Only short-listed candidates will be contacted là gì năm 2024

We make it easy for you to find flexible shift-based work and for organizations to scale their workforce with our on-demand marketplace.

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  • Create your own schedule
  • Join a supportive community that invests in your success
  • Apply once, unlock countless opportunities
  • Get paid the same day you work with Dayforce Wallet

Looking for people?

Fast and reliable staffing

  • Scale your workforce to meet demand
  • Fill gaps in your schedule instantly with verified talent
  • Tap into new and diversified talent pools
  • Reduce overhead; we handle W-2 worker admin

Industries we partner with

  • Customer Service
  • Facilities
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality & Events
  • Manufacturing & Distribution
  • Retail & Grocery

How it works

Shifts are posted on ideal

We work with organizations looking to staff flexible talent to meet their changing needs.

Organizations can post a shift to the marketplace and be instantly matched with people nearby.

Ideal workers are matched

Ideal workers download the app and complete our W-2 verification process. Once onboarded, they can pick up shifts instantly.

Our algorithms match based on skills, certifications, preferences, and more.

We handle the rest

As the W-2 employer of record, Ideal takes care of the admin and related compliance requirements.

From onboarding to payroll, benefits and taxes, we make it simple and support you every step of the way.

The shortlist is a small competitive network that is built anew for every fresh input sequence.

Typically, shortlists of applicants, ranked in priority order are assembled with the aid of computer software.

The four shortlisted design teams were asked for ideas addressing the issues of this century rather than those of the last.

A shortlist of the new approaches in recent economics includes game theory, experimental economics, behavioral economics, evolutionary economics, neuroeconomics, and non-linear complexity theory.

There were 76 expressions of interest from which a shortlist of 12 was selected.

Twelve composers were shortlisted to compete for a g rand prize.

Many people, just like me, are using the web to research and shortlist their holiday destinations.

Women-only shortlists helped to break the logjam back in 1997, and they can help us to make further progress now.

It also says that the shortlisting process was well managed to produce three credible bidders.

Shortlisted bidders for the national electronic monitoring service are required to propose the equipment they intend to use in their bids, which are due today.

We are, therefore, glad to have been able to shortlist their consortium for the sealift competition.

A panel, chaired by the first civil service commissioner, will consider their advice, interview those on the shortlist and make recommendations to me.

The competition has attracted strong interest and a selection panel chaired by a commissioner is interviewing a strong shortlist of candidates.

A number of consortia have been shortlisted and are currently preparing final bids.

We have had the coaching, the makeovers, the training; we have had one woman on every shortlist.

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