the ring of fire là gì - Nghĩa của từ the ring of fire

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

A medical condition occurring around the anus after eating at the International Curry House or similar establishment.


I can't wipe. Not with this roll of razor-paper! Bring me some snow.

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

A get drunk quick game. Based on rules and consciounces of drawing a card

First you need a deck of cards. Once you have them you spread them in to a circle Around a decent size glass with everyone sitting around them.

Card values(may very depending on how other people play it):

Ace- Is waterfall (All players begin to drink at the same time. It goes clockwise around the circle where the player next to the card-chooser cannot stop until the chooser does, and the 3rd player cannot stop until the 2nd one does, and so it goes around the circle until everyone is done.)

2- is for you (card holder must pick someone to take a drink.

3- is for me (card holder must drink)

4- is for thumb (last person to put there thumb on the table has to drink)

5- Is for guys (All the guys at the table have to take a drink)

6- is for chicks ( all the girls at the table have to take a drink)

7- is raise your hands to heaven. (last person to raise there hand has to drink)

8- is for mate (The person who picks the card gets to choose someone to drink with them)

9- Rhyme (The player must pick a word/phrase, and, going clockwise around the circle, all players must think of a rhyme with the word/phrase. The player to mess up the rhyme drinks. The starting word must not be rhymeless)

10- is for catagories (The person who picks up the card calls out a category such as "car makes" or "Family Guy characters" and then starts with the first example of something from that category. No example can be repeated and the first person to fail to come up with another example drinks)

Joker- Rule - (The player must choose a rule to be in effect for the rest of the game. If any player breaks a rule, he/she must drink. In most games, the rules become void while involved in game related activity)

Queen- Buffalo (When this rule is in effect all players must drink with their left hand only. If a player gets caught drinking with their right hand, anyone may call "Buffalo" on them and they have to finish their drink.)

King- King's Cup (The player may pour a decent amount of whatever he/she is drinking into the "king cup" located in the center of the table. When the last (4th) king is chosen, the chooser has to chug the king cup.)


Drink much.


well now ur gonna.

(ring of fire)

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

Is an irritation of the ass hole, which may consist of burning and/or cracking of the epithelium itself; may cause bleeding of the hole, and watering of the eyes, and also hemorrhaging in and around the hole itself. This can be caused by acidic fluid making its way through the bowels and exiting in a manner of urgency, or in a squirting/spraying manner. Other contributing factors may include prolonged childbirth, or rough/unlubed anal sex. Symptoms include walking funny, and the inability to wipe after use of the washroom. Therapies for a ring of fire include ointments containing anti-inflammatories, ice, and donut shaped pillows.


"I'll never eat Taco Bell again. I won't be able to sit for a week with this ring of fire!"

"If I knew he was into that, I wouldn't have went out with him. Damn this ring of fire hurts!"

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

A song by Johnny Cash about the transformative power of love.


Love is a burning thing
and it makes a firery ring
bound by wild desire
I fell in to a ring of fire...

I fell in to a burning ring of fire
I went down,down,down
and the flames went higher.
And it burns,burns,burns
the ring of fire
the ring of fire.

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

The sensation one gets after a night out in the town eating vindaloo or any other hot substances- usually curry. In the morning, after relieving your bowels, the ring of fire comences no matter how much you wipe it or rinse it under the sink. Usually last between 2-10 hours, symtons itchy,hot burnin arse of pain


"man, last nights vindaloo set my ring on fire" "i have a ring of fire due to my excesive vindaloo consumption"

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

the burning sensation around your anus when you take a shit after eating a lot of chilli peppers.


dude1- you want some chilli?

dude2- nah; i'm cuttin' down, last time i got a ring of fire that burned for several hours.

dude1- what can i say- it burns you twice!

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

Haviing anal sex, using a condom covered in BenGay or Icy Hot, with a former partner that has cheated on you. After ejaculation you slap them in the face with the condom, and tell them to leave.


My Ex-girlfriend came back the other night, so i gave her the ring of fire, and told that bitch to leave.

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

The after-effects of a skittery shit post-curry eating. The skin around the anus becomes hot and nippy. The sufferer feels extreme fear of the pain if they need to revisit for a second round of skitters.


Man has just left local curry house and has partaken a VERY hot Vinda Loo! He has been in the loo for about half an hour and shouts to his wife "I'm neva goin Indian again i have a ring of fire!!!"

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

The burning feeling in the anus after taking a dump, after consuming chile or other spicy foods.

See also: Gringo Butt


I'm going to have Gringo Butt tomorrow, after eating all these jalapenos.

the ring of fire có nghĩa là

1.People who take the weight loss aid alli will have almost artistic oil deposits that acquire in the toilet. If not cleaned properly or immediately these oily deposits will form a circle on the outer water line that resembles: a ring of fire
2. The same oily discharge that happens that acquires around your anus. 3. The painful sensation in your anus that goes hand in hand with taking alli


I can still see the ring of fire you left behind in the toilet.

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