Oracle select top n records for each group năm 2024

You've grouped your data with GROUP BY and would like to display only the first row from each group.


Our database has a table named exam_results with data in the following table:

first_namelast_nameyearresult JohnKlein202040 EdithBlack202043 MarkJohnson201932 LauraSummer202035 KateSmith201941 JacobBlack201944 TomBennett202038 EmilyKelly202043

For each year, let's find the student with the best result. If there are two students tied for the best in a group, we'll arbitrarily select one of them to display.


WITH added_row_number AS ( SELECT*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_row_number WHERE row_number = 1;

The result is:

first_namelast_nameyearresultrow_number JacobBlack2019441 EmilyKelly2020431


First, you need to write a CTE in which you assign a number to each row within each group. To do that, you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function. In OVER(), you specify the groups into which the rows should be divided (PARTITION BY) and the order in which the numbers should be assigned to the rows (

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;


Take a look at the result of the inner query:

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

first_namelast_nameyearresultrow_number JacobBlack2019441 KateSmith2019412 MarkJohnson2019323 EmilyKelly2020431 EdithBlack2020432 JohnKlein2020403 TomBennett2020384 LauraSummer2020355

You assign the row numbers within each group (i.e., year). Each row has a row number based on the value of the result column. The rows are sorted in the descending order because of the

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

2 keyword after

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

3. Even if there are multiple rows within a group that have the same value of result, the rows are still given different numbers. Here, Edith Black and Emily Kelly have the same result but different row numbers. To change this behavior and assign the same row number for the same result within a group, use

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

6 or

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

7 instead of ROW_NUMBER().

In the outer query, you select all data from the CTE (

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

  1. and use a

WITH added_row_number AS ( SELECT*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_row_number WHERE row_number = 2;

0 condition to specify which row to display from each group. Here, we want to display the first row, so the condition is

WITH added_row_number AS ( SELECT*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_row_number WHERE row_number = 2;


Note that you can easily modify the solution to get, for example, the second row of each group.

WITH added_row_number AS ( SELECT*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_row_number WHERE row_number = 2;

Here's the result:

first_namelast_nameyearresultrow_number KateSmith2019412 EdithBlack2020432

On the other hand, if you want to get the row(s) with the second highest value of result within each group, you should use the

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

7 function. While the ROW_NUMBER() function creates consecutive numbers for each row in a group, resulting in different values assigned to the rows with the same result, the

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results;

7 function gives the same number to the rows with the same result.

WITH added_dense_rank AS ( SELECT*, DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS rank FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_dense_rank WHERE rank = 2;

first_namelast_nameyearresultrank KateSmith2019412 JohnKlein2020402

You can see that John Klein has the second highest value of

WITH added_row_number AS ( SELECT*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_row_number WHERE row_number = 2;

6 for the year 2020. John Klein is actually the third person in the group, but the first two students have the same result and they both have

WITH added_row_number AS ( SELECT*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY result DESC) AS row_number FROM exam_results ) SELECT * FROM added_row_number WHERE row_number = 2;


How to get top n rows per each group in Oracle?

Get the top-N rows per group.

Statement 1. Get the 10 most recent orders select * from co.orders order by order_datetime desc fetch first 10 rows only. ... .

Statement 2. Add a row number for each customer select o.*, row_number () over ( partition by customer_id order by order_datetime desc ) rn from co.orders o. ... .

Statement 3..

How to SELECT top n rows for each group in SQL Server?

SELECT Top N Rows For Each Group in SQL Server.

Apply the ROW_NUMBER() function to your result set, and specify the PARTITION BY clause to define the grouping based on a specific column..

Create a Common Table Expression (CTE) to organize the query and simplify the final selection of rows..

How to SELECT the first row in each group by group in Oracle?

The GROUP BY Statement in SQL is used to arrange identical data into groups with the help of some functions. To select the first row of each group in SQL, you can use the ' GROUP BY ' clause with the ' MIN ' or ' MAX ' aggregate function.nullHow to Select the First Row of Each GROUP BY in SQL? - › how-to-select-the-first-row-of-each-group-by-in...null

How to SELECT top 10 rows in Oracle 10g?

If you just want any 10 random rows, then just use ROWNUM: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE ROWNUM <=10; If you want 10 rows for a specific set of values that meet the condition, then add a filter predicate: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE identification number IN (1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);nullHow to select 10 rows from column in Oracle - Stack › questions › how-to-select-10-rows-from-column-in-o...null

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