Which of the following is a crime against property?

Which of the following is a crime against property?

Property crimes cases come in all different types, sizes, and level of impact. These offenses can include breaking and entering into a home, theft, burglary, shoplifting, arson, vandalism, and many more. Home burglary is typically the first thing that comes to mind. Many other offenses are categorized as "property crime" and all should be considered just as serious. Here are three different kinds of property crimes:


The most common type of property crime is burglary. This is the breaking and entering into a commercial establishment or a home with the intentions of committing some sort of crime like stealing. Burglary occurs during the day more than night because most of the tenants will most likely be at work or out of the house. The robbers tend to rummage through the owner's belongings in order to find the most expensive items in the house to most likely sell. Cautionary tactics can avoid this by locking up as well as investing a good chunk of money in a reliable alarm system. However, it can happen to anyone and in any neighborhood. Be cautious of the safety of your home and take all the measures that you can control and if it still happens to you, you can put the case into our hands. 


Arson, which is intentionally attempting to set or setting a property on fire, is another form of property crime. One of the most common reasons citizens commit arson is for insurance fraud. However, many other incidents include setting fire ablaze for fun, out of anger, for revenge, and many more. Whatever the case may be, fires spread and people could get severely injured.


Extortion occurs when someone imposes a threat to someone else's property, money, or services.  This usually means obtaining something, usually money, through force. The individual committing the crime usually frames the situation where they need money or property to save them from another threat, whether it is real or hypothetical. The exchange of money or property does not have to occur for this to be considered a crime. The threat is the cause, in most cases, for prison time. 

Facing Criminal Charges?

Call Our Property Crime Lawyers

These crimes are serious and can get you in a lot of trouble with the law. Property crime is a very extensive offense because of all the different ways someone can commit the crime. If you find yourself in a situation where you are charged with a property crime, contact DUI Defense Team for support. We want to fight for you and will be by your side the entire time.

Contact us today at 520-222-2222 or 520-333-3333 to schedule an appointment with our criminal defense lawyers.  

What are some common crimes involving the property of others?

Each state adopts its own criminal statutes. Some of the more common types of named criminal offenses against someone else's property include: Larceny, Robbery, Burglary, Extortion, Embezzlement, Fraud, False Pretenses, and Theft by Deception.

There are many statutory and common-law charges involving the property of others. 

These above-mentioned examples, however, are generally uniform across jurisdictions.

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What is Larceny?

Larceny is the unlawful taking (theft) of personal property with the intent to permanently deprive the rightful owner of it.

What is Robbery? 

Robbery is theft through violence or threat.

What is Burglary?

Burglary is theft by breaking into a building (sometimes at night) with intent to commit a felony therein.

What is Extortion?

This is the unlawful obtaining of another's property through coercion, such as the threat of violence.

What is Embezzlement?

This is the theft of money by an individual entrusted to hold it.

What is Fraud, False Pretenses, and Theft by Deception?

Fraud, False Pretenses, and Theft by Deception involve deceiving someone to unlawfully take possession of her property. While fraud generally involves deception, false pretenses, and theft by deception require a knowingly false representation.

Discussion Question

How do you feel about the premise of revoking an individual's liberty for actions that harm the possessions or property of others? Does the individual's intent when carrying out these actions influence your opinion?

  • Those who place a high value on property rights might argue that crimes against property are equally serious to crimes against a person. Others might argue that ownership of property should never subject an individual to a loss of freedom. These arguments can be likewise influenced by the defendant's intent in infringing upon property rights. For example, if a person steals to feed her impoverished family, it is less culpable than someone who steals without the necessity for personal enrichment. 

Practice Question

What is the difference between larceny, robbery, and burglary? What is the difference between extortion and embezzlement? What is the difference between fraud and theft by deception?

  • Larceny may occur in two forms: simple and grand. If the person takes the personal belongings or property of another individual, she commits larceny. They then convert the items for their own use such as selling it for cash or taking money from an individual. In grand larceny, they will take something of value greater than the state maximum for petty or simple larceny. When a person commits robbery, they steal something that belongs to another person (similarly to larceny), and they often use force, some form of threat, intimidation, or a deadly weapon. Often, the perpetrator will harm another person. Similarly, burglary requires the person to enter the building without consent. Then they must commit another crime while inside. This does not require that the individual steal anything. If theft is the crime committed, the individual could take anything as low in value as $5 and still commit burglary. In a burglary, the perpetrator does not need the use of a weapon, entry is paramount. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/robbery-vs-larceny-charges.htmlThe difference between extortion and embezzlement. Extortion refers to when a person uses or sends threats to another with the aim of getting money from them. Embezzlement refers to when a person in a position of authority such as an accountant with access to company funds misuses that position to steal funds. https://www.quora.com/what-is-the-difference-between-extortion-and-embezzlementThe difference between fraud and theft by deception. The main difference between fraud and theft is that theft involves unlawfully taking something. In contrast, fraud involves using deceit, lies, or other types of dishonesty to con or trick a person or an organization into giving that person a benefit that is not lawfully theirs. https://www.lawyer4me.com/theft-fraud-robbery/ 

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