When individuals desire to have another person near and have a deep caring affection for the person they are displaying quizlet?

Which of the following statements about research on the "beautiful is good" stereotype is false?
infants as young as 3 to 6 months of age prefer attractive faces over unattractive faces.

Attractive people are assumed to have a variety of positive characteristics, including being better adjusted, socially skilled, friendly, likeable, extraverted, and likely to achieve superior job performance.

There is little truth to the "beautiful is good stereotype." Attractive people do not really possess the positive characteristics of the stereotype.

The "beautiful is good stereotype" can influence how we treat others, as in the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy.

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An individual's behavioral style and emotional responses are often referred to together as _____


Compared to other adults, individuals who had an inhibited temperament in childhood are

less likely to be assertive

When considering attachment and adult socioemotional development, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Attachment in adults is linked to the quality of attachment as a child.

Troy indicates being quite secure in his marital relationship. This feeling of security would indicate Troy was probably a _____ attached infant.


______ attached adults have positive views of relationships and find it easy to get close to others.


When individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and when in a relationship, they distance themselves from their partner, they are exhibiting which type of attachment style?

avoidant attachement

Which of the following elements of temperament are linked with more optimal outcomes in adulthood?

Easy temperament
Ability to control emotions

True or false: Childhood attachment does not influence adults' socioemotional patterns later in life.


Research has found that securely attached infants are more likely to be ______ attached relationship partners.


Individuals with a(n) ______ attachment style demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive in their relationships.


Which of the following factors characterize relationships of securely attached adults?


What percentage of adults describe themselves as securely attached?


Individuals with a(n) ______ attachment style tend to distance themselves from their partners.


What are the benefits of being a securely attached individual?

A well-integrated sense of self-acceptance
The ability to control emotions

Individuals who exhibit an ________ temperament in childhood are more likely to delay entering a stable job track as adults.


Research has shown first impressions can detect which of the following?

Romantic interests
Violent tendencies
Sexual orientation

Adults who have an anxious attachment style exhibit which of the following behaviors?

They are more emotional.
They are less trusting.
They demand closeness.
They are jealous and possessive.

The majority of adults prefer to have a(n) ____ attached partner.


______ validation explains why individuals are attracted to people who are similar to them.


Research shows that insecure attachment in adulthood is associated with ______. (Select all that apply)

higher levels of anxiety
poorer physical health

A person involved in online dating who fakes their identity is called a _______.


Research has shown there is a ______ between men and women regarding the importance of physical attractiveness.


Research has shown that our first impressions of others ______.

are often quite accurate

The matching hypothesis explains that people tend to form romantic relationships with someone who is ______ their own level of attractiveness.

close to

In general, friends and romantic partners tend to ______.

have similar attitudes, lifestyles, and physical attractiveness

True or false: In early adulthood an individual has to balance intimacy and identity.


What is it called when our own attitudes and behavior are supported and validated because someone else's attitudes and behaviors are similar to our own?

Consensual validation

In relationships, self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts are hallmarks of intense closeness, or ______.


Which of the following statements are supported by research on online dating?

One challenge is that many people misrepresent themselves on dating sites.
The majority of Americans now view it as an acceptable way to meet people.

What type of love is also called passionate love and has strong components of sexuality and infatuation?


Which of the following are true about the role of physical attractiveness in romantic relationships?

Standards of attractiveness have changed significantly over time.
Physical attractiveness plays a particularly important role in the initial formation of a relationship.

What theory suggests that we end up choosing someone who is close to our own level of attractiveness?

Matching hypothesis

Which type of love occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has deep, caring feelings for the person?


Individuals in early adulthood have to balance which of the following challenges?


Sternberg's triangle of love consists of passion, intimacy, and commitment; various combinations of these result in which of the following types of love?

Consummate love
Fatuous love
Affectionate love

Romantic love has strong components of ______ and infatuation.


Affectionate love is also called _____ love and occurs when someone desires to have the other person near. (Watch your spelling!)


Consummate love includes which of the following dimensions?


