Which of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage quizlet 2022?



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To help study cyber awareness for the fiscal year 2023

Terms in this set (29)

Spillage: how should uou respond if you receive an inquiry for info not clear for public release?

Refer your order to PAO.

Spillage: what will help prevent spillage?

Follow procedures for transfering data to and from outside agency and networks.

Classified data: what is the basis for handling classified data?

Classification level and handling caveats

Classified data: who designates classified data?

Original Classification Authority

Insider Threat: which is the following of a potential insider threat?

Difficult life circumstances

Insider threat: what function do insider threat programs aim to fulfill?

Proactively identify future threats and formulate wholistic mitigation responses

Insider threats: what is a reportable insider threat?

A colleague removes sensitive info w/o seeking authorization in order to perform authorized telework

Social Networking: when might you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, or administrative action due to online harassment, bullying, stalking, etc?

If you participate/condone it in anyway

Social Networking: which of the following is a security best practice when using social networking sites?

Avoid posting pii (mothers maiden name)

Social Networking: Protect yourself on social networking sites?

Delete posts containing Personal information on a regular basis

Controlled Unclass Info: which Desi marks information that does not have the potential to damage national security


Controlled Unclass Info: What's true for CUI?

CUI must have diseminating controls

Controlled Unclass Info: best way to transmit CUI?

Make sure recipients are clear and need to know then send via encrypted email

Physical security: which CPCON establishes a protection policy focus critical functions only


Identity Management: strong password?


Identify Management: whats true about CACs?

It contains certificates for ID, encryption, and digital signature

SCI: what's true of sharing info in a SCIF?

Avoid referencing derivitavely classified reports classified higher than the recipient

SCI: what's true for transmitting SCI?

Only transmit SCI if you're courier briefed for SCI

Removable media in SCIF: what's true of PEDs in a SCIF?

Only connect government-owned PEDs to the same level classification information system when authorized

Malicious Code: what's true for downloading apps?

For government devices, use approved and authorized apps only

Website use: how should you respond to theft of identity?

Contact reporting agencies, financial institutions, monitor credit card statements and report crime to law enforcement

Social engineering: how to protect from social engineering?

Verify identity of individuals

Social engineering: common indicator of phishng attempt?

Claim that you update or validate information

Social engineering: what security issue is associated with compressed URLs?

Can be used to mask malicious intent

Travel: problems w/ public wifi?

May expose information sent to theft

GFE: what is personally owned monitor you shouldn't connect to your GFE?


Mobile Devices: which is a best practice for using removable media?

Avoid inserting removable media with unknown content into your computer

Mobile devices: how can you protect data on your mobile computing and portable e-devices (PEDs)?

Auto screen locking

Home Computer: best practice for securing home computer?

Install system security patches

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Which of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage 2022?

Which of the following may be helpful to prevent spillage? Label all files, removable media, and subject headers with appropriate classification markings. Which type of information could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security if disclosed without authorization?

Which of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage quizlet?

Which of the following is a good practice to aid in preventing spillage? Be aware of classification markings and all handling caveats. What is required for an individual to access classified data? Appropriate clearance; signed and approved non-disclosure agreement; and need-to-know.

What is a good way to prevent spillage?

7 Strategies for Spill Prevention and Containment in the....
Explore Ways to Use Less (Source Reduction) ... .
Maintain and Inspect Equipment. ... .
Assess your Spill History. ... .
Conduct Employee Interviews. ... .
Keep Containers in Good Shape. ... .
Review your Spill Containment Plan. ... .
Conduct Refresher Training..

Which of the following is a security best practice when using social networking sites 2022?

(Spillage) Which of the following is a best practice to protect information about you and your organization on social networking sites and applications? Use only personal contact information when establishing personal social networking accounts, never use Government contact information.