Unlucky wedding dates 2023

Planning your dream wedding? Let us help you pick the perfect date!

Saying “yes” is just the first step that kick-starts the process to your “happily ever after”, with a planning process that involves months of negotiations, the first of which is finding that perfect wedding date to suit not just you but all your loved ones! And while, like all other things, Indian weddings have also undergone a transformation in terms of size and extravagance, the auspicious value of this major life event still remains rooted in tradition.

Photo Courtesy: Sunny Dhiman Photography

Today most modern couples choose to wed as per their convenience, not to mention the health and safety regulations in place, although many others continue to tie important landmark moments in their life with auspicious dates and time periods. While we, at WeddingSutra, maintain a neutral stance on selecting a wedding day based on astrological predictions, we do respect every individual’s choices and their family’s inclinations for traditional customs.

Here are the dates that are deemed most auspicious in 2023 for traditional Hindu nuptials, as per Hindu calendars and almanacs.

Weekdays: 16th (Monday), 18th (Wednesday), 19th (Thursday), 20th (Friday), 25th (Wednesday), 26th (Thursday), 27th (Friday), 30th (Monday), 31st (Tuesday)
Weekends: 15th (Sunday)

Weekdays: 1st (Wednesday), 6th (Monday), 7th (Tuesday), 9th (Thursday), 10th (Friday), 13th (Monday), 14th (Tuesday), 16th (Thursday), 17th (Friday), 22nd (Wednesday), 23rd (Thursday), 27th (Monday), 28th (Tuesday)
Weekends: 12th (Sunday), 18th (Saturday)

Weekdays: 1st (Wednesday), 6th (Monday), 9th (Thursday), 10th (Friday), 13th (Monday)
Weekends: 11th (Saturday)

Weekends: 23rd (Sunday), 30th (Sunday)

Weekdays: 3rd (Wednesday), 8th (Monday), 9th (Tuesday), 10th (Wednesday), 11th (Thursday), 15th (Monday), 16th (Tuesday), 17th (Wednesday), 22nd (Monday), 29th (Monday), 30th (Tuesday)
Weekends: 6th (Saturday), 7th (Sunday), 20th (Saturday), 21st (Sunday), 27th (Saturday)

Weekdays: 1st (Thursday), 5th (Monday), 6th (Tuesday), 7th (Wednesday), 12th (Monday), 23rd (Friday), 26th (Monday), 28th (Wednesday), 29th (Thursday), 30th (Friday)
Weekends: 3rd (Saturday), 11th (Sunday), 25th (Sunday)

Weekdays: 6th (Thursday), 14th (Friday)
Weekends: 1st (Saturday)

Weekdays: 22nd (Wednesday), 23rd (Thursday), 24th (Friday), 27th (Monday), 28th (Tuesday), 29th (Wednesday)

Weekdays: 4th (Monday), 6th (Wednesday), 7th (Thursday), 8th (Friday), 14th (Thursday), 15th (Friday)
Weekends: 9th (Saturday), 10th (Sunday)

While these inputs have been compiled courtesy inputs from various Hindu calendars of different communities this is only an indicative list- some of these dates may work across communities while some may not. Also we may be missing some dates which may be considered auspicious in a few communities.

Inputs Courtesy:
Drikpanchang.com, Prokerala.com, Pandit.com

Related Articles:

Why Do You Need An Auspicious Wedding Date?

Selecting an auspicious date for matrimonial occasions such as a wedding, Guo Da Li (过大礼) and An Chuang (安床) ceremonies helps to ensure that events flow smoothly on the actual day. It also represents starting your married life on a positive note, bringing good fortune, prosperity and happiness to you and your partner.

When is your lucky time for getting married? Discover the perfect wedding date to tie the knot with your significant other. Find out which wedding dates to avoid and the luckiest day for your marriage. The most auspicious wedding dates prevent clashing and conflicting of zodiac signs - critical in selecting the year and month for marriage.

