade

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fourth Grade

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for Kindergarten

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for Second Grade

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for Sixth Grade

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings Circle: An SEL Kernels Practice for Third Grade

In a group meeting, students share their feelings while also building their feelings vocabulary and emotion knowledge.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Feelings of Gratitude

Students identify emotions related to gratitude.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Finding Silver Linings

Students and staff lessen their stress by changing their outlook on a negative event.

Middle School, High School, College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Finger Tracing: Mindful Breathing for Students

Students track their breathing as they trace up and down the fingers of one hand.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Flipping Complaints Into Gratitude

Students practice turning complaints into gratitude statements.

Middle School

≤ 30 minutes

Flow and Tell

In this circle activity, students practice mindful speaking and mindful listening.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Fostering Empathy Through Literature (Elementary Level)

A list of discussion questions to help cultivate students’ empathy.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Fostering Empathy Through Literature (Middle School & High School)

A list of discussion questions to help cultivate students’ empathy.

Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

Freeze Feelings: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' self-control by stopping themselves from moving or dancing when the music stops

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

From Sympathy to Action

Students think about the factors that encourage and discourage people to act when they confront suffering or injustice.

High School, College

≤ 1 hour

Giving Thanks

Students define gratitude and name things they’re grateful for.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Giving and Receiving Feedback in Physical Education

Students cultivate moral reasoning skills and humility through a peer-feedback process focused on P.E. skills.

Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Giving is Receiving

Students reflect on acts of kindness and how they often require intention and effort on the part of the person who does them.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Good Group Work in Math

A norm-setting activity to help create an environment for productive, positive, and equitable group work in math class

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Gratitude Interview

Students interview an older person about gratitude, deepening their own understanding of gratitude.

Middle School

≤ 30 minutes

Gratitude Journal for Students

Students write five things they’re grateful for once a day for two weeks.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Gratitude Mirror

Students deepen their understanding of gratitude by “embodying” it.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Gratitude Nature Walk

Students take a mindful walk in nature, noting what they are grateful for, and create a collaborative art piece of their experience.

Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Gratitude Quotes

Students interpret and role-play a variety of quotes about gratitude.

Hocus Pocus, Everybody Focus: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to cultivate students’ focus and attention by listening carefully and remembering the right motion

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Honesty Commitment for Students

Strategies to encourage and help students practice honesty

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Hot Potato: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' memory and attention by remembering what you're supposed to do while doing a different motion.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

How Would You Treat A Friend?

Learn to comfort yourself in the ways you would comfort good friends.

High School, College, Adult

≤ 30 minutes

I See You. Everyone Matters.

Acknowledge the faces of everyone in your classroom or meeting to deepen a sense of group connection.

High School, College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

I Spy: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to build students’ focus and attention by practicing careful looking to find the object that another person is thinking of

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Imagining Flourishing and Kindness: A Mindfulness Practice for Adults

Mentally cultivate kindness toward yourself and consider how you might be of service to others

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Inspiring Awe

Broaden students’ thinking and connection to something larger than themselves

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Introduction to Forgiveness

Students explore what forgiveness is and what it is not.

Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

It's Up to Us to Stick Our Necks Out

Students hear and share inspiring stories compassionate risk-takers and then develop their own service project.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Kindness Buddy

Students get a secret kindness buddy to do a kind act for during the week.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Learning from Courageous Forgivers 

Students learn about forgiveness from book characters.

Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Listening to Music Mindfully

Students listen to a song or piece of music and observe their responses.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Looking for Gratitude in School

Students walk silently around school, noticing people they are grateful for and telling them so.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Loving-Kindness Buddy Wishes

Students extend kindness to themselves and others.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Loving-Kindness for Adults

Mentally cultivate kindness toward yourself and others.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Loving-Kindness for Someone You Care About

Students mentally send good wishes to someone who is important to them.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Magic Tag

A magical game of tag that promotes inclusion and teamwork.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Magic Wand

Students describe their ideal world and how they might contribute to creating that world. (Purpose Challenge Practice #2)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Making Science Meaningful

Students reflect on how their science learning is relevant to their lives.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Making a Difference

Students learn that when someone does something kind, it takes time and effort.

Man’s Search for Meaning

Students reflect on a Viktor Frankl quote about why meaning in life is important. (Purpose Challenge Practice #3)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Meaningful Photos for Students

Students use photography or drawing to explore purpose and meaning in their lives.

Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Mindful Breathing for Adults

Become aware of the movement of your breath through your body.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Mindful Listening for Students

Students learn to notice sounds, their beginnings and endings, and the silent spaces between each sound.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Mindful Movement for Teens

Students learn to notice body sensations and release sources of physical tension.