Which love is the strongest, fullest form of love according to Robert J. Sternberg?


In ______ societies, intimacy in romantic relationships is often more intense due to people's smaller social networks.


Which of the following are typically emphasized in relationship education programs for adolescents and emerging adults?

conflict resolution strategies
communication skills

To experience _______ couples have to experience all three dimensions---passion, intimacy, and commitment.


True or false: Ending a close relationship may feel tragic, but one's happiness and personal development may benefit.


Which of the following are examples of positive changes in a person after a romantic breakup?

Better friendships
More independence
More self-confidence

Compared to earlier generations, today's young adults are more likely to ______.

be unsure whether they want to marry
date someone they meet online
have sex before the first date

In collectivist cultures, intimacy is often more diffuse in romantic relationships because ______.

people have more connections outside the relationship

The effects of relationship education programs are, on average, stronger for participants who are ______.


Which of the following problems can result when one is in love and love is not returned?

Obsessive thoughts
Sexual dysfunction

Which of the following aspects have been reported after a romantic breakup?

Personal growth
Relational growth
Environmental changes

Single adults face several challenges including which of the following?

Forming intimate relationships with others
Confronting social prejudices
Finding a niche in a marriage-oriented society
Confronting loneliness in their lives

United States Census Bureau data showed a _______ in recent decades in the number of single adults between the ages of 25 and 34.

dramatic rise

Cohabitation refers to living together in a ______ relationship without being married.


Which of the following are benefits of remaining single in emerging adulthood?

opportunities to try new activities and places
more time with friends

Which of the following are recent trends with respect to cohabitation?

The average length of cohabitation has been increasing.
Couples are less likely than before to see cohabitation as leading to marriage.

According to research, couples who cohabit before marrying experience ______ of satisfaction when compared to their counterparts who do not live together before marriage.

lower rates

In recent years, the number of Americans who never marry has ______.


______ education classes can reduce the chances that a relationship will end in divorce.


A recent study indicated that the ______ men were married, the ______ their risk was of developing a disease.

longer; lower

Which of the following is a recent trend with respect to cohabitation?

Couples frequently say they cohabit so that they can evaluate their compatibility.

Most divorces occur ______.

within the fifth to tenth years of marriage

Research on cohabitation has shown that the correlation between cohabiting and marriage stability ______.

may be due to the values that cause people to cohabit in the first place

After a divorce, women are more likely than men to ______. (Select all that apply.)

suffer financial hardship
perceive the divorce as a chance for a new start

In 2016, the average age for a first marriage was ______.

higher than at any point in history

Which of the following statements regarding remarriage are TRUE?

Men with higher incomes are more likely to remarry than their counterparts with lower incomes.
The remarriage rate in the United States is declining.
Men tend to remarry sooner than women.

Research on premarital education suggests that it ______. (Select all that apply.)

should take place 6-12 months before the wedding
is linked to higher marital satisfaction

People in happy marriages are less stressed, which puts less wear and tear on a person's body, therefore reducing which of the following?

High blood pressure
Psychological problems
Heart disease

In the United States, same-sex marriage is now legal ______.

in all states

In the United States, around _____ percent of all marriages will end in divorce within 20 years.


Which of the following are true statements about same-sex couples?

Gay men are more likely than lesbians to have open relationships.
They are much more likely than same-sex couples to experience stigma and discrimination.

After a divorce, ______ are more likely to experience depression, loneliness, and heart attacks.

both men and women

Which of the following statements regarding remarried families is TRUE?

Partners who initiate divorce are likely to remarry more quickly.

True or false: Premarital education programs have been shown to significantly reduce the odds of a marriage ending in divorce.


On average, dual-earner same-sex couples are more likely to ______, compared to dual-earner opposite-sex couples.

share household responsibilities

Which of the following are actions that Gottman believes help a marriage work?

Establishing love maps
Nurturing fondness and admiration
Creating shared meaning
Turning toward each other
Letting your partner influence you

Research finds that about half of committed ______ couples have an open relationship that allows for sex outside the relationship, but few ______ couples have this sort of open relationship.

gay; lesbian

When Gottman revealed that partners in a successful marriage sing each other's praises, he was referring to which of the following principles?