How To Use The Calendar

The Year, Month and Days listed below are auspicious dates that you may consider for your wedding, Guo Da Li (过大礼) and An Chuang (安床) ceremonies.

Find you and your partner’s zodiac signs. Dates with Zodiac Clash should be avoided if you, your partner or your direct families are born in the year of that particular sign. Ideally, there should not be any clashes. For example, if you are born in the Year of the Rat, you should avoid carrying out any matrimonial events on 3 January 2022.

Bad Direction refers to the direction you should avoid facing when carrying out any matrimonial ceremonies.

October 2022

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2022 October 3rd 8 Sep 2022 Monday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2059
2022 October 6th 11 Sep 2022 Thursday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2022 October 8th 13 Sep 2022 Saturday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2022 October 10th 15 Sep 2022 Monday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2022 October 11th 16 Sep 2022 Tuesday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2022 October 17th 22 Sep 2022 Monday Rooster West 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2022 October 20th 25 Sep 2022 Thursday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2022 October 24th 29 Sep 2022 Monday Dragon North 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2022 October 31st 7 Oct 2022 Monday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259

November 2022

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2022 November 1st 8 Oct 2022 Tuesday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2022 November 2nd 9 Oct 2022 Wednesday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2022 November 3rd 10 Oct 2022 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2022 November 4th 11 Oct 2022 Friday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2022 November 7th 14 Oct 2022 Monday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2022 November 11th 18 Oct 2022 Friday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2022 November 19th 26 Oct 2022 Saturday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2022 November 22nd 29 Oct 2022 Tuesday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2022 November 25th 2 Nov 2022 Friday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

December 2022

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2022 December 1st 8 Nov 2022 Thursday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2022 December 3rd 10 Nov 2022 Saturday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2022 December 4th 11 Nov 2022 Sunday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2022 December 14th 21 Nov 2022 Wednesday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2022 December 18th 25 Nov 2022 Sunday Pig East 1100 to 1259, 1900 to 2259
2022 December 26th 4 Dec 2022 Monday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259

January 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 January 9th 18 Dec 2022 Monday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 January 11th 20 Dec 2022 Wednesday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459,1900 to 2259
2023 January 12th 21 Dec 2022 Thursday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 January 14th 23 Dec 2022 Saturday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 January 16th 25 Dec 2022 Monday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859
2023 January 21st 30 Dec 2022 Saturday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 January 23rd 2 Jan 2023 Monday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1300,1900 to 2059
2023 January 24th 3 Jan 2023 Tuesday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 January 26th 5 Jan 2023 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059

February 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 February 2nd 12 Jan 2023 Thursday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1850
2023 February 6th 16 Jan 2023 Monday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 February 8th 18 Jan 2023 Wednesday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 February 14th 24 Jan 2023 Tuesday Rooster West 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2023 February 15th 25 Jan 2023 Wednesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 February 18th 28 Jan 2023 Saturday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2023 February 23rd 4 Feb 2023 Thursday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 February 26th 7 Feb 2023 Monday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 February 27th 8 Feb 2023 Wednesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259

March 2023

YearMonthDayLunar Date DayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 March 2nd 11 Feb 2023 Thursday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 March 8th 17 Feb 2023 Wednesday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 March 14th 23 Feb 2023 Tuesday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 March 17th 26 Feb 2023 Friday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 March 19th 28 Feb 2023 Sunday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 March 22nd 1 Feb 2023 Wednesday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 March 25th 4 Feb 2023 Saturday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 March 27th 6 Feb 2023 Monday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 March 29th 8 Feb 2023 Wednesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 March 31st 10 Feb 2023 Friday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

April 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 April 1st 11 Feb 2023 Saturday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2059
2023 April 3rd 13 Feb 2023 Monday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 April 9th 19 Feb 2023 Sunday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 April 14th 24 Feb 2023 Friday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 April 15th 25 Feb 2023 Saturday Rooster West 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2023 April 18th 28 Feb 2023 Tuesday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2023 April 26th 7 Mar 2023 Wednesday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 April 30th 11 Mar 2023 Sunday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

