What are the services provided by cloud computing method over the internet?

As technology evolves, the world we know has become more connected than before. From smart homes to autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things is revolutionizing the way we work and play.

This article explores the close relationship between two different yet interdependent technologies — cloud computing and IoT, and how Intel is enabling a more intelligent IoT for edge applications.

What is cloud computing?

Instead of depending on local computers and private data centers, “cloud” is a virtual delivery system where data storage and computing power are delivered through the Internet.

A cloud computing model enables you to access these resources online, often through a remote provider. In most cases, this service is delivered on a pay-per-use basis.

Cloud solutions reduces the need to purchase and maintain expensive on-premise IT hardware and infrastructure, as well as the need to hire inhouse personnel to manage this equipment.

Three service models
Cloud computing services are typically delivered in three unique service models to meet different business needs — Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Software as a Service
As its name suggests, SaaS delivers software which can be accessed via the web. Because this service is provided by a software provider, organizations can worry less about data availability, infrastructure maintenance and network security. Real-world applications include system monitoring solutions, schedulers and more.

Platform as a Service
Think of PaaS as the middle link between SaaS and IaaS. PaaS provides you with access to a cloud ecosystem, where you can build and deliver applications without relying on expensive Integrated Development Environments (IDE). Popular PaaS applications include Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure and Apache Stratos.

Infrastructure as a Service
We have covered software and platforms. IaaS, on the other hand, offers you computing capabilities on demand over the Internet. It includes storage, processing and networking facilities, including the use of virtual private servers. Examples of IaaS include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Google Cloud Platform.

Top 3 benefits of cloud computing

Fast deployment
Without the need to depend on onsite hardware or go through tedious procurement processes, developers can test new concepts and design application architecture in a much shorter time.

Cost reduction and efficiency
Cost savings and efficiency are a huge draw. You don’t have to invest large sums of money to purchase and maintain IT hardware and utilities, or waste time resolving downtime issues as well.

Different enterprises have different IT requirements. Cloud solutions enables businesses to scale up (or down) their IT resources quickly and efficiently, depending on their business needs.

What is IoT?

Now that you have a sense of what cloud computing is about, let’s take a closer look at IoT.

The Internet of Things refers to a system where internet-enabled objects are able to gather and transfer data over a wireless network without human intervention.

These objects refer to a myriad of devices, often equipped with sensors and deployed across different industry sectors. From biochip transponders to smart solar panels, the possibilities are endless.

Businesses are drawn to IoT and its prospects of shaving operating costs and increasing revenue. In addition, IoT provides businesses with critical data and insights to meet compliance requirements as well.

Examples of IoT applications

Predictive maintenance
Machine lifespans are reduced when there is a lack of regular and proper maintenance. By installing IoT sensors in robots and automated devices, factory operators are able to predict when a failure is likely to occur based on the data collected, or when maintenance is due.

Energy management
Massive amounts of electrical power is consumed within the manufacturing industry. IoT devices can help to monitor the power utilized by each device or machinery and prevent over-consumption by switching them to power-saving mode when needed.

Home surveillance
Besides industrial uses, IoT applications can be found in consumer homes too. IP cameras, for instance, can alert you through your phone when someone is at your door or if an intruder is trying to break in — even though you may be a long way from home.

Combining cloud computing and IoT

Imagine waking up in the morning, and your favorite songs start to stream in to your Bluetooth speakers. Moments later, you start to hear updates on the latest news, stock market and the weather. This is a real-life example of what can happen when you combine the power of the cloud with IoT.

Given the virtual capabilities of the cloud, coupled with IoT’s wireless and networking features, it’s hardly surprising that cloud computing and IoT are disrupting different domains, from education to supply chain. These two technologies are different yet interdependent because each relies on the other for success.

In many ways, IoT is largely designed to function together with the premise of cloud computing. Relying on the cloud’s storage and processing capabilities enable IoT devices to process outside the device itself, which is often difficult or costly to implement on edge processors or smaller devices.

Here’s an example on how the two technologies work together. Often referred to as smart devices, IoT devices communicate with one another across networks to fulfil various tasks. These devices enable users to control home utilities like air-conditioners via a smartphone app, or monitor soil moisture in agricultural fields.

Next, data collected via these IoT devices are transferred to a cloud server to be analyzed. On the factory floor, for instance, IoT sensors help to collect readings on the health and performance of machinery. These data are then routed through a local gateway to a cloud server where they are aggregated and evaluated.

Why cloud computing is vital to the growth of IoT

Cloud computing applications can catalyze the adoption of IoT initiatives on a significantly larger scale. Let’s sum up some of the reasons why cloud computing is essential to the success of IoT.

What types of services are provided by the cloud computing?

The wide range of services offered by cloud computing companies can be categorized into three basic types:.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). ... .
Platform as a Service (PaaS). ... .
Software as a Service (SaaS)..

What are the 4 cloud services?

There are four main types of cloud computing: private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, and multiclouds. There are also three main types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

How many types of services are provided by cloud computing in IOT?

IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are the three service models in cloud computing.

What are the 3 types of cloud services explain?

Well, there are 3 types of cloud computing: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). With IaaS, companies control their own computing, networking, and storing components without having to manage them on-premises physically.