So sánh ai cs6 và cc năm 2024

Adobe Illustrator has been a go-to vector graphics editor for creative professionals for many years. With the release of Adobe Illustrator Creative Suite 6 (CS6) and the subsequent Creative Cloud (CC) version, users faced a pivotal decision – to stick with the reliable CS6 or embrace the subscription-based CC. Which side you land on in the Adobe Illustrator CS6 vs CC debate depends on your preferences and requirements.

According to Adobe, Adobe Stock offers more than 200 million photos, 115 million vectors and illustrations, and over 900000 free resources for its users to utilise. With such a rich resource base, it is only natural for people to want the best version of Illustrator to use. In this blog, we'll explore the similarities and differences between Adobe Illustrator CS6 vs CC, enabling you to make an informed choice.

Table of Contents

  1. What are Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Adobe Illustrator CC?
  1. Adobe Illustrator CS6 vs CC
  1. User interface and accessibility
  1. Pricing model
  1. Features and updates
  1. Performance and stability
  1. Cloud integration and collaboration
  1. Supports and updates
  1. Conclusion

Adobe Illustrator CS6 is a professional vector graphics editor developed by Adobe Systems. It allows designers and artists to create precise, scalable graphics for print, web, and multimedia projects. CS6 is an older version released in 2012, featuring a comprehensive set of tools, advanced drawing capabilities, and smooth integration with other Adobe products. Users can create illustrations, logos, icons, and artwork with unmatched precision and creativity. It supports multiple file formats and offers powerful typography features. However, as of 2023, it may not have the latest updates and features available in newer versions.

Adobe Illustrator CC is also a professional vector graphics software by Adobe Systems. "CC" stands for Creative Cloud, a subscription-based model introduced in 2013. Illustrator CC offers advanced tools for designers and artists to create precise, scalable artwork for print, web, and multimedia projects. Its vast array of features includes pen tools, gradients, and brushes, enabling seamless creation of illustrations, logos, icons, and typography. Being part of the Creative Cloud, users benefit from regular updates and access to the latest features. It also supports seamless integration with other Adobe products, facilitating efficient and collaborative design workflows.

Adobe Illustrator CS6 vs CC

Let's look at an in-depth category-wise comparison of Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Illustrator CC.

1) User interface and accessibility

The user interface of any software plays a vital role in determining the overall user experience. When comparing Adobe Illustrator CS6 and CC, the user interface and accessibility are crucial aspects that can influence the choice between the two versions.

Adobe Illustrator CS6 presents a familiar and straightforward interface that has been widely praised for its simplicity and ease of use. Seasoned users who have been using Illustrator for years find comfort in the familiar layout and tool arrangement. The clean design allows users to focus on their creative process without distractions. The traditional light mode interface, with its bright colour scheme, makes it easy on the eyes during long design sessions.

On the other hand, Adobe Illustrator CC takes the user interface to a new level of customisability and modernity. One of the standout features of CC is the customisable toolbar, which empowers users to arrange their most frequently used tools according to their individual workflow preferences. This enhancement streamlines the design process and increases productivity. Additionally, Illustrator CC introduces a dark mode option, catering to users who prefer a more subdued interface that reduces eye strain, especially when working in low-light conditions.

Furthermore, CC's interface also boasts improved High Dots Per Inch (HiDPI) and Retina Display support, enhancing the visual clarity and sharpness on high-resolution screens. This ensures that designers can see every detail of their artwork accurately, even on the latest high-definition displays.

2) Pricing model

The pricing model is a critical factor that significantly differentiates Adobe Illustrator CS6 from CC. CS6 operates on a traditional one-time purchase model, where users pay a fixed price to own the software outright, granting them a perpetual license. This approach was popular among users who preferred a one-and-done payment structure and had no desire for regular updates or additional features.

On the other hand, Adobe Illustrator CC adopts a subscription-based model, where users pay a recurring fee, typically on a monthly or annual basis, to access the software and its full range of features. This subscription grants users continuous access to the latest version of Illustrator, along with regular updates and bug fixes. Additionally, the CC subscription includes access to other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, such as Photoshop, InDesign, and Premiere Pro, making it an attractive package for those who require a suite of creative tools.

While the upfront cost of CS6 may seem appealing, the subscription model of CC offers certain advantages. For instance, it ensures users always have access to the most up-to-date features and improvements without the need for additional purchases or upgrades. Furthermore, the subscription approach often lowers the barrier to entry, making professional-grade software more accessible to students, freelancers, and small businesses who might have found the one-time purchase cost prohibitive.

3) Features and updates

Adobe Illustrator CC introduces a plethora of new features and updates that set it apart from its CS6 predecessor. These enhancements are designed to empower users with greater creative freedom and efficiency. One standout feature in CC is the Puppet Warp tool, an innovative addition that enables users to easily manipulate and distort artwork. This tool is particularly useful for creating dynamic illustrations and adjusting the positioning of elements within a design.

