What are the bank reconciling items explain by giving an example on one of the items?

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify common reconciling items

Let’s take a look at NeatNiks’s GL for the month of October:

General Ledger

Account: CheckingAccount No. 110

DateItemPost. Ref.DebitCreditBalanceDebitCreditOct1BalanceOctOctOctOctOctOctOct
a 0.00
1 GJ1 20,000.00 20,000.00
4 GJ1 12,000.00 8,000.00
15 GJ1 1,500.00 9,500.00
25 GJ1 2,600.00 6,900.00
26 GJ1 1,000.00 5,900.00
30 GJ2 1,600.00 7,500.00
31 GJ2 4,000.00 3,500.00

And now the bank statement:

First World Bank: NeatNiksStatement 10/1/20XX – 10/31/20XXDeposits and other CreditsChecks and other debits
Balance at 10/3/20XX $0.00
Deposits $21,500.00
Transfers in $0.00
Checks and debits ($15,600.00)
Balance at 10/31/20XX Single Line$5,900.00Double Line
10/1/20XX $20,000.00
10/15/20XX $1,500.00
Single Line$21,500Double Line
10/4/20XX Market Street Truck Rental #1000 $12,000.00
10/25/20XX Hugh’s Auto Insurance #1001 $1,500.00
10/25/20XX Carol Caine #1002 $1,100.00
10/26/20XX Cleaning Supplies, Inc. #1003 $1,000.00
Single Line$15,600Double Line

Theoretically, since they both show the same information, the bank statement and the GL should match, but notice that NeatNiks’s GL shows an ending balance of $3,500 but the bank shows $5,900.We need to reconcile the two. In accounting, we don’t think of reconciling as making the records agree. It’s more about explaining the differences. The process is fairly straightforward if we are systematic about it. First, cross off everything that agrees between the two. What’s left is the differences that need to be explained.

General Ledger

Account: CheckingAccount No. 110

DateItemPost. Ref.DebitCreditBalanceDebitCreditOct1BalanceOctOctOctOctOctOctOct
a 0.00
1 GJ1 20,000.00 20,000.00
4 GJ1 12,000.00 8,000.00
15 GJ1 1,500.00 9,500.00
25 GJ1 2,600.00 6,900.00
26 GJ1 1,000.00 5,900.00
30 GJ2 1,600.00 7,500.00
31 GJ2 4,000.00 3,500.00

Going through the same process on the bank statement shows that everything on the bank statement is in the general ledger:

First World Bank: NeatNiksStatement 10/1/20XX – 10/31/20XXDeposits and other CreditsChecks and other debits
Balance at 10/3/20XX $0.00
Deposits $21,500.00
Transfers in $0.00
Checks and debits $15,600.00
Balance at 10/31/20XX Single Line$5,900.00Double Line
10/1/20XX $20,000.00
10/15/20XX $1,500.00
Single Line$21,500Double Line
10/4/20XX Market Street Truck Rental #1000 $12,000.00
10/25/20XX Hugh’s Auto Insurance #1001 $1,500.00
10/25/20XX Carol Caine #1002 $1,100.00
10/26/20XX Cleaning Supplies, Inc. #1003 $1,000.00
Single Line$15,600Double Line

We have narrowed down the difference between the general ledger GL and the bank statement to two items:

  • A deposit Nick made at the end of October in the amount of $1,600 and recorded in the GL is not showing on the bank statement.
  • A withdrawal Nick made at the end of October and recorded in the GL is not showing on the bank statement.

The next thing the accountant would do is check the bank balance and transactions at the beginning of November:

First World Bank: NeatNiksStatement 11/1/20XX-Deposits and other CreditsChecks and other debits
Balance at 11/1/20XX $5,900.00
Deposits $4,100.00
Transfers in $0.00
Checks and debits ($6,000.00)
Balance at — Single Line$4,000.00Double Line
11/1/20XX $1,600.00
11/5/20XX $2,500.00
Single Line$4,100Double Line
11/1/20XX Nick Frank #1004 $4,000.00
11/4/20XX Deborah Hill #1005 $500.00
11/5/20XX Office Supplies, Inc. #1006 $1,500.00
Single Line$6,000Double Line

The bank statement reconciles to the GL. The difference can be explained by the timing of the deposit and the timing of the check, both recorded in October in NeatNiks’s GL, but not on the bank statement for a few days while they were being processed and approved. These two reconciling items are common. They are called deposits in transit and outstanding checks.

Practice Question

What are bank reconciling items?

A reconciling item is a transaction or other entity representing a difference between your general ledger balance and the source documentation being compared. When you prepare your reconciliation, you adjust the balance from one source by those reconciling items to arrive at the balance of the other source.

What is bank reconciliation and examples?

A bank reconciliation statement is a document that compares the cash balance on a company's balance sheet to the corresponding amount on its bank statement. Reconciling the two accounts helps identify whether accounting changes are needed.

Which one is an example of a reconciling item to be added to the book balance?

Reconciling items that will have to be added to the book balance will include, for example, cancelled checks, deposited but unrecorded checks, final withholding tax on bank loan interests and bank loan monies.

Which of the following is an example of bank reconciliation?

NSF check. An example of a bank reconciliation item that requires an adjusting entry is the NSF checks. These are checks received and presented to the bank but are not cleared or honored by the bank because there is No Sufficient Funds (NSF).

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