Xiaomi body fat scale 2 review năm 2024

Looking beyond the numbers on the scale took on a different meaning for us when we started using the Mi Body Composition Scale.

Mi Smart Body Composition Scale 2

It’s a smart weighing scale that also measures muscle mass, BMI, Bone Mass, Weight, Protein, Visceral Fat, Basal Metabolism, Water, Health Score, Body Size, and Physical Age.

It has an accompanying app, Zepp Life. This was my total body score in July 2022.

We know how stepping on a scale can be uncomfortable for some. It can be vexing, especially when the traditional weighing scale only shows your current weight (which fluctuates quickly!), and be discouraged when it’s tipping on the heavier side. What we do not know is that we could have gained more muscle weight!

This was my progress from August 2022. I would have been dismayed by the seemingly slow weight loss and the weight gain in November. But there are more important things to look at.

It also measures body age!

I was encouraged by my body age being two years younger than my actual age, and seeing that I’m making progress with my goals in lowering my body fat and increasing muscle.

Die Xiaomi Mi Scale ist eine intelligente Personenwaage, die sich durch ihre präzise Messung und moderne Technologie auszeichnet. Als begeisterter Nutzer möchte ich meine Erfahrungen teilen.

Design und Verarbeitung: Die Mi Scale beeindruckt mit einem schlanken und minimalistischen Design. Die Oberfläche besteht aus gehärtetem Glas, das nicht nur elegant aussieht, sondern auch strapazierfähig ist. Die Verarbeitungsqualität ist hochwertig, was sich in der Langlebigkeit der Waage zeigt.

Präzise Messungen: Die Hauptfunktion einer Personenwaage ist natürlich die genaue Gewichtsmessung, und die Xiaomi Mi Scale erfüllt diese Aufgabe hervorragend. Die fortschrittliche BIA (Bioelektrische Impedanzanalyse)-Technologie ermöglicht nicht nur die genaue Gewichtsbestimmung, sondern auch die Messung von Körperfettanteil, Muskelmasse, Knochenmasse und mehr. Diese zusätzlichen Informationen bieten einen umfassenden Einblick in die Körperzusammensetzung.

App-Integration: Die Mi Scale ist mit der Mi Fit App von Xiaomi kompatibel. Diese App ermöglicht es dem Nutzer, die Messwerte zu verfolgen, Trends im Laufe der Zeit zu analysieren und individuelle Ziele zu setzen. Die drahtlose Synchronisation funktioniert reibungslos, und die Benutzeroberfläche der App ist benutzerfreundlich.

Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Die Bedienung der Mi Scale gestaltet sich simpel. Die automatische Kalibrierung beim Betreten der Waage spart Zeit, und das gut ablesbare LED-Display zeigt die Ergebnisse deutlich an. Die Bedienelemente sind intuitiv platziert, und auch die Reinigung gestaltet sich unkompliziert.

Fazit: Die Xiaomi Mi Scale überzeugt durch ihre Präzision, ihr modernes Design und die Integration von intelligenten Funktionen. Die BIA-Technologie erweitert den Nutzen über die einfache Gewichtsmessung hinaus. Die App-Unterstützung ermöglicht eine umfassende Überwachung der Gesundheitsdaten. Insgesamt ist die Mi Scale eine gelungene Kombination aus Funktionalität und Ästhetik zu einem erschwinglichen Preis.

The scale technically works as a normal non-smart scale, and there is an app where you can plot the values over time, but 1) the values frequently are off by a few pounds and upon zeroing the scale and re-weighing I realize it was just a bad read. I never more the scale and so I'm not sure why this happens but is super annoying and 2) you can only sync the values into their crappy "Zepp Life" app which is so insanely buggy and doesn't sync unless you manually open the app AND step on the scale. You can't export the data in any way from this super buggy app, so really this scale is not smart/connected, they just give you a worse UI in the form of an app to look at your values if you want to punish yourself for making this buying decision.

A useful addition for existing Xiaomi users, this budget smart scale has a useful app, though it is let down by problems with the weigh-in process.


  • Easy integration for Xiaomi users
  • Body score offers useful overview
  • Offers effective advice


  • Full weigh-in takes longer than other smart scales
  • Issues zeroing scale
  • Bluetooth connection requires app to be open

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An upgrade from your basic bathroom scale, the best smart scales use tiny electrical currents to estimate body composition data, such as body fat percentage and muscle mass. The readings taken by home smart scales are not 100% accurate but as long as they’re consistent, it can be a useful way to keep track of changes over time.

While top-of-the-range smart scales cost around $150/£130, at the budget end of the market there are many options that attempt to do the same job but cheaper. We tested one of these more affordable products, the Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2, and compared it with the similarly priced Renpho Smart Body Fat Scale ($27.99 in the US and £29.99 in the UK) and the higher-end Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale ($149.99/£129.99). Chinese tech brand Xiaomi is best known for making cut-price smartphones and smartwatches that give Apple a run for its money and fitness trackers to rival the best Fitbits.

Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2: Price And Availability

The Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2 has an RRP of $39.99/£29.99, and is available from Amazon and other third party retailers, usually at a discount.

