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(Định nghĩa của intelligent từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của intelligent


Ordinary forgetting, by contrast, is neither selective nor intelligent.

The latter include intelligent agents, natural language understanding and processing, reasoning strategies, and knowledge representations and ontologies.

However, due to the limitation of artificial intelligence, we are still far away from developing a truly intelligent robot.

Intelligent life in cosmology expansion of the universe itself to slow down the rocket.

The key is surely to understand the different way in which these elements can enter into the devising of intelligent design solutions.

Such agents may not be intelligent and may be not be realistic, but will have a strong personality.

The earlier methods are for processing at one location, within a single intelligent agent, and the present book extends them to allow multiagent operation.

Intelligent international action is reflexive in that it attends to the world that actions help constitute, as well as take effect within.

The dictionary-knowledge along with the task-oriented knowledge are used to offer the translator active, anticipative and intelligent assistance.

This states that once intelligent information processing comes into existence it will never die out.

This number is so tiny that the evolution of intelligent life is exceedingly unlikely to have occurred even once.

Nevertheless, the intelligent annotations are what give special weight to the work, intended for graduate students with access to research libraries.

Developing emotionally intelligent machines is another matter, and the data capture and analysis software would have to be highly sophisticated.

His major concern was to counter that power with something more intelligent and vigorous.

Part 1, which constitutes approximately two-thirds of the book, covers the main paradigms of intelligent robotics.

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