Nurturing fondness and admiration

Which of the following has the strongest correlation with marital satisfaction?

satisfaction with their sex life

Which of the following are common parenting myths?

-A child gives the parents a second chance to do what they did not achieve before.
-Having a child is a good way to save a troubled relationship.
-Parenting is "natural" and doesn't require training.

According to John Gottman, the key to relationship success is ______.

knowledge and effort

In recent years, the age at which individuals start having children has been ______.


What term did Gottman use to describe spouses' personal insights into each other's worlds?

love maps

Which of the following are characteristics of having children in one's 20s?

The mother is likely to have fewer health problems.
Parents have more physical energy.
Parents are less likely to build up expectations for their children.

True or false: Frequency of sexual activity is one of the strongest predictors of how long a marriage will last.


The _____ are a group of divorced individuals, mostly women, who show a remarkable ability to bounce back from stressful circumstances and create something meaningful out of problems.


According to Hetherington's research, women belonging to the group of divorced individuals known as ______ usually married men similar to their first husbands, often going into a new marriage that was not much of an improvement over the first one.


The _____ are a group of individuals who are motivated to find a new mate as soon as possible after divorce.


Which of the following are benefits of waiting to having children in one's 30s?

-Parents have had more time to consider their plans and goals.
-Parents are more mature.
-Parents are better-established in careers, with more income.

Which group of divorced individuals feel more competent, well-adjusted, and self-fulfilled?


According to Hetherington's research, which group of divorced individuals typically became disillusioned with their sensation-seeking lifestyle after the first year following the divorce?

The libertines

The _____ are a group of divorced individuals described as average people coping with divorce.


In Hetherington's research, which divorced group had a successful career and social life and showed little interest in sharing their lives with anyone else?

Competent loners

According to Hetherington's research, the defeated had problems before their divorces which ______ after the breakup.


The ______ are a group of individuals who are motivated to find a new mate as soon as possible after divorce.


According to Deborah Tannen, _____ talk is a way of sharing information, while _____ talk helps to strengthen connections with others.

report; rapport

Some researchers argue that women are more relationship-oriented than men, but others have criticized this research on the grounds that ______.

there's a great deal of individual variation within each gender
the data is being interpreted through the lens of cultural stereotypes

According to Hetherington's research, the group of divorced individuals known as the _______ often spent more time in singles bars and had more casual sex than their counterparts.


According to Pleck's role strain view, ______.

men's roles are contradictory, leading to negative effects both when followed and when violated

In Hetherington's research, the _____ loners made up only 10% of the divorced group and were "well-adjusted, self-sufficient, and socially skilled."


Which of the following are typical gender differences in adult friendships?

Women engage in more self-disclosure.
Women have more close friends.

According to Hetherington's research, the group of divorced individuals known as the __________ had problems before divorce, and these problems increased after the divorce.


The term "androgyny" refers to someone who ______.

has both positive masculine and feminine characteristics

Overall, research on gender differences in communication suggests that such differences are ______.


The term ______ is used to describe individuals whose gender identity is different from the one assigned to them at birth.


Researchers such as Miller and Lerner have concluded that in relationships, women are more likely than men to emphasize ______.

emotional connections with others

In adult friendships, ______ tend to engage in more self-disclosure and mutual support, while ______ tend to engage in more activities and be more competitive.

women; men

The umbrella term "trans" can be used to describe people who are ______. (Select all that apply.)

gender noncoforming

Which of the following are true of transgender individuals? Select all that apply:

Some reduce stress and depression by opting for a non-gender-conforming lifestyle.
They frequently encounter discrimination.
They may have any sexual orientation.

Troy indicates being quite secure in his marital relationship. This feeling of security would indicate Troy was probably a attached infant.


True or false: Childhood attachment does not influence adults' socioemotional patterns later in life.


Which of the following factors characterize relationships of securely attached adults?