Another exciting feature is the Image Trace function, allowing users to convert raster images into editable vectors seamlessly. This feature streamlines the process of transforming hand-drawn sketches or scanned artwork into scalable and editable vector graphics, saving time and effort while preserving the original quality.

Moreover, Adobe Illustrator CC offers improved integration with other Creative Cloud applications, fostering a more interconnected design ecosystem. Users can effortlessly switch between Illustrator and other Adobe tools like Photoshop or InDesign, ensuring a smooth and cohesive workflow. This level of integration empowers designers to combine different creative elements seamlessly, unlocking new possibilities for artistic expression.

Additionally, Adobe frequently releases updates to enhance the software's performance and introduce new functionalities. These updates are delivered directly through the Creative Cloud, meaning CC users always have access to the latest tools and improvements. The continuous improvement cycle ensures that Illustrator CC stays relevant and future-proof, keeping users on the cutting edge of design capabilities.

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4) Performance and stability

Performance and stability are critical factors to consider when choosing between Adobe Illustrator CS6 and CC. Illustrator CC is designed to harness the capabilities of modern hardware, resulting in improved overall performance. With the software optimised for multi-core processors and high-performance graphics cards, CC can handle complex projects and large files more efficiently, providing a smoother and more responsive user experience. This is particularly advantageous for professional designers working on intricate illustrations, large print designs, or complex vector artwork.

On the other hand, Illustrator CS6, while still a powerful application, may face limitations on older hardware or systems with lower specifications. As technology progresses, newer software versions are optimised to leverage the latest advancements, potentially leaving CS6 users with reduced performance and longer rendering times.

Stability is equally crucial in a design application, especially when working on time-sensitive projects or handling intricate artwork. Illustrator CC benefits from continuous updates and bug fixes, ensuring a more stable and reliable environment. Adobe's development team actively addresses issues reported by users, delivering prompt resolutions and enhancing the software's overall performance and stability.

In contrast, Illustrator CS6 may receive fewer updates and support, leading to potential stability issues that could interrupt the creative workflow. Users may encounter compatibility problems with newer operating systems or other software, and without the benefit of regular updates, addressing these issues becomes challenging.

5) Cloud integration and collaboration

Cloud integration and collaboration are pivotal features that distinguish Adobe Illustrator CC from its predecessor, CS6, and revolutionise the design process for modern creatives. With cloud integration, Illustrator CC allows users to save their projects directly to the Adobe Creative Cloud, enabling easy access from any device with an internet connection. This seamless cloud storage eliminates the need for local backups and ensures that your work is always safe, even if your primary device encounters issues.

Furthermore, the cloud-based approach enhances collaboration among designers, teams, and clients. Multiple users can access the same project simultaneously, making it effortless to work together on intricate design projects. This feature is especially valuable for remote teams, freelancers, and clients located in different geographical regions. Through the cloud, collaborators can share feedback, make real-time edits, and maintain version control, fostering efficient workflows and reducing communication gaps.

Moreover, Adobe Creative Cloud facilitates smooth integration with other Creative Cloud applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and XD. This synergy enables designers to seamlessly transfer projects between software, streamlining the design process and encouraging cross-functional creativity. By sharing design assets and files across applications, users can create consistent branding, efficient workflows, and cohesive design experiences.

6) Support and updates

Support and updates are crucial aspects to consider when choosing between Adobe Illustrator CS6 and CC. Both versions receive support from Adobe, but the level of ongoing maintenance and enhancements differs significantly.

For Adobe Illustrator CC users, regular updates are a key advantage. Adobe actively releases updates that include bug fixes, performance optimisations, and new features. These updates ensure that users always have access to the latest tools and improvements, enhancing their overall design experience. With a subscription-based model, Adobe has the financial incentive to continuously invest in the development of Illustrator CC, leading to a more refined and robust product over time.

On the other hand, Adobe Illustrator CS6 users might experience limitations in terms of updates. While Adobe provides support for CS6, the frequency and extent of updates are limited compared to CC. Updates for CS6 are usually focused on critical bug fixes and security patches rather than introducing new features or performance enhancements. As technology evolves and new design trends emerge, CS6 users may find themselves at a disadvantage with the lack of access to cutting-edge tools available in CC.

Furthermore, support for older versions like CS6 may gradually decrease over time as Adobe shifts its focus towards supporting the latest software releases. This could lead to compatibility issues with newer operating systems, hardware, or other software in the future.


Ultimately, the choice between Adobe Illustrator CS6 VS CC depends on your specific requirements, budget, and willingness to embrace a subscription-based model. While CS6 may suffice for occasional users or those who prefer a one-time purchase, Illustrator CC offers a wealth of cutting-edge features, cloud integration, and continuous updates, making it an enticing option for design professionals and teams.

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