What are the two basic consideration when designing an actual appraisal method?

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12.When designing an actual appraisal method, the two basic considerations are________.a.who should measure and when to measureb.when to measure and what to measurec.what to measure and who should measured.what to measure and how to measuree.when to measure and how to measure

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16.Unsafe acts can be reduced through all of the following methods except ________.a.job rotationb.screeningc.trainingd.incentive programse.responding to employee suggestions

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576.When designing an actual appraisal method, the two basic considerations are _____.a.who should measure and when to measureb.when to measure and what to measurec.what to measure and who should measured.what to measure and how to measuree.when to measure and how to measure(d; moderate; p. 315)577.The most popular technique for appraising performance is the ______ method.a.alternation rankingb.graphic rating scalec.Likertd.MBOe.constant sum rating scale(b; moderate; p. 315)578.Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance?a.alternation rankingb.graphic rating scalec.Likertd.MBOe.constant sum rating scale(b; moderate; p. 315)579.What do performance appraisals measure?a.generic dimensions of performanceb.performance of actual dutiesc.employee competencyd.achievement of objectivese.all of the above(e; moderate; p. 317)

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580.If a performance appraisal focuses on an employee’s ability to “identify and analyzeproblems” or to “maintain harmonious and effective working relationships,” then theperformance appraisal is focused on measuring _____.a.generic dimensions of performanceb.performance of actual dutiesc.employee competencyd.achievement of objectivese.all of the above(c; moderate; p. 317)581.If a performance appraisal focuses on an employee’s quality and quantity of wok, thenthe performance appraisal is focused on measuring _____.a.generic dimensions of performanceb.performance of actual dutiesc.employee competencyd.achievement of objectivese.all of the above(a; moderate; p. 317)582.The _____ method of performance appraisal involves listing all the subordinates to berated, crossing out the names of any not known well enough to rank, indicating the employeewho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and who is the lowest, and thenalternating between the next highest and lowest until all employees have been ranked.a.alternation rankingb.graphic rating scalec.Likertd.MBOe.constant sum rating scale(a; moderate; p. 317)

583.Alternation ranking refers to an appraisal method, which_____.a.is based on progress made toward the accomplishment of measurable goalsb.combines the benefits of narratives, critical incidents, and quantified scales byassigning scale points with specific examples of good or poor performancec.requires that the supervisor keep a log of positive and negative examples of asubordinate’s work-related behaviord.requires a supervisor to evaluate performance by assigning predeterminedpercentages of those being rated into performance categoriese.involves listing all the subordinates to be rated, crossing out the names of any notknown well enough to rank, indicating the employee who is the highest on eachcharacteristic being measured and who is the lowest, and then alternating between thenext highest and lowest until all employees have been ranked(e; moderate; p. 317)

When designing an actual appraisal method the two basic considerations are quizlet?

9) When designing an actual appraisal method, the two basic considerations are ________. Explanation: C) The two basic questions in designing the actual appraisal tool are what to measure and how to measure it.

What are the two methods of appraisal?

There are some common and modern appraisal methods that many organizations gravitate towards, including:.
Self-evaluation. ... .
Behavioral checklist. ... .
360-degree feedback. ... .
Ratings scale. ... .
Management by objectives..

What are the basic considerations in performance appraisal?

Consider the employee's ability to effectively evaluate skills, knowledge, aptitudes, interests and developmental needs bearing on individual and group work performance. Consider the employee's ability to direct the operations, activity and performance of others.

What are the factors to be considered when designing an appraisal form?

There are several factors to consider when designing a performance appraisal program. These factors include considering the persons who will be involved with designing the program, assessing the past, setting program goals, and deciding what gets measured.

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