rommels là gì - Nghĩa của từ rommels

rommels có nghĩa là

Last name of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. One of the most famous german generals in ww2, he led the famed Afrika Korps in victories against the British. After the fall of Afrika, Rommel left to France and built the Atlantic Wall. Shortly after Operation OVerlord Rommel was convicted of conspiring to kill hitler in the june 1944 plot and forced to kill himself.


Rommel, the DesertFox, was greatly feared by the Allies as a great military genius

rommels có nghĩa là

A man who possesses a penis of nine inches or longer


Check out that hot rommel over there!

rommels có nghĩa là

referring to the sweetest, kindest, hottest, sexiest, handsomest, cutest, most caring guy that ever walked the face of the earth. nerdy, clumsy, dancer/singer/songwriter that has the ability to melt anyone's hearts, boy or girl. Has a smile that can make a girl go weak in the knees, a warm personality that will make anyone go crazy for him, and a body that'll make a nigga stop and say "DAMN YOU FIIIIINE!"

the epitome of wonderful. :)


Rommel is so sexy, any girl would die to have his babies.

rommels có nghĩa là

Last name of the well accomplished German soldier and general Erwin Rommel. Disgusted with Hitler's disregard for the well being of Germany and his strategic decisions that needlessly cost many lives, Rommel took part in the plot to displace him. The coup failed and he was forced to take his own life. For some reason his name is extensively used as a screen-name in online gameplay, but only the most inferior of players use that title, completely contradictory to the real Rommel's record. It is also tied with 1337 ocassionally, which is equally perplexing as Rommel certainly did not play video games.


I saw someone playing Call of Duty under the name `Deity_Rommel, he just walked into my shots.

rommels có nghĩa là

an awesome dog, also known as Rommelnomoulnousorous


That dogs name is Rommelnomoulnousorous and is a dog

rommels có nghĩa là

An attractive lady of Arabic persuasion, as in, a desert fox.


"I can't think of any famous Rommels right now... Does Princess Jasmine count?" - Famous lanky gobshite Gok Wan.

rommels có nghĩa là

When you are fucking a chick, and as you are about to cum. You stick up your right hand saluting the third Reich. and then as you are about to ejaculate you begin singing "Deutsch Land, Deutsch Land, Uber Alles" as you cum all over her body claiming it for the father land. Bonus points; if you Rommel a black chick like Erwin Rommel's assault on Africa


Grailen: How was your night last night?
Will: I was banging this jewish chick, and I rommeled her at the end.
Grailen: dude her ancestors must have been rolling around in their graves
Will: nah they are just piles of ash

rommels có nghĩa là

Someone who has a big heart and cares deeply for his loved ones but also can be a huge sarcastic funny asshole all at the same time. And of course hes a sexy red headed fire Captian... But dont let his rugged tough guy exterior Fool you because He may look mean but he isnt at all... He is a tough and hes Real but he is isnt mean.. instead he is extremely loyal and 100% honest and you could trust him with your life but dont you ever cross him because he is a ninja and will kick your ass and steal your soul in less than 60seconds...


Mess with Rommel and he will steal your soul...

rommels có nghĩa là

Rommel is an astonishing person who is always super fun to be around, and he will always make the most of the time he spends with you. He is extremely kind to those around him and treats his siblings (if he has any) with the utmost care and love. Rommel is kinda nerdy and weird, but that's what makes him so charming and fun to be around. He is also strangely smart, and very adept and a quick learner. Rommel is also very handsome and has looks that could kill, so don't take him for granted since you'll never find someone like him. He also has pretty eyes. He will light up a room and have the most beautiful laugh you will ever hear. Rommel is probably awkward at times, but don't be afraid to talk to him, he will gladly want to talk to you. He might be struggling with some things by himself sometimes, so try to help him out as much as you can and make him feel safe and loved since he deserves more than the world. :) He has a strange sense of humor, but it doesn't stop him from making you laugh. He is willing to help you with most things, and always has your back when you need it. Rommel is also the sweetest person ever and might enjoy teasing you a little, but take it as an invitation to tease him back, it's likely he'll find it amusing. He can take charge of things, so see it as a sign to support him with all you've got, he will for sure appreciate your support. So if you have a Rommel in your life, you should definitely befriend him since they're an amazing and loyal person.


Girl 1: Rommel is so cool! I wish I had the courage to talk to him. Girl 2: Go for it! Girl 1: Don't you think I'd be bothering him? Girl 2: Not at all, he's super sweet and will definitely make you comfortable.

rommels có nghĩa là

Rommel is an astonishing person who is always super fun to be around, and he will always make the most of the time he spends with you. He is extremely kind to those around him and treats his siblings (if he has any) with the utmost care and love. Rommel is kinda nerdy and weird, but that's what makes him so charming and fun to be around. He is also strangely smart, and very adept and a quick learner. Rommel is also very handsome and has looks that could kill, so don't take him for granted since you'll never find someone like him. He also has pretty eyes. He will light up a room and have the most beautiful laugh you will ever hear. Rommel is probably awkward at times, but don't be afraid to talk to him, he will gladly want to talk to you. He might be struggling with some things by himself sometimes, so try to help him out as much as you can and make him feel safe and loved since he deserves more than the world. :) He has a strange sense of humor, but it doesn't stop him from making you laugh. He is willing to help you with most things, and always has your back when you need it. Rommel is also the sweetest person ever and might enjoy teasing you a little, but take it as an invitation to tease him back, it's likely he'll find it amusing. He can take charge of things, so see it as a sign to support him with all you've got, he will for sure appreciate your support. So if you have a Rommel in your life, you should definitely befriend him since they're an amazing and loyal person.


Girl 1: Rommel is so cool! I wish I had the courage to talk to him. Girl 2: Go for it! Girl 1: Don't you think I'd be bothering him? Girl 2: Not at all, he's super sweet and will definitely make you comfortable.