Máy in báo lỗi test page failed to print năm 2024

Tham gia ngày: 14/3/09 Bài viết: 365 Đã được thích: 0 Điểm thành tích: 16

IN QUA MẠNG BỊ LỖI NÀY !!!!!!!!!!\ CÁC BÁC CÓ KINH NGHIỆM KHẮC PHỤC CHỈ GIÙM VỚI ( một mạng xài toàn win xp, cài đạt driver cho một máy, rồi share cho các máy con, các may con add priter rồi, nhưng không hiểu sao trong 3 máy con thì có một máy không in được và báo lỗi như thế!!! test page failed to print.would you like to view the print troubled for assistanse?) cảm ơn nhiều nhiều!!!!!!!!!!!
  • hoangmai2004 New Member

    Tham gia ngày: 13/11/09 Bài viết: 90 Đã được thích: 0 Điểm thành tích: 0
    2 may dung duoc la windows xp sp2 may thu 3 do la windows xp Sp3 Dung khong ban? go bo Sp di la duoc hoac update driver - tu nha Sx. priter Xerox dung kohng ban ? ..0905158136
  • boyvinpearl Active Member

    Tham gia ngày: 10/8/08 Bài viết: 1,446 Đã được thích: 0 Điểm thành tích: 36 lỗi này khắc phục dễ mà : .trên máy cài máy in.bạn gỡ driver ra hết sau đó in test,in thật 1 số trang cho tốt đã.Sau đó mới share máy in lại ( đặt lại tên lúc share nhé) I recently bought this printer and installed it. Both USB and wireless. Current installation is wireless. What I succeeded in doing: - print via email (HP ePrint Service) - print from browser (chrome) - print from ipad (both Wifi direct and Airprint) However, it fails printing office documents, and fails printing the test page that can be launched from Windows > Printers > <printer> > properties. In both cases, the file appears very shortly in the list of tasks scheduled for the printer, then disappears. When trying to print a test page, I get the error message "Failed to print the test page ....". When I run the diagnostic took from Windows, everything is fine. I run the HP Print and Scan Doctor utility. It did not detect any thing. I uninstalled/reinstalled several times, using the latest version of the software found on the hp site (HP_LaserJet_M252_Full_Software_and_Drivers_15309.exe). At this end of the installation, it does print a test page at the end properly. I desactivated theFirewall and the anti-virus software. I stopped/cleaned/restarted the spooler. The behavior is identical to the one described in the following thread (2015), but with no final solution: //h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/LaserJet-Printing/quot-Test-page-failed-to-print-quot-seems-like-a-fau... . My previous printer (a canon inkjet)had stopped printing a few weeks ago for a hardware reason, and I did not reinstall any new printer in between. “Help! I just tried printing a test page from my Windows computer, and ran into an error message “Test page failed to print”. Why did this happen with Mobility Print, PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive?”

    We’ve heard of this happening after a user is trying to set up PaperCut Mobility Print, but an administrator has configured Group Policy to block IPP Printing. If so, you will see Event 372 with this error message in the Windows event logs:

    “Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 1260. This program is blocked by group policy.” In Pocket and Hive, the format of the spool file results in Windows hiding the actual error code and the message will appear as “Data type: NT EMF 1.008. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 0. The operation completed successfully.”

    Check Group Policy

    This setting can be found in Group Policy under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Internet Communication Management > Internet Communication settings. Look for Turn off printing over HTTP and set this to disabled. Some customers have stated they found the ADMX files from Microsoft security articles. November 2021 and

    Check the Registry

    Another way to check to see if this is configured is to look at the registry on the affected workstation. Steps:
  • Open regedit.exe
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\
  • Look for the key DisableHTTPPrinting. If the value of this key is set to 1, the Print Spooler will block any IPP printing.
  • Ask yourself if something on the workstation (such as Group Policy) is managing this setting and make the necessary changes.

    Still have questions?

    Let us know! We’d also love to find out if you’ve discovered a new cause for this error message. Feel free to leave a comment below or visit our Support Portal for further assistance.

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