juggalo là gì - Nghĩa của từ juggalo

juggalo có nghĩa là

Darwin's biggest Obstacle.


Even Darwin cant explain juggalos

juggalo có nghĩa là

A homosexual juggler.

Usually found in a gas station men's room trying to get other guys to blast them in the face with their white "clown makeup."


Guy in bathroom: Wow, you're fucking weird looking. How much??

Juggalo: $5

Slurp Slurp

juggalo có nghĩa là

An individual who is a complete and total failure at life and worships ICP while attempting to be as unique as the other thousands of juggalos in today's world. Most cases of juggalos are a hybrid-cross between cult members and juvenile delinquents who have been devoid of proper attention for their entire childhoods. There may be an occasional rare exception, but don't be fooled. Any normal and semi-civilized juggalo you may find is a poser.


Bob: Wow, the juggalos started talking shit to me because I don't like ICP.

Ted: What did you do?

Bob: I called them a bunch of pussies, so they went home and cried.

juggalo có nghĩa là

juggalo- a socially inadequate and\or confused person who is not equipped to formulate and apply their own set of ideals. said person is so obsessed with the inabilty to function in a social or professional setting that they will outwardly state and most likely beleive that fitting into a range of normalcy in society doesnt matter to them. said ... Read Moreperson will perform outrageous actions for attention and try to explain them through socio-economic inequalities and the general disdain for majority of society. the social dysfunction is usually accompanied with sexual confusion and pervertedness. said person is uneducated by the failure of the school system and let down by their parents for not teaching them the importance of original thought, values, and hard work. with lack of appropriate teaching, said person latches on to a set of "juggalo" ideals which leaves that person doomed to be counterproductive and a scourge on society.


guy: I'm a juggalo.

girl: You're an idiot and completely pathetic.

guy: Your a dumb fuckin bitch who smells like dogshit and you couldn't pay me to ever talk to u again. I dont care what you think about me because i am part of a family.

girl: Great, see ya later.

juggalo có nghĩa là

An often marginalized youth identifying with the music, values, and propaganda of a musical group called the Insane Clown Posse.


Man 1: My son is going through a phase. Man 2: Oh? Man 1: Yeah, he likes this rap group called The Insane Clown Posse. He listens to their music at high volumes, wears their t-shirts which have logos of human silhouettes running with hachets or sinister clown faces, refers to himself as a 'juggalo', speaks of strange dogmas, and insists on buying a sort of pop called 'faygo'. Man 2: Hmm, that's weird.

juggalo có nghĩa là

A member of a gang. Plain and simple. You can call them "family" if you want. But it's still a gang. They have a clear leader (ICP). They claim a phisical territory (usually a mall or nearby park). And I've yet to meet a juggalo who doesn't commit crimes on a regular basis. If you don't thats great, sorry so many others ruin it for you.


A juggalo is just another crypt or blood as far as I'm concerned. Just instead of fighting over favorite color, most will attack you (but they only attack in groups anywa) if you don't like ICP.

I personally have been jumped and threatened with murder and rape by juggalos before, all because I wandered into the wrong park to be with my girl. There's your fucking family for you.

I'll never say i hate juggalos because I don't believe in hate. But if you have ever hit someone or bitched someone out for not liking ICP you are a juggafag. I now some cool juggalos they know my veiws and we're square, they don't talk about ICP around me I don't talk shit about ICP around them.

juggalo có nghĩa là

a little pussy ass goth boy. that likes it in the ass


fuck off juggalo. ur a little pussy ass bitch

juggalo có nghĩa là

Inane white trash individuals, rendered mentally defective from years of trailerpark inbreeding. The realization of self inadequecy leads said individuals to both relate to, and even idolize, the equally imbecilic "music" group Insane Clown Posse. see also: douche bag


Man, trailer trash douche bags who call themselves juggalos just piss everyone off.

juggalo có nghĩa là

Likely to be synonymous with either 'cretin' or 'retard'. Exceptions are rare indeed, and are simply a matter of poor taste, and can (thankfully) be educated out of juggalo status.


Look at that juggalo over there - he thinks he's so deep and non-conformist, but he'd got a string of drool halfway to the floor and has a corporate logo, the hatchetman, tattooed on his arm. God, I hope he's sterile.

juggalo có nghĩa là

A counterproductive person that attempts to be an individual but since everybody else pretends in similar ways, they be came a contradictory group. Mainly Insane Clown Posse fans, they believe in something called "Prophecy of the Dark Carnival" which is equivalent to a Circus version of Scientology. According to them, your fate is determined by, get this, a jack-in-the-box. The prophecy sounds like a random spiel of crap thought up by a gothic kid on an acid trip at the circus. Anyways, Juggalos, despite their codes and laws and such, are far from original/unique do to the fact that they basically act like ICP.


Juggalo: I'm so unique.
Juggalo2: So am I!
Juggalo: No, you're just a poser of ICP, fag!
Juggalo2: Dude, you're wearing an ICP shirt and drinking Faygo!
Juggalo: But you're a poser, I'm unique!
Juggalo3: I'm the most unique.
Juggalo2: Hey, we're supposed to love... Wanna go drink faygo and talk about the Dark Carnival?
Juggalo3: I wanna ride the Dark Rollercoaster!

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