What is the perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself?

  • School Louisiana State University
  • Course Title PSYC 2040
  • Type


  • Pages 19
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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Perception that one is less well off than others with whom one comparesoneselfExplains why happiness tends to be lower and crime rateshigher in communities and nations with large income inequalityoSocial learning theory-We learn social behavior by observing and imitating and bybeing rewarded and punished (Bandura)oFamily(how they punish children, presence of father)oCultureoCatharsisTheory: Freud Psychoanalytic theoryoMore than just "blowing off steam", or "getting it out of your system"oAggression can be reduced byPerforming an aggressive actWatching others engage in aggressive behaviorEngage in fantasy aggressionoMany studies suggests that this is actually increases aggression, rather thandecreasing itBiological Factors that influence aggression (3)1.Physical pain2.Other bodily discomfortsHeat, humidity, air pollution, offensive odors1.ArousalA given state of bodily arousal feeds one emotion of another.Schacter and Singer's Two Factor theory of emotion studySocial Factors that influence aggression (3)1.Pornography and Sexual Violenceincreases acceptance of the rape mythdecrease attraction for ones partnerincrease acceptance of extramarital sex and of women's sexual submission tomenincrease men's perceiving women in sexual terms1.TelevisionArousal levelsDesensitization to violenceImitation1.Video Games

increase arousalincrease aggressive thinkingincrease aggressive feelingsincrease aggressive behaviorsdecrease pro-social behaviorsAttractionTerms to knowoSecure-Best potential relationshipsoAvoidant-Suppress relationships needs, trouble developing intimate relationshipsoAnxious/Ambivalent-Concern that the partner will not reciprocate the desire forintimacyoSelf-Disclosure-Revealing intimate aspects of oneself to othersoDisclosure reciprocity-Reciprocating same level of disclosure as your partneroMere exposure effectIncreased exposure leads to increased likingoHalo effect-Tendency to believe that physically attractive people possess other goodqualitiesTheories to knowoSocial Exchange Theoryfeelings about relationships determined byRewards- costs of OutcomeExpectations [comparison level ] ofSatisfactionChances for a better alternative relationship [comparison level foralternatives]i.e. Likelihood of stayingoEquity TheoryGood relationship occurs whenPerson A's rewards - costs = Person B's rewards - costsoSternberg‘s Triangular Theory of LoveThree components of loveIntimacyPassionCommitmentThree components creates seven types of love relationships

Factors that lead to attraction (4)1.ProximityoPropinquity effectIncreased interaction leads to increased probability offriendshipoMere exposure effectIncreased exposure leads to increased liking1.

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What term refers to the perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself?

Relative deprivation The perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself.

What is meant by relative deprivation theory?

As defined by social theorists and political scientists, relative deprivation theory suggests that people who feel they are being deprived of something considered essential in their society (e.g. money, rights, political voice, status) will organize or join social movements dedicated to obtaining the things of which ...

What is relative deprivation in psychology quizlet?

Relative Deprivation. The perception that one is worse off relative to those whom one compares oneself.

What is a mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another?

Perceptual set: a mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another.

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