What was one of the main goals of the Populist Party in the late nineteenth century quizlet?



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a late 19th century political movement demanding that people have a greater voice in government and seeking to advance the interests of farmers and laborers


1867 - a group of agrarian organizations that worked to increase the political and economic power of farmers. They opposed corrupt business practices and monopolies, and supported relief for debtors. Although technically not a political party, led to the creation of a number of political parties, which eventually joined with the growing labor movement to form the Progressive Party.

Granger laws

Grangers state legislatures in 1874 passed law fixing maximum rates for freight shipments. The railroads responded by appealing to the Supreme Court to declare these laws unconstitutional

Munn v Illinois

1876; The Supreme Court upheld the Granger laws. The Munn case allowed states to regulate certain businesses within their borders, including railroads, and is commonly regarded as a milestone in the growth of federal government regulation.

Wabash v Illinois

1886 - Stated that individual states could control trade in their states, but could not regulate railroads coming through them. Congress had exclusive jurisdiction over interstate commerce.

interstate commerce

trade and other business dealings that cross state lines

Interstate Commerce Act of 1886

Established the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) - monitors the business operation of carriers transporting goods and people between states - created to regulate railroad prices

Interstate Commerce Commission

established in 1887 by Interstate Commerce Act. Regulates rates that carriers charge and oversees any mergers, acquisitions and sales of carriers.

Farmers' Alliances

happened in late 1880's; did everything in the grange movement but added some political things; wanted the government to regulate the railroads and lower the protective tariffs that inhibited foreign trade; promoted federal income tax; proposed that the government hold goods so that they could regulate the market and keep it from flooding

Ocala Platform

Platform of the Farmer's Alliance, formulated at an 1890 convention held in Ocala, Florida. This farmer's organization favored a graduated income tax, government control of the railroad, the unlimited coinage of silver, and the direct election of United States senators. Candidates supporting the farmers called themselves Populists and ran for public offices in the 1890s.

Direct Election of US Senators

favored by the Farmers' Alliances; would have allowed citizens to elect Senators

Graduated Income Tax

A tax on income in which the taxation rates are progressively higher for those whit higher income.

People's Party

Formed in 1892, the populist party was created by farmers' alliances. The peoples' party supported the abolition of national banks and the government ownership of railroads.

Also known as the Populist Party.

Populist Party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies.

Also known as the People's Party.

Omaha Platform

Populist Party platform for the 1892 election (running for president-James Weaver, vice president-James Field) in which they called for free coinage of silver and paper money; national income tax; direct election of senators; regulation of railroads; and other government reforms to help farmers.

direct election of US Senators

Part of the Omaha Platform, it would have allowed citizens to elect Senators instead of the State Legislatures, as the original Constitution statedd.


Part of the Omaha Platform, it would have allowed the public to vote on a question about a particular issue or policy. It means that the public can make a direct decision on a question rather than letting their elected representatives decide on their behalf.

coinage of silver

Part of the Omaha Platform.

In an attempt to create inflation, Populists wanted to back the US currency with silver, as well as gold. The belief was that this would result in more currency, which would lower the value of the currency through inflation, thus lowering the cost of debt - especially farm land mortgage debt.

free silver

Part of the Omaha Platform.

Another term for the coinage of silver

graduated income tax

Part of the Omaha Platform.

A tax on income in which the taxation rates are progressively higher for those whit higher income.

8-hour workday

Part of the Omaha Platform, it would have limited the working day to 8 hours. If workers worked over 8 hours, than the employer would have to compensate them for the extra time.

Election of 1892

Republican Harrison vs. Democrat Cleveland vs. Populist Weaver. Cleveland wins.

Populist carries 4 states!

Panic of 1893

Serious economic depression beginning in 1893. Began due to rail road companies over-extending themselves, causing bank failures. Was the worst economic collapse in the history of the country until that point, and, some say, as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930s.

J. P. Morgan bailed the country out.

Coxey's Army

A protest march of unemployed workers, led by Populist buisnessman Jacob Coxey, demanding inflation and a public works program during the depresssion of the 1890s

Election of 1896

Republican William McKinley defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan. Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans. Economic issues, including bimetallism, the gold standard, Free Silver, and the tariff, were crucial.

William McKinley

William McKinley was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his assassination in September 1901, six months into his second term.

William Jennings Bryan

This Democratic candidate ran for president most famously in 1896 (and again in 1900). His goal of "free silver" (unlimited coinage of silver) won him the support of the Populist Party. Though a gifted orator, he lost the election to Republican William McKinley. He ran again for president and lost in 1900. Later he opposed America's imperialist actions, and in the 1920s, he made his mark as a leader of the fundamentalist cause and prosecuting attorney in the Scopes Monkey Trial.

Cross of Gold

A speech delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in which he passionately supported bimetallism and decried the gold standard. The speech launched Bryan to popularity and onto the Democratic ballot.

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  • referendums
  • Election of 1896

What was one of the main goals of the Populist party?

One of the Populist Party's central goals was to create a coalition between farmers in the South and West and urban laborers in the Midwest and Northeast. In the latter regions, the Populists received the support of union officials like Knights of Labor leader Terrence Powderly and railroad organizer Eugene V.

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They demanded an increase in the circulating currency (to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, a tariff for revenue only, the direct election of U.S. senators, and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy and give farmers ...

Who were the Populists and what did they want quizlet?

A U.S. political party formed in the 1890s to represent the interests of farmers and laborers. Also called the People's Party. It felt that the government was influenced by industrialists & bankers who favored gold to back U.S. dollars. Populists favored free coinage of silver and other reforms.

What did the Populist party support quizlet?

A US political party that sought to represent the interests of farmers and laborers in the 1890s, advocating increased currency issue, free coinage of gold and silver, public ownership of railroads, and a graduated federal income tax. Also called People's Party.

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