Individuals with a(n) attachment style tend to distance themselves from their partners.


Individuals with a(n) ______ attachment style demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive in their relationships.


Research has found that securely attached infants are more likely to be ______ attached relationship partners.


The majority of adults prefer to have a(n) attached partner.


When considering attachment and adult socioemotional development, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Attachment in adults is linked to the quality of attachment as a child.

attached adults have positive views of relationships and find it easy to get close to others.


When individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and when in a relationship, they distance themselves from their partner, they are exhibiting which type of attachment style?

Avoidant attachment

Adults who have an anxious attachment style exhibit which of the following behaviors?

They are more emotional.
They are less trusting.
They demand closeness.
They are jealous and possessive.

What percentage of adults describe themselves as securely attached?


In relationships, self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts are hallmarks of intense closeness, or .


Individuals in early adulthood have to balance which of the following challenges?


According to Erikson, individuals who are committing to a long-term relationship are in the developmental stage of ______.

intimacy vs. isolation

Romantic love has strong components of ______ and infatuation.


Which type of love occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has deep, caring feelings for the person?


In relationships, self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts are hallmarks of intense closeness, or ______.


True or false: In early adulthood an individual has to balance intimacy and identity.


When someone fails to develop intimate relationships in early adulthood, Erikson says that this individual is experiencing ______.


What type of love is also called passionate love and has strong components of sexuality and infatuation?


Affectionate love is also called love and occurs when someone desires to have the other person near. (Watch your spelling!)


Intimacy always includes which of the following components?

Sharing of private thoughts

Sternberg identified three main components of love. What are they?


Which love is the strongest, fullest form of love according to Robert J. Sternberg?


Consummate love includes which of the following dimensions?


Sternberg's triangle of love consists of passion, intimacy, and commitment; various combinations of these result in which of the following types of love?

Consummate love
Fatuous love
Affectionate love

According to Sternberg, which type of love involves intimacy, commitment, and passion?

consummate love

Single adults face several challenges including which of the following?

Finding a niche in a marriage-oriented society
Forming intimate relationships with others
Confronting social prejudices
Confronting loneliness in their lives

To experience love, couples have to experience all three dimensions---passion, intimacy, and commitment.


In collectivist cultures, intimacy is often more diffuse in romantic relationships because ______.

people have more connections outside the relationship

Cohabitation refers to living together in a ______ relationship without being married.


A recent study indicated that the ______ men were married, the ______ their risk was of developing a disease.

longer; lower

Most divorces occur ______.

within the fifth to tenth years of marriage

In ______ societies, intimacy in romantic relationships is often more intense due to people's smaller social networks.


refers to living together in a sexual relationship without being married.


People in happy marriages are less stressed, which puts less wear and tear on a person's body, therefore reducing which of the following?

High blood pressure
Heart disease
Psychological problems

Which of the following factors contribute to a higher incidence of divorce?

Youthful marriage
Low educational level
Low income

Which of the following statements regarding remarriage are TRUE?

Men tend to remarry sooner than women.
Men with higher incomes are more likely to remarry than their counterparts with lower incomes.
The remarriage rate in the United States is declining.

Which of the following statements regarding remarried families is TRUE?

Partners who initiate divorce are likely to remarry more quickly.

What term did Gottman use to describe spouses' personal insights into each other's worlds?

Love maps

According to Hetherington's research, which of the following are recommended strategies for adults when they divorce?

Nurturing fondness and admiration

According to Gottman, which of the following actions helps couples improve relationship satisfaction?

Regulating emotions
Making and receiving "repair attempts"

______ refers to an individual's behavioral style and characteristic emotional responses.
Emotional behavior


True or false: Childhood attachment does not influence adults' socioemotional patterns later in life.


Research has found that securely attached infants are more likely to be ______ attached relationship partners.


_____ attached adults have positive views of relationships and find it easy to get close to others.

Blank 1: Securely or Secure

Individuals with a(n) ______ attachment style tend to distance themselves from their partners.