The Set Up

The scale’s surface is a nice-looking minimalist square glass plate with four metal sensors, with no visible screen. It’s pleasingly curved at the corners and the plastic underside has a curved shape. It’s considerably larger and heavier than the Renpho scale, but looks classier. The scale takes four AAA batteries, which you’ll have to supply yourself – It’s not rechargeable and connects using Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi, so you’ll need the app open to register a weigh-in. In theory, you can weigh yourself and it will appear on the app when you next open it but that didn’t always work for me.

The Experience

(Image credit: Camilla Artault / Future)

Step on the scale and your weight appears, displayed on the previously hidden digital screen. The numbers are white against the off-white background, a subtle combination but one that is easy enough to read – I prefer the look of this one to the bright red digital display of the Renpho scale. Only weight is displayed on the scale itself; for the rest of your stats you’ll need to look at the app. You also need to wait a short while for the six bars to light up under the weight display, showing that the scale has finished taking its readings. More than once I stepped off before it had finished and had to start again.

The scale had an irritating habit of refusing to zero itself to begin with – almost every time I used it – instead recording my weight plus 1.60kg, which is just enough extra to pass unnoticed and blame some overindulgence. I’d have to step off and give it a few nudges before it showed 00.00 and I could start again. Going by some of the customer reviews on Amazon, I’m not the only one to encounter this problem.

Using The App

The Xiaomi app, Zepp Life (formerly Mi Fit), is designed to support Mi tracker bands and watches. I don’t have one, so at first the main home page is lacking in data: steps, sleep, heart rate and activity are all blank. However, you can remove most of these if you just have the scale. Tap through to the weight and body score sections and there’s plenty of data available, displayed clearly and with context.

The app shows data for weight, body fat, muscle, protein content, water percentage, visceral fat and bone mass. Based on that data it also tells you your BMI, basal metabolic rate, body age, ideal weight and body type and gives you a “Body Score”. Tapping “History” at the bottom shows a chart of your weight and body fat changes over time, but no historical info for the other metrics.

Each of the metrics given shows a goal (chosen by the app for you based on your vital statistics) and any goals not met are listed first, with advice on how to achieve them. For example, to get in the ideal range for muscle I’m advised to do more strength training and less aerobic exercise. In my Protein section, the app informs me that I have a slightly lower than average protein content and that I should consume more eggs, beans and milk within a balanced diet to achieve a higher protein content.

There’s more depth and useful advice here than from other smart scale apps I’ve tried. Renpho offers context and presents data clearly but doesn’t offer advice on how to improve, while Garmin offers data without advice or any context, such as a normal range for your age bracket.

Body Score

Combining and analysing all your data, the app awards you a body score out of 100, categorising it with a label – “good”, “poor” and so on. It’s simplistic but gives an effective overview. The app also uses your stats to indicate what body type you are, choosing from labels that include “thick-set” and “lacks exercise”. This rather basic pigeonholing seems unnecessary. Xiaomi is a Chinese brand and at times it appears that the app suffers from translation problems – the text is stilted at best and rude at worst.

Balance Feature

(Image credit: Camilla Artault / Future)

The scale also has a feature that allows you to test your balance. From the home page in the app, choose Balance. The scale times you while you stand on one leg with your eyes closed, and when you step off (or fall off), the timer stops. It felt a little gimmicky and I’m not sure you need a scale to be involved – it’s just a glorified timer.

Is the Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2 Worth It?

At this price point, the Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2 is a no-brainer for Xiaomi users looking for a smart scale. It looks the part and the app has a lot to offer. But it does have a few drawbacks: like other smart scales at this price, it’s not rechargeable and requires batteries, and the Bluetooth connection means it can be used only with your phone to hand and the app open. However, the most off-putting aspects for me were the persistent problems zeroing the scale and the slow speed of the weigh-in process.

Camilla Artault is a writer and keen runner. She has covered women’s running gear – testing leggings, jackets, running bras, tops and shorts – for Coach since 2018, as well as interviewing experts and writing about a range of health and lifestyle topics.

Can xiaomi scale 2 measure body fat?

More comprehensive data You should understand your body betterThe high-precision BIA fat measurement chip can measure 13 body composition metrics, including body weight, BMI, body fat percentage, muscle mass, moisture rate, protein rate, visceral fat rating, and basal metabolism, for a full understanding of your ...

Is Mi scale 2 accurate?

The top priority for a scale is more precise measurementThe G-shaped manganese steel sensor is able to sense weight changes as small as 50 g, which makes the Mi Body Composition Scale 2's measurements more precise. Weighing also supports switching between jin, kilograms and pounds for easy reading.

Is Xiaomi scale worth it?

You get plenty of information to not only know your weight but your full body composition. I have found the scale very helpful in giving me feedback to continue on my path to better health and lower cholesterol. Get the scale and the Mi Band and you will have plenty of tools to track your progress !

Is Xiaomi a good scale?

But the Mi scale does claim weighing accuracy at least, with a stated precision of 100g. While testing it, we compared it to other scales and believe that it was on target. However, it does take a couple of attempts to calibrate properly, so prepare yourself for some unlikely numbers the first time you step onto it.

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