Which letter is seventh to the right of the thirteenth letter from the left end

SSC MTS Final Answer Key has been released on 17th October 2022. This is with reference to the 2021 examination.  Earlier, the SSC MTS Result was announced for Paper of the 2021 cycle was declared and the examination for the same was held from 5th July to 26th July 2022. The candidates who are qualified in the SSC MTS Paper I are eligible for the Paper II, the paper II will be held on 6th November 2022. A total of 7709 vacancies are released, out of which 3854 vacancies are for MTS Group age 18-25 years, 252 vacancies are for MTS Group age 18-27 years and 3603 vacancies are for Havaldar in CBIC. 

Stay updated with the Logical Reasoning questions & answers with Testbook. Know more about Arrangement and Pattern and ace the concept of General Series of Alphabets.

  • Aptitude

A) S

B) T

C) V

D) U

Correct Answer:

B) T

Description for Correct answer:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M = 13th letter

N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 7th letter

13th letter to 7th right side letter T.

Part of solved Aptitude questions and answers : >> Aptitude

1st of all we will write the forward alphabet series as given below:

From the above series it is clear that M is the 13th letter from left and to the right of M (13th letter from left), T is the 7th letter.


The questions posted on the site are solely user generated, Doubtnut has no ownership or control over the nature and content of those questions. Doubtnut is not responsible for any discrepancies concerning the duplicity of content over those questions.

1. Numerical Series: These consist of some set of numbers and we have to apply the conditions given in the question to get the answers.

Eg: 893     427    629    381    248

2. Alphabet Series: It consists of a set of words where we have to apply the conditions given in the question and find the answer.

Eg: PUT    CAT    TIN    HAT    MAN

3. Alphanumeric Series: This series will consist of letters and numbers only.

Eg: V 1 B 4 N 6 M 3 L 0 1 G 7 P 8

4. Alphanumeric Symbol Sequence Series: It will contain alphabets, numbers, and symbols arranged in a sequence and you have to answer questions based on the given condition.

Eg: S 9 * % 2 3 @ Q M & P A 1 8 # L > C

The Common Question that can be Asked are as Follows:

1. How many symbols are preceded by a digit and succeeded by a vowel?

Ans. In the given series : 9 * % 2 3 @ Q M & P A 1 8 # L > C

There is no such symbol that is preceded by a digit and followed by a vowel.

Hence, the required answer is zero.

2. After dropping all the numbers, which letter will be second to the left of the fifth letter from the right end?

Ans. In the given series: V 1 B 4 N 6 M 3 L 0 1 G 7 P 8

If all the numbers are dropped then the new series will be, V B N M L G P

Now, the fifth letter from the right will be N, and the second letter to its left will be V.

Hence, the correct answer is V.

Note: If we have to find out the position of an element with respect to the other end we apply following method:

1. When both the positions are given from the same end (RIGHT-RIGHT) or (LEFT-LEFT), the positional value is subtracted.

Eg. Find the element third to the left of the fifth element from the left.

So, the required element will be, 5 - 3 = 2 i.e 2nd element from the left end.

2. When both the positions are given from different ends (RIGHT-LEFT), the positional values are to be added.

Eg. Find the element third to the left of the fifth element from the right.

So, the required element will be 5 + 3 = 8 i.e 8th element from the right end.

3. If in each of the given words, each of the consonants is changed to the next letter and each vowel is left unchanged, how many words thus formed will have two vowels?

Ans. In the given series: PUT    CAT    TIN    HAT    MAN

By applying the given condition, we get a new series:  QUU    DAU    UIO   IAU  NAO

Hence, all the words contain two vowels.

4. If in each number, the first and the last digits are interchanged, then how many numbers are odd?

Ans. In the given series: 893     427    629    381    248

After interchanging digits we get:  398   724  926  183  842

Hence, only one number is odd.

Points to Remember:

1. There are some important that we need to remember for solving these questions:
Preceded and followed.

"A" Preceded by "B" means B A

"A" Followed by "B" means A B

"A” Precedes "B" means A B

"A" Follows "B" means B A

2. The Vowels are A, E, I, O, U.

3. The Consonants are B, C, D. F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z

4. A number which is divisible by any number except 1, are known as Prime Numbers.

Examples: 2, 3, 5, 7. 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, etc.

5. A number which is divisible by 2, is known as Even Numbers.

Examples: 2, 4, 6, 8. 10, 12, 14.16, 18, 20, 22, etc 

6. A number which is not divisible by 2, is known as Odd Numbers.

Example: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc.

Here are some useful tips to solve these questions quickly

1. Speed up your calculation so that you can easily solve the series.

2. You must learn the place values of all the letters of English alphabetical series to quickly apply the operations on it.

3. Be clear with the use of operations; “to the right/left of”, “in the middle of”, “to the right or left of” and vice versa.

Which letter is 7th to the right?

Hence, S is 7th to the right of 12th letter from left when first half of alphabet series is reversed. MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Prelims Answer Key has been released on 22nd November 2022.

Which letter is the seventh to the left of the thirteenth letter in English alphabet?

Here, we can see that no meaningful word can be formed with these letters. Hence, the required answer is Z.

What letter is 7th letter from the left?

Second vowel from the right end is E and 7th letter to the left is E is L.

Which letter is the thirteenth from the end?

Detailed Solution. 13th letter from the right end should be (26 – 13) + 1 from the left end → N. Hence, N is the correct ans.

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