Latin road to english grammar review

Barbara Beers, owner of Schola Publications and author of The LATIN Road to English Grammar shared with us a bit about what makes her homeschool Latin curriculum a unique choices for families to learn not only the Latin language, but English grammar as well!

Students not only learn the details of both Latin and English languages well, but excel in learning other languages.

barbara beers - owner/author

What makes my curricula different is that I have fully integrated intermediate/advanced English grammar within the Latin study.

The coordination and translation process between Latin (an inflected language) and English (a non-inflected language) gives students real experience with how most of the languages of the world work.

Other than a few pictorial languages, such as Chinese, most languages fall into the structure categories of either inflected or non-inflected. By spending three years translating the ideas and forms between Latin and English, students not only learn the details of both these languages well, but excel in learning other languages.

The LATIN Road to English Grammar: Facts at a Glance

Author/Publisher: Barbara Beers, Schola Publications Website: // Religious Perspective: some Biblical content Levels: Volumes I-III Age Range: 11 and older Pronunciation (?): Ecclesiastical Instruction Method (?): Grammar

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Get to Know The LATIN Road to English Grammar!

Who is the author of The LATIN Road to English Grammar?

I (Barbara Beers) first published The Latin ROAD to English grammar in 1993. Over 35 years ago I embarked on the journey to homeschool my three children all the way through high school.

My training for this endeavor? Well, let’s see…I was a vocal music major in high school and college. No, that’s not it. Advanced degrees in education and classical languages? No, that's not it.

Actually, my advanced education came about in the full-time efforts to teach my children and prepare them with the best skills for college, business, and family life.

Was The LATIN Road to English Grammar designed to be used as a homeschool curriculum?

This curriculum was designed primarily for homeschool at first, but it is so complete and easy to use in the classroom that many schools and coops have chosen to teach it over the past 20 years.

Is The LATIN Road to English Grammar a religious-based Latin curriculum?

I have designed the Latin content to include Biblical, historical, and musical readings to encompass the interests of those who most often are interested in studying Latin.

Those of all faiths or not can enjoy this study and gain a solid knowledge of Latin and advanced English grammar.

How many levels of The LATIN Road to English Grammar are available?

There are three volumes of The LATIN Road to English Grammar designed to be completed in three years.

For which ages/grades is The LATIN Road to English Grammar most appropriate?

It is best suited to students age eleven or older.

Does completion of The LATIN Road to English Grammar earn a student high school credit?

With The LATIN Road to English Grammar students can earn 2 years of high school foreign language credit for the 3-year study.

Many schools even give credit for high school English grammar!

How can homeschool parents know if their child is ready for The LATIN Road to English Grammar?

Students eleven and older with some basic English grammar experience can begin Volume I.

Those students ten and older who have had very little or no grammar can begin with my introduction to Latin called THE BRIDGE TO THE LATIN ROAD. Those working through this year-long study will be thoroughly prepared for the work in The LATIN Road to English Grammar no matter the age.

Is The LATIN Road to English Grammar designed to be used by a homeschool parent with no Latin background?

This curriculum is absolutely designed for parents and teachers who have had no previous Latin experience.

I am one who learned Latin many years ago as a mom who wanted her kids to know it and as an interesting way to teach them their advanced English grammar and vocabulary.

I have done all the preparation work for them: textbook with clear explanations of Latin and English, word studies, readings, quizzes, tests, pronunciation CDs, color-coded vocabulary cards, daily lesson plans, all detailed answer keys, training DVDs to expand some explanations and show the process of analyzing and translating Latin to English and English to Latin.

When students finish all levels of The LATIN Road to English Grammar, what do you recommend for continued Latin study?

When they complete Volume III, students will have studied all the Latin grammar and know a substantial vocabulary. At this point they can increase their abilities by working through Latin translations of their choice, many of which are available online. Many of my students have also taken the National Latin Exam.

Curriculum Details for The LATIN Road to English Grammar

Which subjects are covered in The LATIN Road to English Grammar?

  • Latin grammar
  • Latin vocabulary
  • English derivatives from Latin
  • Latin in use today
  • Latin translation passages
  • Translating from Scripture
  • Roman history
  • Ancient geography
  • Integrated English grammar
  • Advanced spelling helps

Does The LATIN Road to English Grammar teach Classical or Ecclesiastical pronunciation {more info}?

I teach the ecclesiastical (Italian) pronunciation rather than the classical (Germanic) pronunciation for the main reason that it is closest to English, but also it's the pronunciation of the European languages and the centuries of Western classical and sacred music.

But my personal opinion is that Latin is no longer a conversational language so the choice of pronunciation is not worth the arguing some scholars engage in.

What approach to Latin learning does The LATIN Road to English Grammar use to teach language study {more info} ?

The LATIN Road to English Grammar uses a Grammar approach to Latin learning. I use Latin to help my students gain understanding of the vocabulary, English language, and the structure of the classical languages and those languages derived from them. Studying and translating between Latin and English makes my students strong in both and prepares them for more challenging studies.

What resources and ancillary materials are available with The LATIN Road to English Grammar?

  • Reusable student text
  • Answer key for student text assignments
  • Additional translation passages
  • Audio CD with instruction/pronunciation
  • DVD with lessons for students
  • Physical flash cards
  • Teacher manual with instruction for teaching concepts
  • Teacher video with instruction for teaching concepts
  • Tests
  • Test answer key
  • Online tutoring

How many of the resources from The LATIN Road to English Grammar could be reused with other students in a future school year?

ALL can be reused for additional students except for the which are always available to purchase separately.

Learn More about The LATIN Road to English Grammar (and Save $$)

Free Samples and Resources from The LATIN Road to English Grammar

Ways to Save on The LATIN Road to English Grammar

The best way to save money on The Latin Road to English Grammar is to purchase the curriculum bundles.

Find The LATIN Road to English Grammar on Social Media

Online Courses using The LATIN Road to English Grammar

  • Schola Publications offers online classes for Volumes I and II for busy families.

What Families are Saying about The LATIN Road to English Grammar

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Is English grammar based on Latin grammar?

Although English is a Germanic language, it has Latin influences. Its grammar and core vocabulary are inherited from Proto-Germanic, but a significant portion of the English vocabulary comes from Romance and Latinate sources.

How similar is Latin compared to English?

English and Latin belong to the same language family (Indo-European language family) (English belongs to Germanic language family, while Latin belongs to Roman language family), so they are different in grammar.

What is the comparative analysis between Latin and English?

The main difference between the two languages lies in the fact that Latin is a heavily inflected language. While English conveys its sense principally by the word order of its sentences (e.g. subject, verb, object), Latin conveys its sense through different suffices added to the stem of its verbs, nouns and adjectives.

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