May 2023

Year MonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 May 6th 17 Mar 2023 Saturday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 May 8th 19 Mar 2023 Monday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 May 10th 21 Mar 2023 Wednesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 May 12th 23 Mar 2023 Friday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 May 15th 26 Mar 2023 Monday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 May 18th 29 Mar 2023 Thursday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 May 21st 3 Apr 2023 Sunday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 May 22nd 4 Apr 2023 Monday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1700 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 May 27th 9 Apr 2023 Saturday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 May 28th 10 April 2023 Sunday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 May 30th 12 Apr 2023 Tuesday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

June 2023

Year Month DayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 June 3rd 16 Apr 2023 Saturday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 June 5th 18 Apr 2023 Monday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 June 7th 20 Apr 2023 Wednesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 June 8th 21 Apr 2023 Thursday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 June 9th 22 Apr 2023 Friday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 June 12th 25 Apr 2023 Monday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 June 15th 28 Apr 2023 Thursday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 June 16th 29 Apr 2023 Friday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1259,1900 to 2259
2023 June 18th 1 May 2023 Sunday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2023 June 21st 4 May 2023 Wednesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 June 30th 13 May 2023 Friday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259

July 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 July 1st 14 May 2023 Saturday Tiger South 0700 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2023 July 2nd 15 May 2023 Sunday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 July 3rd 16 May 2023 Monday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 July 7th 20 May 2023 Friday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 July 8th 21 May 2023 Saturday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 July 10th 23 May 2023 Monday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459,1900 to 2259
2023 July 12th 25 May 2023 Wednesday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 July 13th 26 May 2023 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 July 14th 27 May 2023 Friday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 July 15th 28 May 2023 Saturday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 July 19th 2 June 2023 Wednesday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 July 25th 8 June 2023 Tuesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 July 26th 9 June 2023 Wednesday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 July 31st 14 June 2023 Monday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059

August 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 August 1st 15 June 2023 Tuesday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 August 3rd 17 June 2023 Thursday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459,1900 to 2259
2023 August 5th 19 June 2023 Saturday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 August 7th 21 June 2023 Monday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 August 10th 24 June 2023 Thursday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 August 13th 27 June 2023 Sunday Rooster West 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2023 August 14th 28 June 2023 Monday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 August 16th 1 July 2023 Wednesday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2023 August 17th 2 July 2023 Thursday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 August 26th 11 July 2023 Saturday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 August 28th 13 July 2023 Monday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

September 2023

YearMonth DayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 September 3rd 19 July 2023 Sunday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 September 6th 22 July 2023 Wednesday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 September 9th 25 July 2023 Saturday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 September 11th 27 July 2023 Monday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 September 16th 2 August 2023 Saturday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2023 September 19th 5 August 2023 Tuesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1700 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 September 21st 7 August 2023 Thursday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 September 23rd 9 August 2023 Saturday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 September 25th 11 August 2023 Monday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 September 28th 14 August 2023 Thursday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2059

October 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac Clash Bad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 October 1st 17 August 2023 Sunday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 October 3rd 19 August 2023 Tuesday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 October 5th 21 August 2023 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 October 7th 23 August 2023 Saturday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 October 12th 28 August 2023 Thursday Rooster West 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2023 October 15th 1 Sep 2023 Sunday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2023 October 19th 5 Sep 2023 Thursday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 October 26th 12 Sep 2023 Thursday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459,1900 to 2259
2023 October 27th 13 Sep 2023 Friday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 October 28th 14 Sep 2023 Saturday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 October 29th 15 Sep 2023 Sunday Tiger South 0700 to 1259, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 October 30th 16 Sep 2023 Monday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

November 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 November 5th 22 Sep 2023 Sunday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 November 14th 2 Oct 2023 Tuesday Horse South 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 November 17th 5 Oct 2023 Friday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 November 20th 8 Oct 2023 Monday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 November 26th 14 Oct 2023 Sunday Horse South 1100 to 1259 1500 to 1859
2023 November 28th 16 Oct 2023 Tuesday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459,1900 to 2059
2023 November 29th 29 Oct 2023 Wednesday Rooster West 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