An individual's behavioral style and emotional responses are often referred to together as _____ (Watch your spelling!)


When considering attachment and adult socioemotional development, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Attachment among adults has no link to parent-child attachment.
Romantic partners fulfill very different needs for adults than parents do for their children.
Attachment in adults is linked to the quality of attachment as a child.
Attachment among romantic partners has not been studied.

Attachment in adults is linked to the quality of attachment as a child.

Troy indicates being quite secure in his marital relationship. This feeling of security would indicate Troy was probably a _____ attached infant.

Blank 1: securely or secure

Select all that apply

Which of the following factors characterize relationships of securely attached adults?



When individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and when in a relationship, they distance themselves from their partner, they are exhibiting which type of attachment style?

Avoidant attachment
Anxious attachment
Secure attachment
Insecure attachment

Avoidant attachment

Select all that apply

Adults who have an anxious attachment style exhibit which of the following behaviors?

They are hesitant about relationships.
They are less trusting.
They are jealous and possessive.
They are more emotional.
They demand closeness.

They are less trusting.
They are jealous and possessive.
They are more emotional.
They demand closeness.

Research has shown that our first impressions of others ______.
are rarely accurate
are often quite accurate

are often quite accurate

_____ validation explains why individuals are attracted to people who are similar to them.


A person involved in online dating who fakes their identity is called a _______.



The matching hypothesis explains that people tend to form romantic relationships with someone who is ______ their own level of attractiveness.

close to
opposite from
superior to
different from

close to

Individuals with a(n) ______ attachment style demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive in their relationships.



Select all that apply

Research has shown first impressions can detect which of the following?

Sexual orientation
Violent tendencies
Genetic history
Romantic interests

Sexual orientation
Violent tendencies
Romantic interests

What is it called when our own attitudes and behavior are supported and validated because someone else's attitudes and behaviors are similar to our own?

Consensual validation
Similarity validation
Complicated consensual validation

Consensual validation

Select all that apply

Which of the following statements are supported by research on online dating?

It is good for casual dating, but rarely leads to long-lasting relationships.
The majority of Americans now view it as an acceptable way to meet people.
It has been shown to be beneficial for younger adults, but not older adults.
One challenge is that many people misrepresent themselves on dating sites.

The majority of Americans now view it as an acceptable way to meet people.

One challenge is that many people misrepresent themselves on dating sites.

What theory suggests that we end up choosing someone who is close to our own level of attractiveness?

Matching hypothesis
Similarity choosing
Matching similarity
Attractiveness matching

Matching hypothesis

True or false: In early adulthood an individual has to balance intimacy and identity.



According to Erikson, individuals who are committing to a long-term relationship are in the developmental stage of ______.

isolation vs. despair
identity vs. identity confusion
generativity vs. stagnation
intimacy vs. isolation

intimacy vs. isolation

Select all that apply

Intimacy always includes which of the following components?

Sexual intercourse
Sharing of private thoughts

Sharing of private thoughts

Romantic love has strong components of ______ and infatuation.


Affectionate love is also called _____ love and occurs when someone desires to have the other person near. (Watch your spelling!)

Blank 1: companionate or companionate love

Select all that apply

Individuals in early adulthood have to balance which of the following challenges?



When someone fails to develop intimate relationships in early adulthood, Erikson says that this individual is experiencing ______.

identity confusion


In relationships, self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts are hallmarks of intense closeness, or _____.


What type of love is also called passionate love and has strong components of sexuality and infatuation?



Which type of love occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has deep, caring feelings for the person?



Select all that apply

Sternberg identified three main components of love. What are they?



In relationships, self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts are hallmarks of intense closeness, or ______.



To experience____ love, couples have to experience all three dimensions---passion, intimacy, and commitment.


Sternberg's triangle of love consists of passion, intimacy, and commitment; various combinations of these result in which of the following types of love?

Fatuous love
Consummate love
Affectionate love

Select all that apply

Sternberg's triangle of love consists of passion, intimacy, and commitment; various combinations of these result in which of the following types of love?

