Kingdom karaoke ho chi minh reviews năm 2024

With blaring music, neon lights and even a chandelier or two, Ho Chi Minh City’s karaoke bars might just be some of the most fun you’ll ever have in Vietnam. Let your star potential shine at one of these top sing-along hotspots.

The popularity of karaoke increased in Vietnam in the 1990s after it became possible to record Vietnamese lyrics over an empty vocal track. Soon after, the pastime spread like wildfire and became woven into the country’s entertainment culture. No longer reserved solely for special occasions, the microphone can appear anywhere at any given moment – on lunch break, at a restaurant or even just the side of the road. If you’re not brave enough for streetside singing just yet, Ho Chi Minh City is home to an array of outstanding karaoke bars where you can exercise your vocal cords in the safety of a private booth.

1. Karaoke ICOOL

Bar, Vietnamese

© David Shamma / Flickr

ICOOL is possibly Ho Chi Minh City’s most popular karaoke chain and it’s not hard to see why. Customers are treated like kings by the helpful staff who really can’t do enough for you. This kitsch club is decorated with balloons, bright colours and flashing lights that make you feel like you’re in a pinball machine – in a good way, of course. There’s a huge range of songs from all over the word and a generous selection of props – including gigantic stuffed bears. It’s a guaranteed good time.

2. King Karaoke

Bar, Vietnamese

© pexels / Pixabay

This swanky venue might just be the king of karaoke in Saigon (pun very much intended). The venue is something of an institution among the city’s would-be vocalists thanks to its extensive selection of tunes and luxurious private booths. If you require a little (or a lot of) liquid courage, the drinks menu is vast and the cocktails are delicious.

4. Catwalk Karaoke

Bar, Sushi

© ngoc tran / Shutterstock

With billiards, a drinks lounge and live music on a Saturday night, Catwalk is a high-end karaoke bar where you can let loose in style. If you’re really in the mood to splash out, opt for one of the extravagant VIP karaoke suites, complete with a private bar, dance floor and sushi station. More modest, although still stylish, private booths are available or there’s always open karaoke if you’re feeling really brave.

5. Karaoke FYou3

Bar, Vietnamese, American

© Simoneph / Pixabay

As its brazen name might suggest, FYou 3 is a karaoke bar with a sense of humour. It is the newest addition to the popular ‘FYou’ franchise and we think it’s the best – though possibly the most dangerous – due to the fact it’s open 24/7. While many karaoke bars in the city shut their doors at midnight, you can croon to your heart’s content here regardless of the time. The golden Art Deco interior lends the illusion you’re partying in Gatsby’s mansion.

6. Nnice Karaoke

Bar, Vietnamese

© Alhim / Shutterstock

This family-friendly karaoke chain is a great place to belt out the classics. If you don’t fancy anything on their list, there’s the option to use YouTube to find your favourite melody. Service here is fast and attentive and the prices are relatively low.

7. Kingdom Karaoke

Bar, Vietnamese

© Kingdom Karaoke

This lavish karaoke bar is an excellent choice for some serious singing. The interior resembles a palace, with its chandeliers and faux-marble pillars – but don’t worry, the prices don’t reflect this. The waiting staff will never let your glass run dry and the excellent song selection will have you singing your heart out all night.

8. Karaoke Gia Dinh E

Bar, Vietnamese

© wizdata

Karaoke is often enjoyed by the whole family in Vietnam and Karaoke Gia Dinh E is one of the most popular choices for such an outing – since its name is the Vietnamese word for ‘family’. With its censored songs and strict no-smoking policy, this welcoming venue can be enjoyed by songbirds of all ages. There’s a varied song selection to suit everybody and the booths are large enough to house the whole clan.

9. Karaoke Viva

Bar, Vietnamese

© Andrei Metelev / Shutterstock

Karaoke Viva boasts excellent sound quality and private booths that feel akin to a disco space shuttle. This bar doesn’t take itself too seriously and staff do all they can to ensure guests have a great time. Drinks prices are pretty good, too, in case you need a hearty dose of liquid courage before you take the mic.

10. iBOX

Bar, Korean, Vietnamese

© Elliot Sloman / Unsplash

If it’s k-pop you’re after, head to District 7’s iBOX. This futuristic karaoke bar is a favourite among the area’s Korean population but also attracts many Vietnamese and western customers, resulting in a diverse song selection. There are some great deals and combos on offer and families are welcome at this clean and professional venue.

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Why is karaoke so big in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, the pastime became popular when technological advances made it easy to record Vietnamese song lyrics over an empty vocal track. Karaoke proved a very popular way to relax and the pastime flourished all over the country.

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