December 2023

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2023 December 2nd 20 Oct 2023 Saturday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2023 December 5th 23 Oct 2023 Tuesday Rabbit East 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2023 December 6th 24 Oct 2023 Wednesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2023 December 9th 27 Oct 2023 Saturday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259
2023 December 13rd 1 Nov 2023 Wednesday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1259,1900 to 2259
2023 December 21st 9 Nov 2023 Thursday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659,1900 to 2259

January 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 January 2nd 21 Nov 2023 Tuesday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 January 6th 25 Nov 2023 Saturday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2024 January 7th 26 Nov 2023 Sunday Rat North 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 January 9th 28 Nov 2023 Tuesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059. 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 January 11th 1 Dec 2023 Thursday Dragon North 0900 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 January 16th 6 Dec 2023 Tuesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 January 18th 8 Dec 2023 Thursday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 January 19th 9 Dec 2023 Friday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 January 21st 11 Dec 2023 Sunday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 January 28th 18 Dec 2023 Sunday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 January 30th 20 Dec 2023 Tuesday Pig East 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2024 January 31st 21 Dec 2023 Wednesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

February 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 February 2nd 23 Dec 2023 Friday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 February 9th 30 Dec 2023 Friday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2024 February 10th 1 Jan 2024 Saturday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 February 13th 4 Jan 2024 Tuesday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 2259
2024 February 18th 9 Jan 2024 Sunday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 February 21st 12 Jan 2024 Wednesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 February 22nd 13 Jan 2024 Thursday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 225
2024 Februrary 25th 16 Jan 2024 Sunday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259

March 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 March 1st 21 Jan 2024 Friday Tiger South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 March 4th 24 Jan 2024 Monday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2024 March 8th 28 Jan 2024 Friday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 March 11th 2 Feb 2024 Monday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 March 13th 4 Feb 2024 Wednesday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 March 16th 7 Feb 2024 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 March 19th 10 Feb 2024 Tuesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 March 21st 12 Feb 2024 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 March 23rd 14 Feb 2024 Saturday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 March 25th 16 Feb 2024 Monday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 March 26th 17 Feb 2024 Tuesday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2059
2024 March 28th 19 Feb 2024 Thursday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 March 31st 22 Feb 2024 Sunday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

April 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 April 1st 23 Feb 2024 Monday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 April 2nd 24 Feb 2024 Tuesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 April 8th 30 Feb 2024 Monday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 April 9th 1 Mar 2024 Tuesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2024 April 12th 4 Mar 2024 Friday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2024 April 20th 12 Mar 2024 Saturday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 April 24th 16 Mar 2024 Wednesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

May 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 May 2nd 24 Mar 2024 Thursday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 May 6th 28 Mar 2024 Monday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 May 9th 2 Apr 2024 Thursday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 May 12th 5 Apr 2024 Sunday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 May 15th 8 Apr 2024 Wednesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 May 16th 9 Apr 2024 Thursday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1700 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 May 21st 14 Apr 2024 Tuesday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 May 22nd 15 Apr 2024 Wednesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 May 24th 17 Apr 2024 Friday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 May 28th 21 Apr 2024 Tuesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 May 30th 23 Apr 2024 Thursday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

June 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 June 1st 25 Apr 2024 Saturday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 June 3rd 27 Apr 2024 Monday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 June 6th 1 May 2024 Thursday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 June 9th 4 May 2024 Sunday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 June 10th 5 May 2024 Monday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1259, 1900 to 2259
2024 June 12th 7 May 2024 Wednesday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 June 15th 10 May 2024 Saturday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 June 24th 19 May 2024 Monday Ox West 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 June 25th 20 May 2024 Tuesday Tiger South 0700 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 June 26th 21 May 2024 Wednesday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 June 27th 22 May 2024 Thursday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259

