You can use the streamreader classs ________ method to read a line of text from a file.

I'm new to C# and am unfamiliar with OOP and low coupling techniques. I faced a wall where I believe that I really closed the stream reader before using it. The stream reader method is in the ReadandWriteTxtfile.

My classes that utilized StreamReader and StreamWriter: (I'll only show the significant codes)

1. MMCM Library_main

 public partial class MMCMLibrary_home : Form
        //Instantiate the Background Colors
        TimeFrame_Colors TimeFrame = new TimeFrame_Colors();

  private void frmMainScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  private void frmMainScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

2. ReadandWriteTxtfile

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MMCM_Library
    internal class ReadandWriteTxtfile
        public void Write(string filepath, string process)
            StreamWriter Write = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "\\Database\\" + "\\DCRTimeFrameColors\\" + filepath);
        public string Read(string filepath)
            StreamReader Read = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\Database\\" + "\\DCRTimeFrameColors\\" + filepath);
            return Read.ReadLine();

3. MMCMLibrary_reserve

namespace MMCM_Library
    public partial class MMCMLibrary_reserve : Form
        public static MMCMLibrary_reserve instance;
        int room;

        //ReadandWrite read = new ReadandWrite();
        //ReadandWrite write = new ReadandWrite();

        ReadandWriteTxtfile Writer = new ReadandWriteTxtfile();
        ReadandWriteTxtfile Reader = new ReadandWriteTxtfile();
        //TimeFrame_Colors ColorTimeFrame = new TimeFrame_Colors();

        //OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\NITRO 5\Downloads\MMCM LIbrary.accdb");
        // OleDbCommand cm = new OleDbCommand();
        //OleDbDataReader dr;
        //StreamWriter Write = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "\\Database\\" + "Reservationdata.txt");

        public MMCMLibrary_reserve(int roomNumber)
            room = roomNumber;
            instance = this;


        public void btnDCRoomsReserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //MMCMLibrary_home.instance.lbl1_1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            //All 9am to log if it's reserved (1 = reserved)
            if (rbtn9.Checked)
                if (room == 1)
                    if (Reader.Read("DCR1_9am.txt") == "1") MessageBox.Show("It is already taken or it is already past that time");                
                    else Writer.Write("DCR1_9am.txt", "1");                                          

                else if (room == 2)
                    if (Reader.Read("DCR2_9am.txt") == "1") MessageBox.Show("It is already taken or it is already past that time");
                    else Writer.Write("DCR2_9am.txt", "1");                   

                else if (room == 3)
                    if (Reader.Read("DCR2_9am.txt") == "1") MessageBox.Show("It is already taken or it is already past that time");
                    else Writer.Write("DCR3_9am.txt", "1");                  

                else if (room == 4)
                    if (Reader.Read("DCR4_9am.txt") == "1") MessageBox.Show("It is already taken or it is already past that time");
                    else Writer.Write("DCR4_9am.txt", "1");

4. TimeFrame_Colors

namespace MMCM_Library
    internal class TimeFrame_Colors

        public static TimeFrame_Colors instance;
        ReadandWriteTxtfile Reader = new ReadandWriteTxtfile();

        public void Colors()
            instance = this;

            //DCR 1
            if (Reader.Read("DCR1_9am.txt") == "1")
                MMCMLibrary_home.instance.lbl1_1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

            if (Reader.Read("DCR1_11am.txt") == "1")
                MMCMLibrary_home.instance.lbl1_2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            if (Reader.Read("DCR1_1pm.txt") == "1")
                MMCMLibrary_home.instance.lbl1_3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            if (Reader.Read("DCR1_3pm.txt") == "1")
                MMCMLibrary_home.instance.lbl1_4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

You can use the streamreader classs ________ method to read a line of text from a file.

What is StreamReader used for?

StreamReader is designed for character input in a particular encoding, whereas the Stream class is designed for byte input and output. Use StreamReader for reading lines of information from a standard text file. This type implements the IDisposable interface.

How do I use StreamReader in C sharp?

C# StreamReader example to read one line.
using System;.
using System.IO;.
public class StreamReaderExample..
public static void Main(string[] args).
FileStream f = new FileStream("e:\\output.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);.
StreamReader s = new StreamReader(f);.

How do I read a line from a text file in C#?

The ReadLine method of StreamReader reads one line at a time..
// Read file using StreamReader. Reads file line by line..
using(StreamReader file = new StreamReader(textFile)) {.
int counter = 0;.
string ln;.
while ((ln = file.ReadLine()) != null) {.

What is StreamReader in Visual Basic?

StreamReader handles text files. We read a text file in VB.NET by Using StreamReader. This will correctly dispose of system resources and make code simpler. The best way to use StreamReader requires some special syntax.