Middle School, High School

Mindful Music Moments

A daily mindfulness and music appreciation practice for the whole school or a single classroom

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Mindful Poetry Moments

A daily mindfulness and poetry appreciation practice for the whole school or a single classroom

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Mindful Seeing for Elementary Students

Students pay close attention to the experience of seeing while observing an object.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Mindful Self-Compassion for Adults

Connect with your natural capacity to care for yourself

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Mindful Walking for Adults

A practice to cultivate calmness, connectedness, and physical awareness.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Mindset Boosting Messages for Math

Boost students’ growth mindset in math through a short video and discussion

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 1 hour

My Hat Has 3 Corners: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to build students' focus and attention by remembering when to use motions instead of words.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

My Mind is a Cast of Characters: Exploring the Nature of Our Thoughts

Students learn how their thoughts can affect them.

Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

My Mindful Brain for K-3

Grades K-3 students learn about the three parts of the brain that are involved with emotion regulation, attention, and learning.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Name Game: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop student's memory and attention by remembering what each person has said and repeating it in the correct order

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fifth Grade

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for First Grade

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for Fourth Grade

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for Kindergarten

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for Second Grade

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for Sixth Grade

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Notes to Self: An SEL Kernels Practice for Third Grade

Students take time to reflect on positive experiences, attributes, and/or aspirations.

Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Noticing Kindness

Students identify ways that they have acted with kindness towards others.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Number Talk

A brief learning activity that demonstrates the many different ways people see math and builds students’ flexibility with numbers.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Nurturing Students’ Wonder and Curiosity

Tap into students’ questions and and encourage them to wonder about the world around them.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Obstacles to Expressing Gratitude

Students explore ways to overcome what keeps us from expressing our thanks.

Pleasant Events Calendar for Students

Help students plan enjoyable activities as a form of self-care

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Promoting Perspective-Taking Through the Use of Literature

Review and expand your classroom or school library with books that represent diverse backgrounds.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

Purpose Compass

A process for helping students generate purposeful projects or endeavors

Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Purpose Quotes Reflection

Students choose a quote about purpose and reflect on why it resonates with them. (Purpose Challenge Practice #7)

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Put Down the Put-Downs

Create class community by brainstorming ways to stop put-downs.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Questions of Wonder

Build trust and understanding among students by exploring questions of wonder.

Middle School, High School

Multiple Sessions

Random Acts of Kindness

Students practice kindness to increase their happiness 

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

Multiple Sessions

Reading Ourselves Whole: A Contemplative Choral Reading Method

Lead a brief choral reading practice that fosters community and connection.

High School, College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Reducing Test Anxiety Through Art

Help students calm themselves through a short coloring exercise.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Reflecting on Moral Dilemmas with Practical Wisdom

Students cultivate practical wisdom by working through a moral dilemma and deciding on a course of action.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Reflecting on SEL Skills

Students discuss the SEL skills touched upon during the activity in which they have just participated.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Reminders that Encourage Moral Character Strengths

Foster students’ moral identity through story writing.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Respectful Debate

Students share their opinions and disagreements in healthy ways. 

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 1 hour

Rhyming Body Scan for Young Children

Students practice noticing body sensations and relaxing body parts.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Rock-a-bye: Mindful Breathing for Elementary Students

Students learn to relax their bodies and quiet their minds.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

SOBER Breathing Space for Teens

Students briefly check-in with themselves and focus their attention on their breath.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Scientific Body Scan Visualization

Students practice appreciating the body’s processes in a deeply mindful way.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

See the Good Challenge

Students recognize the costs and benefits involved in a kind act. (Gratitude for Tweens and Teens Lesson 2)

Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Seeing the Good in Others

Students look for the good in others by acknowledging each other’s strengths. (Gratitude for Tweens and Teens Lesson 3)

Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Self-Care Circle

Use the Circle process to encourage self-care among staff and students in all dimensions.

Middle School, High School, College, Adult

≤ 30 minutes

Self-Compassion Break for Adults

Learn how to comfort yourself during stressful times.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Self-Compassionate Letter for Adults

Practice understanding and acceptance for yourself rather than self-criticism.

College, Adult

≤ 15 minutes

Shake It Off

Students observe their breath while relaxing and tensing their bodies, and then practice shaking and freezing their bodies.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Sharing Gratitude Stories

Students share stories about a time they felt grateful.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

Shipwreck: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' memory and attention by remembering what motions accompany each phrase, and doing them correctly quickly

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Silly Stories: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' self-control by doing the correct (silly) motion instead of the automatic one

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Simon Says: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' self-control by listening for a key phrase before doing an action

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Sing It with Style: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' self-control by managing how they sing a familiar song

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Standing Up Against Discrimination

Students explore real-world examples to help them identify peaceful ways to respond to discrimination.