July 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 July 3rd 28 May 2024 Wednesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 July 4th 29 May 2024 Thursday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459,1900 to 2259
2024 July 6th 1 Jun 2024 Saturday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 July 7th 2 Jun 2024 Sunday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 July 8th 3 Jun 2024 Monday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 July 9th 4 Jun 2024 Tuesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 July 13th 8 Jun 2024 Saturday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 July 14th 9 Jun 2024 Sunday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 July 19th 14 Jun 2024 Friday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 July 20th 15 Jun 2024 Saturday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 July 25th 20 Jun 2024 Thursday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 July 26th 21 Jun 2024 Friday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 July 28th 23 Jun 2024 Sunday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2024 July 30th 25 Jun 2024 Tuesday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259

August 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 August 1st 27 Jun 2024 Thursday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1859
2024 August 2nd 28 Jun 2024 Friday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 August 6th 3 Jul 2024 Tuesday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 August 7th 4 Jul 2024 Wednesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2024 August 8th 5 Jul 2024 Thursday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 August 10th 7 Jul 2024 Saturday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2024 August 11th 8 Jul 2024 Sunday Ox West 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 August 20th 17 Jul 2024 Tuesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 August 22nd 19 Jul 2024 Thursday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 August 28th 25 Jul 2024 Wednesday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 August 31st 28 Jul 2024 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1300 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

September 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 September 2nd 30 Jul 2024 Monday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2024 September 3rd 1 Aug 2024 Tuesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 September 5th 3 Aug 2024 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 September 10th 8 Aug 2024 Tuesday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 September 13th 11 Aug 2024 Friday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1700 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 September 15th 13 Aug 2024 Sunday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1700 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 September 17th 15 Aug 2024 Tuesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 September 19th 17 Aug 2024 Thursday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 September 22nd 20 Aug 2024 Sunday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2059
2024 September 25th 23 Aug 2024 Wednesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 September 27th 25 Aug 2024 Friday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 September 29th 27 Aug 2024 Sunday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059

October 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 October 1st 29 Aug 2024 Tuesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 October 7th 5 Sep 2024 Monday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 October 9th 7 Sep 2024 Wednesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2024 October 13th 11 Sep 2024 Sunday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2024 October 20th 18 Sep 2024 Sunday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2024 October 21st 20 Sep 2024 Monday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 October 23rd 21 Sep 2024 Wednesday Tiger South 0700 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 October 24th 22 Sep 2024 Thursday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 October 30th 28 Sep 2024 Wednesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

November 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 November 2nd 2 Oct 2024 Saturday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 November 4th 4 Oct 2024 Monday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 November 5th 5 Oct 2024 Tuesday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 November 11th 11 Oct 2024 Monday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 November 14th 14 Oct 2024 Thursday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 November 20th 20 Oct 2024 Wednesday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 November 22nd 22 Oct 2024 Friday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2024 November 23rd 23 Oct 2024 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 November 26th 26 Oct 2024 Tuesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 November 29th 29 Oct 2024 Friday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2024 November 30th 30 Oct 2024 Saturday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259

December 2024

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2024 December 2nd 2 Nov 2024 Monday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2024 December 5th 5 Nov 2024 Thursday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2024 December 7th 7 Nov 2024 Saturday Pig East 0700 to 1259, 1900 to 2259
2024 December 15th 15 Nov 2024 Sunday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 December 27th 27 Nov 2024 Friday Goat East 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2024 December 31st 1 Dec 2024 Tuesday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259

January 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 January 3rd 4 Dec 2024 Friday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 January 5th 6 Dec 2024 Sunday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 January 10th 11 Dec 2024 Friday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1859
2025 January 12th 13 Dec 2024 Sunday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 January 13th 14 Dec 2024 Monday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 January 15th 16 Dec 2024 Wednesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 January 22nd 23 Dec 2024 Wednesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 100 to 1859
2025 January 24th 25 Dec 2024 Friday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2025 January 25th 26 Dec 2024 Saturday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 January 28th 28 Dec 2024 Tuesday Tiger South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

