When 60 is subtracted from 60% of a number the result is 60 find the number?

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Note : In percentage always assume data. Which make your Calculation easier.
60% $$\frac{3}{5}$$
Let the number = 5x
Accounting to the question,
⇒ 5x × $$\frac{3}{5}$$ - 60 = 60
⇒ x = $$\frac{120}{3}$$
⇒ x = 40
Hence, required number :
= 5x
= 5 × 40
= 200

Correct Answer:

Description for Correct answer:
\( \textbf{Note:} \) In percentage always assume data. Which make your Calculation easier.

\( \Large 60\% =\frac{3}{5} \)

Let the number = 5X

According to the question,

\( \Large \Rightarrow 5x \times \frac{3}{5}-60=60 \)

\( \Large \Rightarrow x=\frac{120}{3}=40 \)

Hence, Required number\( = 5x \)

\( =5 \times 40=200 \)

Part of solved Percentage questions and answers : >> Aptitude >> Percentage

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Let the number be ‘x’

60% of the number is `60/100 xx x = (60x)/100`

Given that when 60 is subtracted from 60%, we get 60

i.e `60/100x - 60` = 60

∴ `60/100x` = 60 + 60

∴ `60/100x` = 120

∴ x = `(120 xx 100)/60` = 200

What is subtracted from 60% of a number the result is 50?

If 40 is subtracted from 60% of a number, the result is 50.

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If 60% of a number is added to 60, then the result is equal to the number itself.

When 60% of a number A is added?

When 60% of a number A is added to another number B, B becomes 175% of its previous value. Here it seems that A is bigger than B. But if we consider A and B to be negative then the opposite would be true. ∴ Option D is true.

Which of the following numbers is 60% less than 80?

From the above calculations, we have got the number 32 which is $ 60\% $ less than 80. Hence, the correct option is (c).