What tips can you suggest in choosing the appropriate medium or channel of communication?

From music streaming services to magazine mobile apps, the last few years have brought us an array of options when it comes to choosing a message’s medium. New platforms, like Vine, have even reinvented publishing categories — which, in theory, sounds great.

However, with more options comes more responsibility for brands. Marketers can no longer expect a clever radio tagline to reach the highly coveted Millennial — Millennials have moved on from traditional radio. Essentially, this change has not only encouraged brands to reevaluate their medium of choice, but it has created an industry-wide discussion on the importance of tailoring each message to each medium.

The Importance of the Medium

A journalism professor once told me, “The medium makes the message.” Although he was clearly referring to traditional news or editorials, the idea rings overwhelmingly true when creating and placing a brand’s message. Some advertising agencies know this and dedicate entire departments to choosing the right medium because they realize that  the most innovative, exciting idea out there can die a painful, virtually unnoticed death if the wrong medium delivers it to the wrong audience.

The secret to measuring social media ROI could be explained in an in-depth, engaging article, but if the article misses its golden audience of marketers and tech leaders, consider that groundbreaking information lost at the bottom of a search results page.

Choosing the Right Medium

Choosing the right medium usually boils down to these three factors, all of which should ultimately determine the best medium for a brand’s message:


Who are you trying to reach? This should be the most crucial factor when choosing a medium, and therefore should also be the most heavily researched. Customer personas for your target audience should be created and analyzed, meaning your team knows everything from the first social site your audience visits to the hashtags they use. For example, if your target is comprised of tech-savvy early adopters working two jobs while in college, the traditional print medium may never reach their eyes.


This is obvious, but it’s definitely worth thinking about. Realize that just because your marketing budget is small, your placements don’t have to be. Instead of blowing your budget on a single TV spot, aim for continuous placements in the niche publications your audience visits. Doing this will do wonders for your long-term results.


What exactly do you want to say to your target audience? Is it a message that will still convey your values in one year? Create a mission, purpose, and goals for your brand’s message, and then decide where that message, along with its mission, purpose, and goals, will best fit.

Choosing the right medium for your message happens differently for everyone. Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of VaynerMedia, argues that the medium is something your audience chooses for you.

“When trying to figure out which medium or platform is right for you, I actually think that it’s not about what you decide at all — it’s about the consumer,” Vaynerchuk said. “I had never been the star of a video in my life until I recorded my first episode of ‘Wine Library TV.’ I didn’t choose for that to be my medium because it’s not about choosing. It’s about going into all of the mediums and then letting the market choose which one you’re best at.”

Simply put, an increase in medium options has placed increased importance on a brand’s medium of choice. With audiences running every which way — from on-demand content to six-second videos — a brand’s method of delivery can make or break its message.

Your creative team or content developers have worked hard to craft an engaging, authentic message. Don’t let that message miss its audience.

John Hall is the CEO of Influence & Co., a company that helps brands build their influence.

Choosing the right communication medium or channels is important for any functioning organization with remote teams and to form healthy relationships between colleagues and customers alike.

Through digital communications, managers are able to perform their daily responsibilities and complete their tasks. All the important information needs to be clearly communicated to the managers, who, in turn, will pass it on to their subordinates to complete the work.

There are a variety of communication media that can be used in the business world. Choosing the right channels to conduct your message and automating regular communication tasks with tools like ScrumGenius can truly help to simplify your day-to-day operations and make your operations more efficient.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Different types of communication medium and tips on how to optimize each one
  • How to set up a good set of processes to use your communication mediums strategically

Types of Communication Medium

It is important to realize that not every communication medium is created the same. Let’s take a closer look at the most popular types of business communication media channels and how they should be used.


In today’s workplace, effective email as a channel is a must. Email is an ideal communication medium for matters of relatively low importance. Email can be a great way to interact with partners, stakeholders and customers, and it is great for sharing information such as meeting notes, newsletters, or case studies.

Tips for Effective Email Workflow:

  • Use specific subject lines. Many emails end up going back and forth multiple times over the course of several weeks. It is important to accurately describe the content of the message in the subject line to make sure the reader knows exactly what they will find inside of the email.
  • Be clear and concise. Among hundreds of emails in the inbox folder, nobody wants to read long emails anymore. Consider using bulleted points to express your thoughts and avoid any vague or unnecessary sentences.
  • Automate status reporting and meeting notes. A weekly status report is a great way to communicate with your team. You can simplify your life by using ScrumGenius to automate weekly status reports and emails with meeting notes to be sent to your employees.

Instant Messaging

In the realities of remote workplaces, the problem of instant communication can be solved with chats or instant messaging apps.