High School

Multiple Sessions

Strategies for Increasing the Use of SEL Skills

A list of strategies for making explicit connections to SEL skills throughout the day in order to reinforce students’ practice of skills

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Strategies for Teaching Fearless SEL for Societal Change

Ways to use SEL for cultivating youth agency and civic engagement

Middle School, High School, College

Student Self Check-In Journal

A values-informed process to help students make the best possible ethical choices

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes


Students build trust and inclusion through a quick and fun game that reveals their commonalities.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Take Home Skill: Creating Space for All Emotions

Strategies for parents and caregivers to show their children they love them by helping them to process their emotions

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

Take-Home Skill: Creating Happy Memories

Students spend a day or two doing a variety of meaningful activities.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adult

Multiple Sessions

Take-Home Skill: Deliberate Practice for Students

Strategies for parents and caregivers that teach their children how to practice to help them achieve their goals

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

Take-Home Skill: Pleasant Events Calendar for Kids and Teens

A practice for parents and caregivers to help their child or teen plan enjoyable activities as a form of self-care

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Thank You for Believing in Me

Students learn how to think gratefully. (Gratitude for Tweens and Teens Lesson 4)

Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

The Cycle of Gratitude

Students learn how the positive emotions from gratitude create a cycle of giving.

The Oooh Aaah Song

Students use mindful breathing to regulate their emotions.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 15 minutes

The Pendulum

Students learn to manage their emotions in a healthy way by identifying the people and places that influence changes in their emotions.

Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

The Virtue of Good Sense

Students define and practice “good sense,” or the will and know-how to do the right thing.

High School

Multiple Sessions

Three Good Things for Students

Students record three good things that happened to them each day for a week.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 15 minutes

Through the Looking Glass

Students cultivate courage, empathy, and compassion by sharing and listening to others comment on how others see them versus who they really are.

High School

Multiple Sessions

Truth in Journalism and Dorothy Thompson

Students cultivate courage by making a commitment to engage in a courageous act.

Middle School, High School

≤ 30 minutes

Tug for Truth

Develop students’ intellectual humility by helping them to ask questions while thoughtfully evaluating evidence.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

Understanding Inherent Worth: A Path towards Forgiveness

Students explore how every person has dignity and worth—even those who hurt us.

Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Understanding Prejudice Through Paper Plate Portraits

Students identify others' assumptions about them and then describe who they really are on the inside.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

Understanding Universe of Obligation

Students explore how groups, communities, and nations define who belongs and who does not, and how these decisions are made.

Understanding the Brain for Grades 4-7

Grade 4-7 students learn about the three parts of the brain that are involved with emotion regulation, attention, and learning.

Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 1 hour

Wait for It: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' self-control by waiting before doing a series of motions.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

What Friends Do

Students learn how kindness and gratitude strengthen friendships through Splat the Cat.

PreK/Lower Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

What If We Didn’t Have This

Students imagine what life would be like without certain things in our classrooms or schools.

Upper Elementary

≤ 30 minutes

What Is A Flourishing Life?

Students explore and write about what makes a good life.

High School

Multiple Sessions

What Really Matters

Students identify what gets in the way of expressing gratitude.

Upper Elementary

≤ 1 hour

What is Gratitude?

Students define gratitude and the many forms it takes.

Middle School

Multiple Sessions

What is Missing? An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' memory and attention by keeping track of objects in order to tell which one is missing

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

What's the Tint of Your Glasses?

Students learn how our different backgrounds give us different perspectives.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

≤ 1 hour

Where We Stand

Students examine how they face everyday moral dilemmas and consider who and what influences their reactions when conflicts arise.

Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 1 hour

Who Are Your Heroes?

Through stories, discussion, and creative presentations about true heroes, students foster their compassion for others and see brave community involvement as an admirable, heroic way of life.

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

Multiple Sessions

Who Stole the Honey Pot? An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to build students’ focus and attention by listening carefully to hear who stole the honey pot

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?

Students explore, reflect, and write about being an upstander rather than a bystander.

High School

Multiple Sessions

Wiggle Cool Down: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to develop students' memory and attention by remembering a series of motions and doing them in the correct order

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

Yes-No-Maybe Current Event Discussion

Students respectfully discuss their stance on a current event.

Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

≤ 30 minutes

Zip, Zap, Zop: An SEL Kernels Brain Game

A game to cultivate students’ focus and attention by knowing when it is their turn and the right thing to say

PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School

≤ 15 minutes

“The Guest House” Poem and Body Scan for Teens

Students learn to observe and accept emotions and body sensations.

Middle School, High School, College

≤ 15 minutes

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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