Fatuous love
Consummate love
Affectionate love
Sexual love

Fatuous love
Consummate love
Affectionate love

Which love is the strongest, fullest form of love according to Robert J. Sternberg?



FalseCompared to earlier generations, today's young adults are more likely to ______. (Select all that apply.)


Select all that apply

Compared to earlier generations, today's young adults are more likely to ______. (Select all that apply.)

be introduced to romantic partners by friends
have sex before the first date
date someone they meet online
be unsure whether they want to marry

have sex before the first date
date someone they meet online
be unsure whether they want to marry

Select all that apply

Consummate love includes which of the following dimensions?



According to Sternberg, which type of love involves intimacy, commitment, and passion?

consummate love
fatuous love
romantic love
affectionate love

consummate love

Select all that apply

Which of the following problems can result when one is in love and love is not returned?

Sexual dysfunction
Sleep disorders
Obsessive thoughts

Sexual dysfunction
Obsessive thoughts

United States Census Bureau data showed a _______ in recent decades in the number of single adults between the ages of 25 and 34.

dramatic rise
slight decrease
leveling off
dramatic decrease

dramatic rise

Cohabitation refers to living together in a ______ relationship without being married.



In 2016, the average age for a first marriage was ______.

unchanged for the first time in decades
higher than at any point in history
lower than at any point in history
uncharacteristically young

higher than at any point in history

True or false: Ending a close relationship may feel tragic, but one's happiness and personal development may benefit.


Select all that apply

Which of the following factors contribute to a higher incidence of divorce?

Low educational level
Youthful marriage
Low income
Strong religious affiliation

Low educational level
Youthful marriage
Low income

Select all that apply

Consummate love includes which of the following dimensions?



____ refers to living together in a sexual relationship without being married.

Blank 1: Cohabitation, Cohabitate, Cohabiting, or Co habitation

In recent years, the number of Americans who never marry has ______.
not changed


Which of the following statements regarding remarried families is TRUE?

Adults who remarry have a higher level of mental health than adults in first marriages.
Partners who initiate divorce are likely to remarry more quickly.
Divorce is less likely to occur in remarriages than in first marriages.
The remarriage rate in the United States is increasing.

Partners who initiate divorce are likely to remarry more quickly.

Most divorces occur ______.

within the fifth to tenth years of marriage
after 20 or more years of marriage, often after children leave home
within the first two years of marriage
within the first five years of marriage

within the fifth to tenth years of marriage

On average, dual-earner same-sex couples are more likely to ______, compared to dual-earner opposite-sex couples.

share household responsibilities
have children
experience high levels of relationship conflict

share household responsibilities

Select all that apply

Which of the following statements regarding remarriage are TRUE?

The remarriage rate in the United States is declining.
Men tend to remarry sooner than women.
Men with higher incomes are more likely to remarry than their counterparts with lower incomes.
Remarried couples tend to have higher marital quality than couples in first marriages.

The remarriage rate in the United States is declining.

Men tend to remarry sooner than women.

Men with higher incomes are more likely to remarry than their counterparts with lower incomes.

In the United States, around _____ percent of all marriages will end in divorce within 20 years.


According to John Gottman, the key to relationship success is ______.

avoiding conflict
knowledge and effort
never going to bed angry
choosing the one "right" partner in the first place

knowledge and effort

In the United States, same-sex marriage is now legal ______.
in all states
in most states
in only a few states

in all states

In recent years, the age at which individuals start having children has been ______.


The _____ are a group of divorced individuals, mostly women, who show a remarkable ability to bounce back from stressful circumstances and create something meaningful out of problems.

competent loners


Select all that apply

Which of the following are actions that Gottman believes help a marriage work?

Avoiding conflicts
Nurturing fondness and admiration
Creating shared meaning
Establishing love maps
Turning away from each other
Letting your partner influence you
Turning toward each other

Nurturing fondness and admiration
Creating shared meaning
Establishing love maps
Letting your partner influence you
Turning toward each other

According to Hetherington's research, women belonging to the group of divorced individuals known as ______ usually married men similar to their first husbands, often going into a new marriage that was not much of an improvement over the first one.

competent loners


Select all that apply
The fact that U.S. women are having fewer children produces which of the following results?
Men invest a greater amount of time in fathering.
Mothers are spending more time with their children.
The demands of child care are reduced.
Parental care is often supplemented by more child care.