Faster than an email and less intrusive than a phone call, instant messaging as a social channel presents an ideal solution for team collaboration. If you need to quickly ask a question and receive an answer just as fast, instant messaging is exactly what you need.

Tips for Effective Instant Messaging Workflow:

  • Use chat apps. There are numerous options for instant messaging out there. One of the most popular chat apps is Slack, as it allows you to quickly contact each member of your team individually or in organized groups. You can integrate Slack with a number of other project management tools like ScrumGenius to really get a comprehensive solution to all of your workplace needs.

  • Keep it professional. With instant messaging, it is easy to get sidetracked into a conversation not related to the original request. In professional contexts, try to stick to the subject and avoid discussing any personal matters. Keep the tone polite and professional.
  • Use it for the right messages. Instant chats are great, but they aren’t always the optimal communication medium for the task. Instant messages should be short, so if you have a lot to say, you may want to consider using email instead. For any sensitive matters, a face-to-face conversation may be better.
  • Building relationships with your colleagues. Using chats can be especially important for remote teams to develop the human aspect of remote working. Set up channels based on personal interests and hobbies to get to know your colleagues beyond their work functions.

Two-Way Remote Communication

When working remotely, two-way remote communication channels through Zoom, Slack and so on, are great for keeping employees in the loop and promote their project engagement.

Teleconferences are great for weekly meetings with a team. You can also use them for discussing sensitive matters, such as performance reviews, face-to-face with your employees.

Tips for Effective Teleconference Workflow:

  • Distribute an agenda. Your employees will appreciate if they know what to expect from a call prior to the meeting itself. Distributing a meeting agenda in advance will help your employees to understand their exact role in the teleconference, making the meeting more productive.
  • Share documents and links in advance. Share relevant links and documents prior to the meeting, so that your employees have enough time to review any required information and can join the meeting with enough context.
  • Follow up with the meeting notes. With endless meetings back-to-back, we tend to quickly forget what the meeting was about. That is why it is crucial to share the meeting notes with all the participants as soon as the meeting is over.

You can use ScrumGenius to collect post-meeting thoughts from the team and gather any missed details. You can even use the tool to edit and refine the agenda for the next meeting.

Setting Up A Good Set Of Processes To Use Your Communication Mediums Strategically

When deciding between various types of communication channels, it is important to remember that different types of information require different ways of communicating.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What is the purpose of the information?
  2. What reaction or response are you expecting to receive? Are you expecting an instant reply or no reply at all?
  3. Is the chosen communication medium correct for the specific type of message? For example, you don’t want to lay off an employee over an instant messenger.
  4. Is the receiver the correct one? Be careful not to send messages to the wrong group of people or a group that is too large.
  5. How will the medium affect the message? For example, using a chat message with emojis may undermine the importance of the information.

Standardize and Automate your Communication Processes with ScrumGenius

Communication is a major building block of any successful organization. It serves as a foundation for a productive work environment, and efficiently using the right communication channels translates directly into effective work. However, as the business grows, communication can become a major challenge.

Standardizing and automating recurring communication can help you overcome some of the challenges associated with a large organization and save you time on crafting and formatting messages.

For example, by using ScrumGenius to automate your weekly status reports, you can make sure that they always share the same style, tone, and content and free up some time for more important tasks.

You can also integrate ScrumGenius with a variety of communication channels like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Webex, or email to keep all the information in the same place.

Get a free trial today to keep your workplace communication simple, smooth, and efficient.

What factors would you consider in selecting an appropriate medium of communication in a given communication situation?

Selecting the Means of Communication: 10 Factors to Considered.
Factor # 1. Nature of Message: ... .
Factor # 2. Cost: ... .
Factor # 3. Record: ... .
Factor # 4. Distance: ... .
Factor # 5. Scale of Organisation: ... .
Factor # 6. Supporting Technology: ... .
Factor # 7. Urgency: ... .
Factor # 8. Secrecy:.

Why choosing the right medium for communication is important?

Choosing the right medium is important for ensuring that your message arrives to your intended audience and that your audience accurately understands the purpose and meaning of your message.

What is the most important and effective medium or channel of communication?

Face-to-Face Communication The richest communication channel around, face-to-face meetings, is often hailed as the most effective way for teams to interact. This is because it reduces any misconstrued messages by allowing for body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal communication.

How do we select which medium is the most suitable in business communication?

Consider the nature of your message Therefore, if the nature of your message is such that it is formal, for example calling a candidate for an interview, then consider using formal mediums of communication as well such as an email or a formal phone call, or even a formal social platform such as LinkedIn.

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