ultimate warrior là gì - Nghĩa của từ ultimate warrior

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

God Himself. Sent in a capsule from a place long from here, and He came for only one reason: to take and keep coming. Not to ask, but just to give. Not to want, but just to send. Send the power of the Warrior. Down everybody's throat in the WWF 'til they become sick of it. Well, you're gonna get sick of it. Because that freak of nature right there is just beginning to swell. And when He gets big enough, brother, there ain't gonna be room for anybody else but Him and all the Warriors... floatin' through the veins... and the power of the Warriaaaaaaaah...


The family that He lives for only breathes the air that smells of combat. With or without the facepaint, He is the Ultimate Warrior.

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

1)A crazy man who changed his last name to match his wrestling persona: WARRIOR.

2)Anyone who is racist, bigoted, homophobic, or feels that there are "right" and "wrong" opinions.

3)A person who is uncaring towards people of a lesser standard.



The Ultimate Warrior is nuts.

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

One who prepares himself by asking "How should I prepare myself? Should I jump off the tallest building in the world, should I lay in the lawn and let lawnmowers run over me, should I go to Africa and be trampled by raging elephants!"


Now you must deal with the creation of all the unpleasantries, in the entire universe, as I feel the injection from the gods above. I only know that the Ultimate Warrior is TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL!!!!

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

one of the best wrestlers of the glory days,or the best life form at a war or combat in any way shape form or time


Achilles is the ultimate warrior

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

One of the most popular wrestlers of the late 80's and early 90's. The posterboy for a wrestler who is all show and no talent. His wrestling ability consist of him running mad-sprint to the ring(usually tiring himself out before the match) then proceeding to shake the ropes as hard as he can. Once the match actually started his greeness was very apparent. The man couldn't even perform his trademark move correctly and actually hurt other wrestlers in doing so. The reason why the Warrior was so popular was plain and simple...he looked cool. Complete with a cut muscular body he also had huge feathered hair which would have made Bon Jovi jealous. He had a streamers flailing from his arms and bright colored facepaint. The Warrior has been noted as a strange man, yes his name is legally The Warrior. To say the least the Ultimate Warrior is or was the worst Heavyweight Champion ever!


Ha, Ultimate Warrior fucked up another move!

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

Ultimate Warriored. Verb. During what would be a normal happening or event(I.E. a day at the park, beach, a wedding, kids birthday party, funeral) at a poorly picked moment one of your friends, family members, co-workers blast the ultimate warrior's theme music while flashing a strobe light. Then someone dressed in traditional ultimate warrior gear(tights, facepaint, muscle tassels, knee pads, elbow pads, and boots) bust through a door or window. (possibly a wall) He then proceeds to wreck everything that gets in his way, escape anyone who opposes him, and shake any ropes that are avaliable. After the damage is done the Ultimate Warrior then exits hastly to avoid a beating. All this is done at a sprint. If a strobe light is unavalible someone may flicker whatever lights are convienent.


Just clobbered best man: Jesus Christ that fucking guy wrecked everything.

Bride: Crying

Groom: Where did that music and the strobe light come from?

Groom's best friend: Dude you just got Ultimate Warriored

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

A sexual position where you and your lover can both watch "The Ultimate Warrior's All-Time Greatest Matches DVD" and if not available, a self-recorded tape of his Wrestlemania 6 fight against Hulk Hogan will do. Right when your girl is about to reach her climax (preferably in a physical position where your two shadows cast upon a nearby wall will make out to look like The Ultimate Warrior mining for Riaken fuel), once she nears climax you start beating the piss out of her, throwing tomahawk elbows and nasty moon-a-saults, punches and nuclear leg-drops will suffice as well. When she is naked and badly injured, you then yell and chant the Ultimate Warrior's theme song, while stomping around the room.

Definition note: This act of sexual fun is considered illegal in about 50 states. However, extremely legal and frequent on the planet Raiken.


Jason - "Dude, I just ordered my copy of "The Ultimate Warrior's All-Time Greatest Matches DVD", Rebecca is not even gonna know what the fuck happened when I give her The Ultimate Warrior"

Rick - "I heard that is extremely illegal bro, make sure you buy plenty of gauze and bandages"

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

Used to be popular in the 80's - 90's WWF, even though he was as talented and a retarded stick, he couldn't even speak a coherent sentence or speak clearly and he tired himself out as he ran to the ring. He is a homophobe and think his opinions are the only correct ones. He's also a complete douchebag. He now owns a YouTube channel and uses it to promote his "One Warrior Nation" movement that promotes the belief that your life is inferior, and his is so fucking awesome. He also used this channel to attack Hulk Hogan, after he talked shit about the legendary Randy Savage, however Hoagn is probably even a bigger douchebag than Warrior, brother. Warrior's methods of doing videos are: 1) Working out 'till he turns purple (The steroids) 2) Shouting arrogant shit at his iPhone while it's recording 3) Finishing with a completely random, plagiarized motto/slogan to try and motivate you to make your life as good as he thinks his is.


Bob: Hey look, a new Ultimate Warrior video! *Watches* What a dick

ultimate warrior có nghĩa là

A sex act. While having doggy style sex with a girl you grab both of her arms, and hold them out in a T formation, and shake the hell out of them. Just like the WWF star, the Ultimate Warrior's ring introduction.


I was hitting Jessica from the back, and thought I'd spice it up a bit so I gave her the Ultimate Warrior. I nearly dislocated her shoulder. Whoops.

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