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school news có nghĩa là

A university for students who - at some point in their lives - decided "education" means more than vomiting up good grades.


Schmoe: Hey, do you remember our high school valedictorian?
Joe: Yeah, what happened to her anyway?
Schmoe: She decided she was sick of dancing at CollegeBoard's feet like an idiot circus poodle. Now she's a published slam poet at The New School!

school news có nghĩa là

Hogwarts, but with eight houses.


It was The New School First Year Sorting. An Asian girl in a sleek, black coat she made herself put on the hat and sat down. A moment's pause - "PARSONS!" shouted the hat. A boy lugging a huge cello and large stack of sheet music (containing his own compositions, of course) came next. "MANNES!" shouted the hat again."

school news có nghĩa là

Where admissions officers scour the globe, round up the most radical/artistic/generally eccentric people they can find, and bring them to Greenwich Village to earn degrees. Legendary for the disproportionately high number of famous writers, artists, and musicians it has produced. For public safety, the university really should have a sign in front of it reading: "Abandon all hope, ye conservatives who enter here." It's just not right to deny people of a fair warning.


Kerry: *points upwards* Look! People rioting on a roof!
Bob: That's one of The New School's buildings.
Kerry: Oh...

school news có nghĩa là

A prestigious university in New York City. Considered one of the best institutions in the world for writing, art, music, and theater, The New School is very selective. It admits students with high GPAs, strong SAT scores, and a history in sociopolitical activism. Creativity is a must. New Schoolers are notorious for their leftist, and sometimes radical, politics.


Hipster One: Did you see that jazz singer at The Blue Note? She rocked the house!
Hipster Two: Must have trained at The New School.

school news có nghĩa là

AP overachiever + artist = New School student


Jane got a 2250 on the SAT, took ten AP classes, and won a national photography contest. She got into The New School early decision, and now she's going to Parsons AND Eugene Lang. I'm crazy jealous...

school news có nghĩa là

The university of adventurous spirits.


Person X: What are you doing after graduation? TNS Alumna: I'm off to the green wilds of Rwanda to empower women, strengthen the economy, and study local cultural traditions. Person X: Sweet! Where are you graduating from again? TNS Alumna: The New School!

school news có nghĩa là

New York City's university-safehouse for: gay culture, poetry, fashionistas, socialism, the old Greenwich Village, study abroad, polygots, film, screenwriters, designer handbags, outdoorsy people, Eleanor Roosevelt, DKNY, fair trade, Union Square, Rosie the Riveter, vegetarians, perfumes, Brooklynites, wild hipsters, public parks, animal rights, dancers, tree planters, rap music, Sierra Club members, feminists, vegans, tattoos, video games, piercings, slam poetry, FEED bags, anime, hip hop, Democrats, nudists, Cambodia, hands-on teaching, retired beatniks gone professor, small dorms, colorful dorms, Tennessee Williams, organic food, Koreans, Africa, The University in Exile, graffiti, protests, thrift store clothes, bamboo, courtyards, Strand addicts, Lorraine Hansberry, volunteers, recycling, bicycles, animators, politics, comic books, people who vote, couchsurfers, chain smokers, runners, Jack Kerouac, Langstas, composting, thespians, Take Back the Night, straight-A students, explorers, architecture, Buddhists, Forbidden Planet lovers, Matisyahu, illustrators, international students, Marc Jacobs, James Baldwin, proud New Yorkers, bon vivants, programmers, block parties, cellists, fruitarians, bookworms, relief workers, refugees, old souls, backpackers, authors, sex therapists, jazz, Atheists, optimists, world leaders, Dr. Ruth, the color red, the color orange, diplomas, drawing pencils, Bea Arthur, the color yellow, Utrecht supplies, and (of course) insane homework loads.


The New School will make your brain explode into a million flashing colors. I love it.

school news có nghĩa là

A progressive, famous, non-traditional university in New York City's Greenwich Village neighborhood. You know you go to The New School when most of your classmates are bilingual or trilingual, a third of them have written books, and the girl who sits next to you opened at Carnegie Hall last week. (Yet for all their fancypants achievements, you know that your classmates are really just laid-back neo-hippies.) Peace, love, and Nietzsche, man.


It's said you can't graduate from The New School unless you participate in at least one weird protest.

school news có nghĩa là

A high-ranking university in New York City. Despite being a "peace and guitars"-type college, New School is characterized by its brutal homework loads, spartan attendance policy, long academic years, and very few days off. Basically where you can get a kick-ass education...after getting your ass kicked.


I missed three classes so I failed for the entire semester. Ah well. That's The New School for you.

school news có nghĩa là

southampton is a place where either the teachers are too old and forget to teach or where theyre too young and dont know how to teach. the kids are a bunch of hard asses that think theyre cool. all of the sports teams suck. there hasnt been one decent team since 1998. they dont even have a baseball or a wrestling team. no body has parties. EVER!! its the most boring school to go to. black to white ratio--- 3:126


boys basketball: 2-16
girls basketball: 0-18

person 1:im so bored im going to kill myself.
person 2: what are you at southampton schools new jersey or something.

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