February 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 February 2nd 5 Jan 2025 Sunday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 February 3rd 6 Jan 2025 Monday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2025 February 4th 7 Jan 2025 Tuesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 February 7th 10 Jan 2025 Friday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 February 12th 15 Jan 2025 Wednesday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 February 15th 18 Jan 2025 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 February 19th 22 Jan 2025 Wednesday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 February 24th 27 Jan 2025 Monday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 February 27th 30 Jan 2025 Thursday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

March 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 March 2nd 3 Feb 2025 Sunday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1250, 1500 to 1859
2025 March 3rd 4 Feb 2025 Monday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 March 6th 7 Feb 2025 Thursday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 March 8th 9 Feb 2025 Saturday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 March 11th 12 Feb 2025 Tuesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 March 14th 15 Feb 2025 Friday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 March 16th 17 Feb 2025 Sunday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 March 18th 19 Feb 2025 Tuesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 t o 2259
2025 March 20th 21 Feb 2025 Thursday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 March 23rd 24 Feb 2025 Sunday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 March 26th 27 Feb 2025 Wednesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 March 27th 28 Feb 2025 Thursday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 March 28th 29 Feb 2025 Friday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059

April 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 April 2nd 5 Mar 2025 Wednesday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 April 4th 7 Mar 2025 Friday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 April 7th 10 Mar 2025 Monday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659
2025 April 15th 18 Mar 2025 Tuesday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 April 19th 22 Mar 2025 Saturday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 April 27th 30 Mar 2025 Sunday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 April 30th 3 Apr 2025 Wednesday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259

May 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 May 1st 4 Apr 2025 Thursday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 May 7th 10 Apr 2025 Wednesday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 May 10th 13 Apr 2025 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 May 11th 14 Apr 2025 Sunday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1700 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 May 16th 19 Apr 2025 Friday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 May 17th 20 Apr 2025 Saturday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 May 19th 22 Apr 2025 Monday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 May 23rd 26 Apr 2025 Friday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 May 25th 28 Apr 2025 Sunday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 May 27th 1 May 2025 Tuesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 May 29th 3 May 2025 Thursday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 May 31st 5 May 2025 Saturday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859

June 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 June 3rd 8 May 2025 Tuesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2025 June 4th 9 May 2025 Wednesday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 June 5th 10 May 2025 Thursday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1259, 1900 to 2259
2025 June 7th 12 May 2025 Saturday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 June 10th 15 May 2025 Tuesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 June 19th 24 May 2025 Thursday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 June 20th 25 May 2025 Friday Tiger South 0700 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 June 21st 26 May 2025 Saturday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 June 22nd 27 May 2025 Sunday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 June 28th 4 Jun 2025 Saturday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 June 29th 5 Jun 2025 Sunday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259

July 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 July 1st 7 Jun 2025 Tuesday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 July 4th 10 Jun 2025 Friday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 July 8th 14 Jun 2025 Tuesday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 July 9th 15 Jun 2025 Wednesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 July 14th 20 Jun 2025 Monday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 July 15th 21 Jun 2025 Tuesday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 July 20th 26 Jun 2025 Sunday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 July 21st 27 Jun 2025 Monday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 July 23rd 29 Jun 2025 Wednesday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2025 July 25th 1 Jun 2025 Friday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 July 27th 3 Jun 2025 Sunday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 July 28th 4 Jun 2025 Monday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259

August 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 August 1st 8 Jun 2025 Friday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 August 2nd 9 Jun 2025 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859
2025 August 3rd 10 Jun 2025 Sunday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 August 4th 11 Jun 2025 Monday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1259, 1900 to 2259
2025 August 15th 22 Jun 2025 Friday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 August 17th 24 Jun 2025 Sunday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 August 23rd 1 Jul 2025 Saturday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 August 26th 4 Jul 2025 Tuesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 August 28th 6 Jul 2025 Thursday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2025 August 29th 7 Jul 2025 Friday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 August 31st 9 Jul 2025 Sunday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059

