The basic elements of multimedia are text graphics animation video and audio

Multimedia applications can include many types of media. Basically, that have 5 important elements of the multimedia which is text, audio, graphics, video and animation as shown as the Figure 1. The primary characteristic of a multimedia system is the use of more than one kind of media to deliver content and functionality. Web and desktop computing programs can both involve multimedia components. As well as dif¬¬¬ferent media items, a multimedia application will normally involve programming code and enhanced user interaction. Multimedia items generally fall into one of five main categories which is text, graphics, audio, video and animation.

Figure 1: Five Elements of Multimedia

First is text, Text is the basis for word processing programs…show more content…
Then, printed text is a form of text which the text is appears on a paper. Next scanned text is a form of text which is scanned from the printed text by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. Apart from that, hypertext is a type of text that displayed on a computer screen or the others electronic devices which the text is linked to other text which can be accessed quickly by the reader. Also, all alphanumeric symbols (Figure 3) and numbers and statistics as well as blocks of text. (Sue.S, 2000) It may be an easy content type to forget when…show more content…
It is nearly impossible, for example, to provide an accurate textual description of the bear of a heart or the sound of the ocean. However, that is some different between the sound and audio although both of them seem similar. For example, door squeak, human communication and barking of a dog are counted as sound. Instead of that, audio is produced by vibration, as perceived by the sense of our hearing with some qualitative attribute and it refers to the sound which is recorded by an electronic device. Audio files appear as part of application content and also to aid interaction. When they appear within Web applications and sites, audio files sometimes need to be deployed using plug-in media players. Audio formats include MP3, WMA, Wave, MIDI and RealAudio. WAV is a type of recording sound and its sound can be recorded from tape recordings, microphone and the other recording devices. For example, when user save a sound file into WAV audio file, there was no data will lose and it was exactly as it was record; if user save a file into MP3 format, then there might a lot of data will be cut up, so that may influence the audio file’s appearance because the audio quality is sacrificed. That means WAV file is more suitable for the pro

Time for today's Latin lesson! The word multimedia comes from two Latin roots, multi and media: multi-, meaning several or many, and media-, meaning in the middle. This multimedia definition tells us that materials on the internet, or in your business presentations, involve several forms of communication to connect (that is, to be in the middle of) the sender and receiver. As any multimedia developer knows, a multimedia system consists of at least two, and perhaps all, of the following types of communication.

1. Text Materials

Text takes us back to how the internet started, as a means of sending written messages back and forth between researchers. Actually, it takes us back quite a bit further, as pretty much every office memo ever written has mostly consisted of text with perhaps a smidgen of other media types thrown in. Text is still a primary way to transmit information, although nowadays, it is also used to augment other forms of communication, such as a text description of a photograph.

2. Photographs and Other Still Images

Illustrations are perhaps the oldest form of media, harking back at least as far as the prehistoric paintings on cave walls found in various locations around the world. Gutenberg's printing press in the 1400's enabled mass distribution of multimedia works containing both text and images. The growth of electronic communications has meant that older text-only forms of communication could be enhanced with photographs and images as well. Small images such as thumbnails or icons are often used as a visual "entry point" to larger images or more detailed information.

Text and images sometimes combine in a single form, as many software programs make it easy to create text art, a form of lettering that combines a strong visual element as well.

3. Audio Files

Your website or presentation can add sound, from a musical background to a spoken explanation, by including audio files. Even digital cameras, a quintessentially image-based technology, have been engineered these days to record sound as well. Many sound files are compressed, which reduces the file size without greatly sacrificing sound quality. Compressed files require less storage space and stream faster when sent over the internet or transmitted to local systems.

4. Video Presentations

Video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a compelling multimedia experience. Of course, videos can include text as well, which often appears as captioning for spoken words or as text in an image, as in the case of a slide presentation. Video files are some of the most memory-intensive multimedia applications, but clever streaming methods makes their use practical in everyday use.

5. GIFs and Other Forms of Animation

Animated files occupy a middle ground between still images and video. GIFs, which is an abbreviation for graphic image files, in particular, are small files that present a single image or rapidly display a sequence of a few images to give the appearance of motion.

What are the 5 components of multimedia?

Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. The first multimedia element is text. Text is the most common multimedia element.

What are the 4 components of multimedia?

There are seven elements - text, graphics, photographs, sound, animation, video and interactivity - that can be included in a multimedia presentation. A TRUE multimedia presentation combines all of these elements.

Is the most basic element in multimedia?

As a multimedia option, text can easily be overlooked, but it is still the most fundamental element and most effective way to communicate in multimedia. Text is used as headlines, subtitles, and slogans.

Which of these is not basic elements of multimedia?

The correct answer is "Memory/Keyboard". Rest all are a part of a multimedia presentation.

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