Lỗi exception in thread main java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception 0 năm 2024

In summary, the code provided checks for the validity of a triangle based on the input arguments x, y, and z. The error encountered is due to not providing any arguments when running the program in an IDE. This can be fixed by providing arguments in the command line or using a trick to set default arguments for testing in the IDE. For production, a help message should be included to show the expected syntax for the program.

  • Oct 17, 2020
  • 1

I have the following code public class Assignment1 { public static void main(String[] args) { int x= Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int y= Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int z= Integer.parseInt(args[2]); if (x<0 || y<0 || z<0) { System.out.println("Invalid input!"); } else { if(x*x+y*y==z*z) { System.out.println("The input ("+x+","+y+","+z+") defines a valid triangle!"); } else { System.out.println("The input ("+x+","+y+","+z+") does not define a valid triangle!"); } } } }

And then I get this annoying error in the terminal, that says the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at Assignment1.main(Assignment1.java:4)

So it seems the error is at line 4, i.e

int x = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

How would you fix this error?


  • Oct 18, 2020
  • 2

The args array is the way you access the command line arguments when you run your program.

I suspect you ran it from an IDE and didn't provide any arguments to the program. IF you were to check the size of the args array you would find it to be 0. Hence your error when you tried to access element from a zero element string array.

From the command line, you might type: java -jar mypgm.jar my.homework.Assignment1 1 2 3

Java would search the mypgm.jar for the Assignment1 class and would pass the arguments 1, 2, 3 as a string array to it.

  • Oct 18, 2020
  • 3

When I'm testing my programs in an IDE I often use the trick below: if(args.length == 0) { args = "1 2 3".split(" "); }

It allows you test in the confines of an IDE with known command line arguments.

However, for a production level program you would replace the args= "1 2 3".split(" ") with a help msg to show the expected syntax of your program.

  • Oct 18, 2020
  • 4

@jedishrfu OK, I fixed it I typed the following command after compiling the java file: Thanks!

What is an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is an error in Java that occurs when a program tries to access an element in an array that does not exist. This can happen when the index used to access the array is out of bounds, meaning it is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array.

What causes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is most commonly caused by using an incorrect index to access an element in an array. This could be due to a mistake in the code or incorrect logic. It can also occur if the size of the array is changed after it has been initialized, causing the index to be out of bounds.

How can I fix an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?

The best way to fix an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is to carefully check the code and make sure the correct index is being used to access the array. It may also be helpful to use debugging tools to pinpoint the exact line of code where the error is occurring. If the size of the array is being changed, it is important to update any indexes accordingly.

Can an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException be prevented?

Yes, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can be prevented by writing code that properly handles array indexes and makes sure they are within the bounds of the array. This can be done by using conditional statements or try-catch blocks to catch any potential errors. It is also important to thoroughly test the code to ensure it is functioning as intended.

Is an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException fatal?

No, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is not a fatal error. It can be caught and handled in the code, allowing the program to continue running. However, if the error is not properly handled, it can cause unexpected behavior or crashes in the program. It is important to address and fix this error to ensure the program runs smoothly.

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