leonies là gì - Nghĩa của từ leonies

leonies có nghĩa là

Leonie is amazing and cute, if you get in her bad side or just piss her off, you’ll regret it %100. If you are lucky enough to meet a Leonie, stay by her side and never leave her.


Hey Bob who is dat
It’s Leonie
Holy crap she’s hot

leonies có nghĩa là

Means 'lion' or 'lioness' - a girl who is brave and has a strong heart. Is a wonderful lover and likes it on top. The most loyal person you will ever meet. A gorgeous girl inside and out. And when she hugs, she hugs!


person B - i think i found my soulmate
person A - you must have found a leonie!

leonies có nghĩa là

An extremely pretty girl, who has a naughty sexy side to her. She can be shy at first and getting to know her can be tricky, but once you're her friend, you're counted as one of the luckiest people alive. She is a trustworthy friend who will stand by you no matter what. She is a great girl and a good kisser too. Any boy would be lucky to have her, but if he doesn't treat her right, he'll have many angry friends on his case. Leonie's can stand up for them selves but sometimes just need someone to be there for them - a shoulder to cry on. She tends to get on better with boys than girls because she thinks it's less drama. She is caring, loving and is naturally stunning. She is always there for those around her and is ready to give top class advice. One of the best friends you will ever have.


Guy 1: Hey dude, did you see that new girl? She's seems amazing!
Guy 2: Yeah, she's a Leonie. Guy 1: Haha, SHOTGUN!!

leonies có nghĩa là

One of the best people anyone could know . She can brighten your day when she says hi to you. She is proud of who she is and can pretty much become friends with anyone. If she is ever in your life, cherish those moments, never let her go or do anything to hurt her. You should engage in a conversation with her whenever you can. It can brighten her day as well as yours. Just seeing her makes you happy inside.


"Leonie is the nicest person you will ever meet."

leonies có nghĩa là

Leoni, the girl who is the best girlfriend ever. She is absolutely stunning. Amazing hair, amazing body. She is beautiful, intelligent and helps her family all the time, she does the best she can do and should deserve an award.
L is for love, everlasting. E is for enrich, a quality you share. O is for orderly, a lifelong passion. N is for noble, your regal bearing. I is for instill, the lesson of life. E is for exotic, no lack of spirit here! Leoni, you are the most amazing person ever and you should deserve to know that.
I love you leoni.


Guy: Holy crap Leoni is hot she is like the perfect girlfriend.
Guy 2: Omg I know right? She is absolutely gorgeous.
Guy: She's pretty awesome at singing too. HELL TO THE YA

leonies có nghĩa là

Leonie Pretty,Loyal, Goofy and tough Stunning and an amazing leader Doesn’t like to show her emotions Can be easily obsessed over Popular , stylish and very attractive


Omg look Leonie is coming Leonie is looking fine as

leonies có nghĩa là

Leony means a fierce lion, but has a soft side. Leony is beautiful and outstanding. It is pronounced: Leigh-oh-Knee


Leony Leonie Leone Leoni

leonies có nghĩa là

hot, beautiful, awesome, sexy, funny, incredible, Leoni is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She is just gorgeous! Also Leoni is the perfect girlfriend. She is loyal and will never let you down. Leoni is the definition of perfection. Any guy would be lucky to have a Leoni. The perfect boy for Leoni is definitely a Benni. So if your name is Benni go get yourself a Leoni. Everyone needs a Leoni in his life. When you get yourself a Leoni you will get happier by the second you find her.


Benni: My girlfriend is so awesome dude. She is just perfect for me. I love her to the moon and back.
Tom: Wow I want a girl like this ! Whats her name ?
Benni: Leoni DUH! What else could it be? Benney: Wow Leoni looks so beautiful today. Just like always!
Johanna: do really think so ? I dont like her !
Benney: Johanna just shut up you stupid ass bitch !!!

leonies có nghĩa là

An truly incredible girl who may have small tits but will always have an amazing ass If you end up with her you won’t want to loose her She will chase you but once she hates you your dead to her Has an absolutely incredible personality


Guy : I wanna go out with Leoni
Guy 2: bro she fine as hell

leonies có nghĩa là

A beautiful, hot, girl with a humble attitude. Usually, all Leoni is a teacher, meaning she could whip your ass hard all day, every day. However, a Leoni does not like violence but prefer a tea party negotiation as she has done in Versailles a long time ago. Leoni is a creature of habits, habits of seaking adventure. Though Leonis look neat, they are undoubtedly wild, but gentle at the same time. If you want excitement, she's the one. But if you want stability and emotional support, Leoni could give you that also. Cos shes awesome.


Guy1: holy mother, that's a fine-looking ass, Leoni!
Guy2: Man, that one hot mama! Guy3: That is a fresh face, Leoni, indeed. Look at that angel face, so innocent looking. Guy4: Shes mine!
All: *battle cry* then they all murder each other

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