September 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 September 2nd 11 Jul 2025 Tuesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 September 4th 13 Jul 2025 Thursday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 September 8th 17 Jul 2025 Monday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 September 10th 19 Jul 2025
Wednesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 September 12th 21 Jul 2025 Friday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 September 14th 23 Jul 2025 Sunday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 September 17th 26 Jul 2025 Wednesday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2059
2025 September 20th 29 Jul 2025 Saturday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 September 22nd 1 Aug 2025 Monday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 September 24th 3 Aug 2025 Wednesday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 September 26th 5 Aug 2025 Friday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259

October 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 October 2nd 11 Aug 2025 Thursday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 October 3rd 12 Aug 2025 Friday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1259, 1900 to 2259
2025 October 8th 17 Aug 2025 Wednesday Pig East 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 October 15th 24 Aug 2025 Wednesday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2025 October 16th 25 Aug 2025 Thursday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 October 17th 26 Aug 2025 Friday Ox West 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 October 18th 27 Aug 2025 Saturday Tiger South 0700 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 October 19th 28 Aug 2025 Sunday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 October 25th 5 Sep 2025 Saturday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 October 28th 8 Sep 2025 Tuesday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 October 30th 10 Sep 2025 Thursday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 October 31st 11 Sep 2025 Friday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859

November 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 November 6th 17 Sep 2025 Thursday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 November 9th 20 Sep 2025 Sunday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 November 15th 26 Sep 2025 Saturday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 November 17th 28 Sep 2025 Monday Monkey North 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059
2025 November 18th 29 Sep 2025 Tuesday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 November 21st 2 Oct 2025 Friday Rat North 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1659, 1700 to 1859
2025 November 24th 5 Oct 2025 Monday Rabbit East 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1459, 1700 to 1859
2025 November 25th 6 Oct 2025 Tuesday Dragon North 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 November 27th 8 Oct 2025 Thursday Horse South 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1500 to 1859
2025 November 30th 11 Oct 2025 Sunday Rooster West 0500 to 0659, 1100 to 1259, 1700 to 1859

December 2025

YearMonthDayLunar DateDayZodiac ClashBad DirectionAuspicious Times
2025 December 1st 12 Oct 2025 Monday Dog South 0700 to 1059, 1500 to 1859, 2100 to 2259
2025 December 10th 21 Oct 2025 Wednesday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 December 22nd 3 Nov 2025 Monday Goat East 0500 to 0659, 0900 to 1059, 1500 to 1659, 1900 to 2259
2025 December 26th 7 Nov 2025 Friday Pig East 0700 to 0859, 1100 to 1459, 1900 to 2259
2025 December 29th 10 Nov 2025 Monday Tiger South 0700 to 1059, 1300 to 1459, 1900 to 2059

Complete the form to download your calendar

Is 2023 a good year for marriage?

November 2023 November is probably the best time to host a wedding in India, both weather-wise as well as time-wise. You will find numerous sacred dates as per the Hindu Calendar that will befit a grand wedding as well as some dates that WeddingWire India recommends.

What month is unlucky for weddings?

The belief that July is an unlucky month for weddings is a superstition that has endured for generations. It's origins can be traced to several old, anonymous rhymes that warn couples married in July of everything from bitter-sweet memories to laboring for daily bread!

What are good dates in 2023?

Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 16, 2023..
President's Day – Monday, February 20, 2023..
Memorial Day – Monday, May 29, 2023..
Labor Day – Monday, September 4, 2023..
Columbus Day – Monday, October 9, 2023..

Which dates are not good for marriage?

LUCKY MARRIAGE DATES. 4-8, 4-4, 5-5, 5-4, 8-5, 4-7, 7-8, 7-5, 5-8, 6-8, 9-7, 6-3, 7-8, 9-2, 2-9, 6-3, 8-3,8-8, 2-8 are all very bad days. Those dates had been found the most I inauspicious for marriage. They led to such problems like separation, financial losses and death too.

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