the 2010s là gì - Nghĩa của từ the 2010s

the 2010s có nghĩa là

Nine years after 2001.


The year we make contact.

the 2010s có nghĩa là

The year we will be able to pronounce "twenty ten" and it will seem kind of like the future.


its gonna be wild

the 2010s có nghĩa là

The whole number after 2009 but before 2011
The tenth year after the world was supposed to end
The year all those eyeglass makers will be SOL because the second 0 will be a 1


Pair of 2008 glasses -2008-
Pair of 2010 glasses -2010-

the 2010s có nghĩa là

The decade that we currently live in, hasn't found it's identity yet but is looking to be the 90s 3.0 as the 2000s just seemed like a more commercial 90s with cool technology. The 2010s is the 2nd decade of the 21st century, and will be the decade when gen y will probably find their place, and gen z will rise, while gen y has kids that will be the generation after z that no one can quite name. Baby Boomers will start to reach retirement age this decade which will probably put a massive strain on social services, and gen x will reach a more prominent political position in the world. The economy may get worse, and we are working towards green energy and actual worrying about the health of our citizens so this decade will probably be more realistic about the health craze instead on the 2000s where it was all Atkins diets and such. TV will probably get better as scripted shows are making a comeback, and reality is losing popularity. Cartoons also seem to be making a turn for better with things like Adventure Time and Beavis and Butthead slated to return in 2011 with new episodes. Music seems to be moving in the direction of electronic taking hip-hop's and modern rock's place pretty quickly and becoming more popular. Hip-Hop seems to be waining, and emo is dead/dying and scene is also. Indie rock also seems to be rising as a new trend.


The 2010s could go either way, I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worse.

the 2010s có nghĩa là

Winter Olyimpics held in Vancouver in the year 2010.

Stupid idea on BC's part.


Yay the olympics are in Vancouver in 2010.

2010 I am heading to Vancouver for the olympics!

the 2010s có nghĩa là

-2010 years after the supposed birth of Jesus. -10 years after Y2K, which obviously didn't happen. -2 years before 2012, which won't happen either, go look at for a complete explanation of why your a moron for ever believing the crazy lunatic on the side of the road that told you about it... -First full year with a new president. -Winter Olympics -Nasa is gonna boot all space shuttles and switch to Ares launch vehicles -GM is gonna release an electric car that will probably get like 10 miles a JIGGAWATT -4 more halo games will probably come out -People still think 2pac is coming back...but no he got shot BADDD, point blank by an uzi or something....nigga died real quick.. -Iraq(holy) war will continue, terrorists will not win...they have rpg's and ak's, but US has tanks and artillery and ICBMS and jets and alot of crap which would have killed all the insurgents by now but all the troops are just idling and patroling every day and the terrorists are using guerilla warfare which is pretty good...If i was the commander I would have performed a Blitzkrieg a long time ago. -shoulda never brought the comaro back...should have been the firebird... -have a break through in medicine and get a full swine flu cure then they'll discover some crap like whale flu or
anteater flu... -hopefully hannah montana stops taking those photos of herself cause ya'know they sucks and hopefully she finds out or ima have to setup an intervention...o, and she needs to get off TV.


Person 1 = Happy 2010 Person 2 = ok... person 1 = ...

the 2010s có nghĩa là

The year that the Iraq war ended, Winter Olympics were hosted in Vancouver, The Saints won the Super Bowl, The Giants won the World Series, The Economy started to improve, A huge earthquake occured in Haiti, Popular movies were Toy Story 3 and Inception, Avatar reached groundbreaking cinema records, Gary Coleman, Corey Haim, and Dennis Hopper died and The president of Poland dies in a plane crash in Western Russia, Thirty Three Chilian Miners were trapped underground for 69 days and later rescued, Earthquake in Chili and Indonesia killed 1200 people combined, Katy Perry, Kesha, Justin Bieber, Eminem, and Rihanna are at the top of the charts, and Call of Duty: Black Ops and Halo Reach were released and reached record sales,


2010 overall a pretty great year

the 2010s có nghĩa là

The current decade that began January 1,2010 and will end December 31,2019


Justin Bieber is a hit of early 2010s good thing in 2019 he'll be in prison with Nicki Manaj

the 2010s có nghĩa là

Year of disasters.


Haiti Earthquake, mine accidents, Chile Earthquake, Polish plane crash in Russia, Pakistan floods, more earthquakes, more floods, 2010.

the 2010s có nghĩa là

The decade spanning from 2010-2019, though some cultural aspects began as early as 2008. Also currently known as the "10s" or the "twenty-tens". The 2010s are when social media and smartphones became increasingly powerful and ubiquitous, revolutionizing the layperson's daily life. Social media went from being a fun distraction for some to being part of life and vital for big business, and smartphones went from being expensive niche business tools or novelties to being a powerful commodities with PC-level capacity. Tablets became popular with the iPad's release in 2010 and various other systems later on. Political events include the Arab Spring & rise of ISIS, Occupy Wall Street, Obama, Trump, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Brexit, Kim Jong-un, the Venezuela crisis, Mugabe's fall and others. LGBT acceptance continued to rise in many places, and various countries legalized gay marriage. Cultural trends/fads include Gangnam Style, world ending in 2012, Harlem Shake, Doge, Pokemon GO, Fidget Spinners, VR gear, and dabbing. Pop culture had things such as the global rise of dubstep, the Korean Wave reaching the West, the Weinstein Effect and lots of marketing to nostalgia. In many places, paid broadcast TV like cable declined in favor of on-demand streaming like Netflix & sites like YouTube. Free Wifi became increasingly common through the 10s, and in many places now there are hotspots everywhere. Cell phones overtook landline phones in the mid 10s.


The 2010s are the decade when the pound symbol came to be known as the hashtag by the general public.

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