Men invest a greater amount of time in fathering.
The demands of child care are reduced.
Parental care is often supplemented by more child care.

Which group of divorced individuals feel more competent, well-adjusted, and self-fulfilled?
The enhancers
The competent loners
The seekers
The good-enoughs

The enhancers

The ______ are a group of individuals who are motivated to find a new mate as soon as possible after divorce.



The _____ are a group of divorced individuals described as average people coping with divorce.
competent loners


According to Hetherington's research, which group of divorced individuals typically became disillusioned with their sensation-seeking lifestyle after the first year following the divorce?
The enhancers
The libertines
The defeated
The seekers

The libertines

The ____ are a group of individuals who are motivated to find a new mate as soon as possible after divorce.


Overall, research on gender differences in communication suggests that such differences are ______.


Researchers such as Miller and Lerner have concluded that in relationships, women are more likely than men to emphasize ______.

report talk
asserting dominance over others
emotional connections with others
sexual intimacy

emotional connections with others

According to Hetherington's research, the group of divorced individuals known as the _____ often spent more time in singles bars and had more casual sex than their counterparts.


Peck's ____ ____ view says that because male roles in society are contradictory and inconsistent, men can experience harm from following those roles but also from violating them.

Blank 1: role
Blank 2: strain

The term _____ refers to someone who has both positive masculine and feminine characteristics.

Blank 1: androgyny or androgynous

According to Deborah Tannen, ____ talk is a way of sharing information, while ____ talk helps to strengthen connections with others.

Blank 1: report
Blank 2: rapport

Select all that apply

Some researchers argue that women are more relationship-oriented than men, but others have criticized this research on the grounds that ______.

the data was fraudulent
the data is being interpreted through the lens of cultural stereotypes
the research methods were inefficient
there's a great deal of individual variation within each genderis used to describe individuals whose gender identity is different from the one assigned to them at birth.

the data is being interpreted through the lens of cultural stereotypes

there's a great deal of individual variation within each gender

According to Pleck's role strain view, ______.

men will experience optimal life outcomes when they live up to societal expectations for masculinity
men's roles are contradictory, leading to negative effects both when followed and when violated
men's social roles are primarily the result of our species' evolutionary heritage
androgyny provides the optimal balance of masculine and feminine personality traits

men's roles are contradictory, leading to negative effects both when followed and when violated

The term "androgyny" refers to someone who ______.

has both positive masculine and feminine characteristics
has both male and female genitalia
is sexually attracted to both men and women
is transgender

has both positive masculine and feminine characteristics

The term ______ is used to describe individuals whose gender identity is different from the one assigned to them at birth.



Select all that apply

The umbrella term "trans" can be used to describe people who are ______. (Select all that apply.)

gay or lesbian
gender noncoforming

gender noncoforming

The term ______ refers to someone whose gender identity and expression matches the gender they were assigned at birth.


When individuals desire to have another person near and have a deep caring affection for the person they are displaying?

also called companionate love. occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has a deep, caring affection for the person.

Which type of love occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has deep caring feelings for the person quizlet?

Sternberg's triangle of love consists of passion, intimacy, and commitment; various combinations of these result in which of the following types of love? Affectionate love is also called love and occurs when someone desires to have the other person near.

What appears to be the strongest fullest form of love for couples?

Couples with consummate, or complete, love share a deep desire to be together on every level, even after many years. It is the strongest and most enduring type of relationship, but Sternberg suggests that it is rare and difficult to maintain. More often than not, this type of relationship loses at least one component.

Which of the following refers to physically or verbally harming another person directly group of answer choices?

Aggression refers to behavior that is intended to harm another individual. Violence is aggression that creates extreme physical harm.

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