Which of the following is a social factor that influences consumer behaviour?

-With noncompensatory models of consumer choice, positive and negative attribute considerations don't necessarily net out.

-Using the conjunctive heuristic, the consumer sets a minimum acceptable cutoff level for each attribute and chooses the first alternative that meets the minimum standard for all attributes.

-With the lexicographic heuristic, the consumer chooses the best brand on the basis of its perceived most important attribute.

-Using the elimination-by-aspects heuristic, the consumer compares brands on an attribute selected probabilistically—where the probability of choosing an attribute is positively related to its importance—and eliminates brands that do not meet minimum acceptable cutoffs.

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Updated on 08-Jun-2022 09:26:31

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Which of the following is a social factor that influences consumer behaviour?

Social Class It's determined by a combination of factors including family background, wealth, income, education, occupation, power, and prestige. Like culture, it affects consumer behavior by shaping individuals' perceptions of their needs and wants.

Which of the following factors influence consumers buying behavior?

As we mentioned earlier in the chapter, consumer behavior is influenced by many things, including environmental and marketing factors, the situation, personal and psychological factors, family, and culture

What are the social factors that influence consumer Behaviour?

Social Factors affecting Consumer Behaviour.
Reference Groups..
Immediate Family Members..
Role in the Society..
Status in the society..

What are social factors that influence consumer purchasing?

Social factors include reference groups, family, and social status. These factors too affect the buying behaviour of the consumer. These factors in turn reflect an endless and vigorous inflow through which people learn different values of consumption.

What are the 4 ways to influence consumer behavior?

Important factors that influence consumer behaviour.
Consumer Behaviour – Cultural factors. Culture plays a very vital role in the determining consumer behaviour it is sub divided in. ... .
Consumer Behaviour – Social Factors. ... .
Consumer Behaviour – Personal factors. ... .
Consumer Behaviour – Psychological factors..

Which of the following factors influence consumers buying behavior?

In a general scenario, we've got five main factors that determine consumer behavior, i.e these factors regulate if a target customer purchases a product or not. These factors are namely Psychological, Social, Cultural, Personal, and Economic factors.

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